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Everything posted by AlanSteel

  1. Hi Julie, looking at your lodgement date, we lodged on 30th May 2014, and have not heard anything from IMMI yet, but since seeing our medical results, have de-stressed a tad. Just saying so to help quell some anxiety.
  2. Hi Kath, we hadn't completed this till I saw it in peoples signature lists, so I contacted our MA who advised it is better to have it completed, than not. We didn't ask why we just completed it, so it is done if needed.
  3. Hi Moomin, we have only asked for paper copies, but having spoken to our doctors, should more be needed, we just write in and ask (once paid for) they will send. At our doctors, we can also purchase if required electrical views. Paper for us we think. but bases covered if they need more in Oz.
  4. Talking about Mexicans.....sorry medicals, I found a template that you might find useful, when contacting your doctor this end, asking for copies of your medical records. And for those planning when should I ask, they are obliged to action your request in 40 days max. Dear Sir or Madam Subject Medical Records Access Name, DOB, previous address, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Please supply the information about me I am entitled to under the Data Protection Act 1998 relating to my personal medical records. If you need any more information from me, or a fee, please let me know as soon as possible. It may be helpful for you to know that a request for information under the Data Protection Act 1998 should be responded to within 40 days, however, I am due to emigrate to Australia on 30th May 2016, and would ask if you can consider completing these as soon as possible please? I only require a paper version of my records please. I will call in to collect my records, once you can confirm that they are ready for collection. If you do not normally deal with these requests, please pass this letter to your Data Protection Officer. Yours faithfully Your Name/Signature
  5. Hi Lorraine, click settings button, on the top of the page near the facebook logo, and then on the left of the screen you will see edit signature, click that and away you go...............
  6. Hi Lisa there is more to it than that, you need to complete another form, Form 929 Change of Passport form - https://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/929.pdf
  7. Good luck Maisie, but please hurry up, I'm a May 30th Lodgment, and only got one bum cheek on the seat in the waiting room, need to shuffle along and get both on!! :wink:
  8. I saw something on the site yesterday regarding the addition payment required when paying the AOS, is it $300 or £200 please?
  9. After seeing my medical results had been sent to DIPD, I asked the medical centre where we were tested for my results..................... A Grade no issues. As expected, but it's a great stress reliever to see it in the report!! Happy weekend everyone :wink:
  10. emedical site now says completed and sent to Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). I'm guessing anything seriously wrong the health centre here in UK would have been in touch?
  11. Well I think as far as the Visa process we can do, is done, just got to sit back chill out and relax! Listening to a bit Of 1970' Rod........ :cool:
  12. Nice update.......... 24 days till us :ssign19:, reckon it will be less, if it can just go a bit faster downhill!!
  13. Having just completed ours, we were told to sign them and sent to MA, but not to date them. If nothing changes by the time they are called for, the MA will date them. But if there were changes, then we would need to redo them. Given the time doing them, we have stopped our weekends in Europe, so we don't have anything to amend!! @Val Tibenham, We have completed ours now, and not due a case officer for another month or so. No harm in doing them now, and my Form 80 took me 4 hours or so to complete, due to traveling we have done over the past 10 years, and because I couldn't find my Military records, took me a while to plot out where and what I was doing in that time period.
  14. Hi Kim We were told it would take 3 weeks for the HIV test to be sent away and returned, as this wasn't something the clinic we went to do, completed on site apparently. I hope it's not like school, my grades where never good!!
  15. Just checked Imedical, as test results were due to complete today, all tests now in, but imedical now shows '501 Medical Examination Awaiting Grading' whereas yesterday this was showing completed...................... is this normal?
  16. Welcome and good luck with your move. We are not sure where we will settle, but we are stying with my son and his girlfriend in Lockridge whilst our freight is on its way. Jobs will dictate to a point, but from what we have seen anywhere will do!
  17. Cheers Phil, but I am using a microsoft based PC, reckon it's me, with these new fang dangle machines!!! Completed mine earlier this morning, just waiting for MA to approve, then we can get Karen's completed, which should be easier, (famous last words!)
  18. Don't say this too loud, but I may have it sussed! Time will tell when I come to save the thing!!
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