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Everything posted by Echidna66

  1. Yes arriving in the UK is quite depressing with all the black veils and darth vaders everywhere and the smell is horrible..thats why I love the clean fresh air in Tasmania..
  2. Its just a dusty old town, with a few well paid jobs that will be out of reach of the majority, so what the hell is the attraction of moving there and paying horrific prices for everything...Its ridiculous and wont last long..
  3. Who on earth would want to live in Darwin anyway...As said before its pathetic how the cost of living soars as soon as a major construction project begins in a backwater town...I live in Tassie after spending 2 years in boring WA and wouldnt live anywhere else in Australia..
  4. What on earth is the problem..What on earth does the bank have to do with booking an airline ticket...Cant you just go to emirates.com or Singapore airlines.com and book a flight..Thats what I have always done and never had any problems..Dont need to speak to anyone, just book and pay online..How much simpler could it get?
  5. I think you will find the whole world is living in a big bubble ready to pop...not just Australia..The whole world is living in a big bubble which is going to pop big time very soon..
  6. Tax time..Yippee, lets open a bottle of bubbly...Oh isnt it wonderful....time to celebrate....That seems to be how tax time is viewed here in Australia..Its pathetic..
  7. Thats because cats wander night time and kill nesting birds and wildlife and you dont see them...They are another weapon in the human races destruction of our planets wildlife slowly but surely..
  8. I live in Tasmania...I know not where you are planning to go...Tasmania is over-run with cats and they are destroying small wildlife including bandicoots, Ringtail possums and lots of other wildlife..They also spread toxoplasmosis through their filthy excrement which lives in grasses and when wildlife eat these grasses the parasite passes into their system causing blindness and a lingering death to our wildlife...Please dont contribute to Australias wildlife extinction..
  9. You may need a robot vaccum cleaner..It could become a good friend..
  10. No definately not...There are enough vermin here in Australia destroying our wildlife..Leave the cat where there isnt any wildlife to worry about ...Please.
  11. Only been through Darwin a couple of times...and I always thought that Perth was one of the most boring,bland places on this planet, until I went to Darwin..
  12. I know of some people who have 457 visas , and they live in Singapore, India and Thailand and work for this company on an occasional basis when the said company has a contract in Australia...These people pay no tax in Australia, and dont get paid out of Australia..So this Govt is giving out 457 visas and not enforcing their tax laws..Funny hey?
  13. Could be alot more on the way too. BHP may soon lay off another 3000 workers from their iron ore facilty, and reduce salaries for contractors by 15%..The big business and govts plan is coming to fruition with the reduced wages..This has been their plan all along by allowing mass migration into WA, whilst australians sit back mute and comatose watching the footy..The next step not tooo far away will be to disband the unions and reduce salries even more, whilst still allowing 457 visa holders to pour into the state..and work for less.
  14. Time for a blue rinse..Do you really belive everything you hear on the news??..Do you really believe everything this lying Govt tells you...I think the answer is yes? Has it ever occured to you that Govts of the world want to enslave their populations and have total control of our lives and this is a fantastic excuse for them to achieve their goals??
  15. Tasmania..The uncrowded paradise of Australia.
  16. End of financial year checklist...Most important is to find an accountant that is working for YOU and not the ATO, this seems to be very difficult in Australia as I have discovered.
  17. Just make sure the accountant is working for YOU and not the ATO..I find very often here in OZ the accountant works for them and not us..
  18. Typical immigrants that have no idea...Why would anyone bring cats and dogs all the way from the UK to Australia..Do you realise how much wildlife there is in Australia that neeeds help from caring people. Instead of paying all that money to bring these cats and dogs here, which we dont need, you could help what makes Australia what it is, its wild animals and help them instead...What do you think is this a good or bad idea.??
  19. Well of course having 4 kids would be expensive..Whats wrong with just 2 kids?
  20. The world is heading towards world war 3 and all you lot have on your mind is watching men running around chasing a ball...No wonder the world is in free fall.
  21. I live in Tasmania and when I watch the traffic watch on the news every night with the horrific traffic jams at 6pm every night in Melbourne, my advise would be no dont move to melbourne, its so overcrowded now its horrific...Look at Tassie where there are no traffic jams and hardly any people at least where I live..Its paradise..
  22. As if its not painful enough having to listen to the world cup on the news night after night, now there is this..What is it with peoples obsession with watching men if you can call them that, chasing a ball around a field..Roll on the time when its all over....
  23. Its really a no brainer, and i know which I would choose... Dubai = Tax Free. Australia = ridiculously high taxes.
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