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Everything posted by CaptainC

  1. May I suggest that you start a Google docs spreadsheet similar to this one > https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FbZvlgMTC54aMv2LVhtcQuBXMfUkIpydWuZAAFHf8-Y/htmlview?pli=1 And then you can post the link to the spreadsheet.
  2. Yes that's fine. As long as you don't publish phone numbers, names, or private email addresses.
  3. I know that at Brisbane I just did it over the phone so that's unusual. Try freo.examiner instead. Otherwise you'll have to call back and confirm the address. You're right, you can't do anything with visa until you have your skills assessment in your hand. (But if you mean your tourist visa for travel to Australia for orals then you can go ahead now with that)
  4. If it says AFTER 31st Dec 2016 and your CoC expires ON 31st Dec 2016, then you have your answer. The continued competence part of STCW 2010 doesn't come into effect until 1st January 2017.
  5. 1. Book orals over the phone at your preferred examination centre. Contact details available on the AMSA website. Exam fee AUD430 paid by credit card over the phone. Yes you can resit exam after 2 weeks has passed. 2. See AMSA website for booking line number (it should also be on your assessment letter). Medical exam fees vary but likely to be roughly AUD400-450. Must be taken BEFORE orals, give enough time to allow your chest X-ray to be reviewed to obtain the medical certificate (YOU CANNOT SIT ORAL EXAM WITHOUT CERTIFICATE OF MEDICAL FITNESS, IN YOUR HAND) 3. GMDSS certificate is applied for via AMSA 419. Complete this form and take with you to the oral exam. Current fees are posted on the form. 4. You will likely need to do continued competence if that is what your letter says. Check with AMSA. 5. IELTS is not required at this stage but you may do it if you wish.
  6. 1. Book orals over the phone and pay by credit card. 2. Complete AMSA419 and take it with you for the orals, you'll need to take the original certificates with you so that they can sight them. 3. Pay the balance of the fees for issue of the certificates.
  7. You can private message me within the forum, or ask questions here. I don't give my personal details out. Also, please don't post your email address on the forum, I've removed it from your post.
  8. It's not a requirement to undertake prep classes. If you are confident that you can get through the orals through self study then do so, otherwise take the prep course. Regarding the master orals, I think you'd be ok to sit the Masters for a CoC as long as you have satisfied all of the requirements necessary to do so. Contact AMSA or the AMC for a definitive answer on this. Allow at least 5 days to travel over and sit the oral exam and have the medical. Hotels vary in price, as do flights. Probably best that you look on a travel website for a good answer. For me when I went to Brisbane, it cost roughly AUD 1700 excluding flights for 10 nights accommodation in Brisbane. Oral exam is AUD 430, and medicals was also AUD 430
  9. I'll have a look at doing it today. I'm very busy at the moment though, just joined the ship today.
  10. Only if you are intending on claiming the points for it.
  11. Yes, all government websites are permitted including the DIBP website. My post refers to other commercial websites and forums. Thanks
  12. Welcome to the forum. Get a few more posts under your belt and the restriction on the signature will be lifted automatically.
  13. Hi all, Once again some members have been posting links or references to an external website. I'd like to remind members that any reference to any external commercial sites and forums are not permitted. This thread is being monitored and any person breaching the forum rules in this way will be dealt with. Persistent offenders or members attempting to circumvent the forum software are likely to start receiving suspensions from the site. This will be a last resort, so once again I'd like to respectfully ask members to please respect the rules set by the site owners. Note: references or links to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection website and other non commercial or government websites are always permitted. Thank you.
  14. Thanks that would be helpful. Yes they expect a full working knowledge of the legislation. Take a look at the deck officer oral exam papers and look for any common themes, this may help you.
  15. Yes of course that's possible if you want to do that. Bear in mind though that you may not meet anyone doing the same ticket. Your time would most likely be better spent going through the regulatory instruments unique to Australia. Such as the OH&S (Maritime industry) Act, Marine Orders, Navigation Act etc. These are extensive documents, and to thoroughly understand them then it will take a lot of time. If you wish to provide the questions to me afterwards then I can add them to the Dropbox and start a separate engineer folder in there to help any future engineering candidates.
  16. Not at all. I'm curious to know why you think they would do that. It's a ticket to show competence, so if I was an examiner I'd be extremely upset with that question. They will only tell you to follow the syllabus. The syllabus is here > http://www.amsa.gov.au/seafarers/int-qualifications/examinations/documents/appendix9-syllabus-amsa-oral-exam-certificate-recognition-engineer-watckeeper.pdf Be fully prepared for any technical questions over and above these guidelines.
  17. Sorry, I can't give any guidance for Engineers, it's not my field. I would say though that as I mentioned to the other member on this thread to seek out the syllabus for C/E CoC on the AMSA website.
  18. Hi Bret, please see this post regarding calling DIBP http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/showthread.php?t=237227 Regards, CaptainC
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