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Everything posted by Shellybingobingo

  1. Haha of course you would be more than welcome !
  2. [ATTACH=CONFIG]31222[/ATTACH] And we all need a bit of dancing queen Pmsl .... Love it !
  3. [ATTACH=CONFIG]31220[/ATTACH] Now that's my pommie Christmas lol whoops up side ya head haha
  4. [ATTACH=CONFIG]31218[/ATTACH] And it's not like I don't make a effort here at Christmas neither it just doesn't blow me frock up no matter how hard I try no matter how much effort I put in it still wasn't my good old pommie Christmas lol
  5. It it is difficult lol , I mean anyone would think I don't get out and walk around with my face on the floor ! I'm always out and about ! Always eat out every weekend , we go out its not that , I went shopping yesterday I am always mostly doing something anyway! I don't sit around moping lol UK is nice bristolman aswell yea u have variety ! I feel like I haven't had a Christmas for 3 years lol I'm not very good explaining in posts I don't suppose lol I know what I mean and everyone is different
  6. no they don't come into the equation lol , but I'm also in a funnie position because my other two kids love it ! What if I go back and my son who will stay here has kids lol , hope to God not yet ! My son and fiancé in UK have got careers to get them in here if they so wish later ! I just don't know ! If it was just me and hubby consider we would of been gone by now . Although my hubby is happy with his job now , in the UK there is more professional jobs more professionally recognised they are just behind here . He thinks it will come like most things but it frustrating he says lol .
  7. i hear what ya saying fifi69 , there is good days in the sun , there is a lot of things I do miss though , and with having a son in UK who has children now , you do question what is important. It suits some I suppose but not others , but I also know there is more professional career opportunities for my husband also , so he won't comitt yet to the place because of the way thing are here atm .
  8. i have another grandchild due in January! Something I underestimated never thought they would have kids for a long while lol , and I have created a few of my own problems i suppose it's not been all Australia's fault lol , major bad timing is one thing here , job market etc ... Another , soft as they come with my kids and spoon fed them and made sure my son got on property market in UK because of my grandson ! But the job market here hasn't been the norm for us ! Well for hubby not so much me ! Lol oh well ya live and learn hey
  9. If I knew what I knew now I'd of stayed put but that's me , you will need to be pretty loaded for all four of u go back twice a year , I've been back twice on my own in 3 years , lovely to go back , but not very nice travelling on ya own knowing ya hubbies this end you are travelling on yaself . Give it serious thought although I'm getting better sort of , had lots of bumps in the 3 yrs , I'm 44 in just over a week and that's 3 years I won't get back , I sat on the sofa eating my cornflakes watching wanted down under thinking I'm going sit on that beach what a life lol , it is nothing like being abroad , it is like living where you lived but hotter , you need to work , you need to clean , you need to shop , blah blah , going abroad to me was getting excited lying on a subbed being waited on for two weeks doing sweet fa lol serious thought ! ! ! I miss home every single day I pine for what I Had and what I'm missing ! Not so easy go back when u have older kids neither ! Although I'm seeing it through for a while longer and see where I'm at , if I still feel the same after citizenship I will go back ! Me kids might not though ! One of them definitely won't !
  10. Well if if fergie has any sense she will stay well away ! Perv !
  11. At it like rabbits lol , but then I suppose they want them close together or maybe it was a accident if it's true that is
  12. I doubt that's true , in woman's own magazine other day she was pregnant with her 3 rd apparently:)
  13. They might go stiff but give them a 5 minute blast in the dryer ! Soft as a baby's bum lol
  14. I have a front loader all the way ! Top loaders ruin ya clothes ! Lol love the smell of comfort that's why I use it and if u put a tablespoon of salt in ya wash it locks in the colour ! White vinegar is good for ya washer on a 90 degree wash when empty lol every couple of weeks run white vinegar through it ! And always leave ya door open never shut it ! And ya shower screens after having a shower leave them open too lol
  15. Comfort half price in Coles this morning 3:49 I had 12 bottles get yaself a in there lol
  16. Well I do get it like if you are royalty or a billionaire who eats caviar and shoots animals but they are just posh knobs !
  17. I've been to Brighton didn't like it at all lol it's where I concieved my eldest son on holiday lol but I wasn't keen on Brighton I suppose everyone's different mind you that was 26 years ago I went and I don't get this middle upper and lower class business people are people ! Some people are so full of themselves at times ! I just don't get it !
  18. I don't really mind them painting it to be honest it's got to be a home for them , I can sort anything out even if they were dirty buggas I could bring it back like a shiny new pin ! As long as they don't trash it and knock walls down I'm not too fussed , yea the estate agents we pay full management fees to and I don't know what for tbh , they were ten days late with the rent this has happened 3 times but the estate agents email us lol , my hubby rang them and sorted it the rent went in the next day ! They said do you want us send them a warning , well not really as long as they pay it within that month I don't mind a bit late , but if they missed all together that's different lol I'm a neutral colour person don't mind a feature wall but when the whole skirts door frames doors and walls get painted blue and orange I carny help thinking omg lol but as long as the don't wreck it I'm happy enough with that can sort anything else out myself
  19. ThatThat post was answering cal sorry parley lol and yes parley practically begged how old are you get with the program of today !australia there is not many opportunities today parley ! Not as easy as 7 years ago when there was boards up on every street corner according to my friend welder a wanted boiler makers wanted ! Not as easy today as ya abc . And my hubbie thinks it will get worse before better . And for people of my age they want young blood because of cost ! Most jobs I can do that is . Now u are just a really grumpy old man or u just have it in for me for some reason ! if I post negative I get shot down if I post a sense of humour I get shot down if I post a bit of positivity about my son I still get shot Down !
  20. Haha my sons a charmer too , but also academic and had enough of it ! Not that his dad's happy about that but you carny force your kids ! They may realise later or maybe they will be happy doing what they doing ! My son was straight into Australia from College in UK so also had no experience in anything . I think he used his cheeky charm and said go on give us a shot and he explained how long he had been trying ! This isn't a apparentice he has it's a full time trade job ! And door knocking and calling in for me I have tried myself and they say apply online ! Always had that apply online since being here ! Although I have a job still waiting on paper work for me 2nd casual job lol wa for ya !
  21. My son in Perth and qld now , tried everything to get a apprentice! He got nothing for two years and Christmas last year he was choking back tears ! Tears from a kid I've never seen upset before might I add ! He was on the verge of going back to UK ! There isn't opportunities around for the young in qld my sons girlfriend is Ozzie and she has tried everything to get a job also and nothing ! She is doing her nursing which starts in October I think she said ! My son applied for tons of apprenticeships and nothing ! Maybe whe still at school cal is different! Anyway after 2 years of trying and I went everywhere with him out in the pouring rain the lot he managed get a interview and practically begged the guy for the job ! It was absolutely tipping it down with rain that day of his interview, some roads were closed with flooding , I drove through this water and crapped myself but he was getting to that one interview if I had to swim lol anyway the guy give him a chance and he came to him a few weeks back and said I'm glad I gave you the chance because you are the back bone of the team ! My son is as happy as a pig in muck now ! I carny believe the change in him and I'm so proud of him too for not giving up although he did hit rock bottom:) only down fall he's in bed at 8 o'clock every night and up at 4 lol
  22. yes jock in tas , I would move back to where I was bought up actually back in my house lol although I would have to probably have to do some home renovation after someone else has lived in it ! They've painted one of the bedrooms orange and blue skirting boards and doors too lol ! The real estate told us ! And we said to keep it neutral ! But I love my UK house I wouldn't ever part with it and I tried living in Leicester we bought a house there in Broughton astley and I couldn't settle there so we sold that and moved back where I belonged lol and It felt like home as soon as I walked in it so I would definitely move back to my old house ! If it comes to that ! Home is where the heart is as they say
  23. I think marrisa , you have been away from the UK far too long to feel like you belong now . I went back in May and June and the minute I stepped off that plane I was home ! And it felt so normal like I did belong ! I am getting a bit better here in settling living in this2 bed with me hubby is quite cosy actually lol . But I could of quite easily slipped back in as normal when I was back there felt so right to me . Maybe you are too Australian now because u have been out of England along time . I'm just very home sick still but only 3 yrs but am getting a bit better !
  24. yea my sons fiancé is a early years school teacher ! And it doesn't matter how long it takes you lol ! Ya not missing much at the moment haha ! Just take each day as it comes and plod along with it they reckon there is jobs for teachers in kalagorie don't know how spell that lol not without looking it up anyway
  25. Why don't you apt for visas anyway under you ! Why has it got be ta hubbie ! R school teachers not on the list now ? Just get ya visa from your job and worry about where U R going find a job after ! You have five years once you have them anything can change !
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