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Everything posted by Shellybingobingo

  1. I am renting in Brisbane until December 2nd just to get my son through school , I am renting a two bed house now in Perth due to husbands job total for both rents $900 a week . I can also tell you Brisbane is not booming , Brisbane government though still spending on infrastructure based on money gained on previous projects ie Lng , but these are at a end . My husband worked FIFO on design in Brisbane we have saved enough money for a deposit for a house and now working in Perth in a good job full time . Truth is though we are not confident in the current economy, work situations and housing market , and therefore will not buy at this time . If you cannot gaurentee work and believe that house prices will fall anyway , why would you buy now ! It would be nice for us to be in our own home,but won't let our heart rule our head .
  2. you've summed it up pretty well there ! I think you've hit the nail on the head .
  3. Hi I got the job ! In fact I got two jobs ! Like buses lol ! So I've took them both !
  4. no no guilt because if it was other way around they wouldn't feel guilty for you ! They would be swing from the lamp shades telling us on forums what a fantastic life they are having ! Lol
  5. Oh ... I'm with you now lol sorry ! No I wouldn't feel guilty because what can you do ! You carny give people your visa ! Lol so no although sympathetic but nothing you can do !
  6. Went well ell but we shall see ! Thank you
  7. No I wouldn't feel guilty if I was leave here , I have nothing to feel guilty about , I feel guilty for leaving my son in UK though every single day . I feel guilty I'm missing out on my grandkids ! But I probably will feel guilty actually if I did decide to leave Australia because my other 2 boys like it ! Ones staying in brissie regardless of what I do and moving in with his girlfriend mum and dad ! My other one will be coming here end of November ! so guilty all round because my middle one won't budge either way ! So if I did go back UK I have my other son and grandson and new grandchild on the way ! But my other son still here ! So yes guilt for that reason no other reason ! Lol too complicated I hate thinking about it !
  8. On a positive though I have another interview this afternoon lol:) but I shall not be holding my breath!
  9. You our don't need explain jock in tas people do what they like ! Don't be put off by people thinking why are you on here ! ! It's nothing do with anybody else what you do with your time ! Life is too short to live with regrets ! I won't get them 3 years back ! I'm so peed of about that actually lol
  10. no need to explain .,, if people were living the dream as they say they wouldn't be on here neither ! You do what you want with your time and don't let anyone tell you what to do ! I'm not trying put people off from moving here and I don't hate Australia ! But I do still think UK is fab but that's me and you by sounds of it . Lol . Nobody tells me what I can and carny do ! I am me and I will do what I like ! That's the same for everyone ! I'm just saying chels is putting his point across that it's all milk and honey ! Maybe a few years ago but different today ! ! people can come here I don't want put them off ! It all depends what you do ! And when you came ! And I don't want anyone lose their money ! Risk they take people say of course it is but for people with families would anyone want be in that predicament . No nobody would and nobody would be happy if they were ! You carry on bristolman I think you are quite funnie actually
  11. I I already know that jockintas lol but according to some people oh well I'm not getting involved in that because we all know where that leads lol
  12. I never found chels offensive not at all lol he's entitled to his opinion even if I don't agree on points he made ! I think he's just showing what people can achieve in oz all good if they better off here ! What I find absurd people saying they living the lifestyle and it's amazing money blah blah blah far better than they had in UK which is fine if it's working out for them , but how can it be a better lifestyle to be on a 4:1 rota in the middle of nowhere ! Not seeing much just a bedroom like a prison cell ! Whatever blows people frocks up ! Living the dream ... About lifestyle not money they say ... Great ! Amazing ! Fill ya boots ! Lol not offensive though ! I'm pleased for him if that's what rocks his boat ! I just shouldn't of rocked mine that's all but it's a bit tuff now lol for now at least !
  13. Lol kiwi , I'm negative nelly me I think I need change my user name to that haha . I don't need go see anyone lol I am of a sound mind believe it or not ! Im as mad as a box of frogs ! But keeps me young at heart ! Lol some love me some hate me lol not my problem I carny help that ! I either blow their frock up or I don't ! But that will be the same for everyone ! We are all different ! Don't worry kiwi I'm on the ball lol I'm not daft hope next year comes around fast for you but enjoy while you can
  14. Hi kwiinaus ! No worries nice to see you too ! I think we all spit our dummy out once in a while lol . Sorry if I offended you too ! Sorry to hear about us mum hope all goes well for her ! And I'm sure you will do right by her , why wouldn't you its your mum . Glad to hear ya getting ya UK plans in motion . I wish you the very best kiwi
  15. Like I said in 2006 house prices were cheaper at this point in time the mining boom is over , commodity prices are low , construction projects coming to a end , unemployment is higher . These are all facts you just happen to be pleased because things are working out for you and for your information my other half earned more than that without going FIFO . Having said that it's no good having that earning potential if jobs are not available . As I said before it is difficult for people coming here now . UK has more opportunities , more industries than just mining and oil and gas . Holden and Toyota will no longer be producing cars in Australia , car manufacturing is still going on in UK on a big scale , Toyota is made in derby sold to Japan etc ... Actually you haven't got your facts right at all and you cannot say people are lazy if they cannot get a job when there are a lot less fewer jobs around now , people still have to work in the UK you know , your comments are opinionated and not substantiated by facts . Just because things have always happened doesn't mean they will continue to do so , history shows us this . something Australia needs to learn work smarter not harder ....being stupid is far more detrimental than being lazy .
  16. I mi will answer you in a bit I'm just having my tea
  17. Look ok it's just that a few years ago the economy here was better , mining doing well , more jobs , so people prospered then . It's different now, less jobs hence less opportunities , increased house prices and mining boom over . People made contacts during the good times but for people coming now they have fewer contacts , no Australian experience in now a tight job market . UK economy is booming compared to here . I already had it all in the UK and I didn't need to come here to get it . That damn bloody sun grass hasn't been greener for us noway ! I'm glad for those it's been good for ! But your salary you are stating are you really really happy to be working away in the mines for so called good money as you think to be living away from home ! Whatever blows your frock up
  18. My friends includes packing she carnt be doing with the hassle got too much else sort out in the next 4 week so the shippers are packing for her 9200 10,000 with ins ! Have given loads to charity or it would of been more than that
  19. My friend goes back in 4 weeks pick fords 28 foot is 9200 dollars ! They said they busy with people going back ! But that's who's shipping me mates ! Insurance is extra $800 extra I think she said !
  20. I have offered to work for a couple of weeks for free to see how I go and the answer is still thanks but no thanks so I've give up now ! Just going do my own little thing and see where it takes me !
  21. So I have invested in a 2700 dollar iron anyone want any ironing doing lol
  22. Cafes are only interested in the young because they are cheap ! I walked in one week before last asked they said drop in your cv ! Dropped in my cv and they said looking through them Wednesday ! I went for a interview at a little cafe also 2 weeks ago and they said they have taken on now but will keep me on file for food prep when they get busier in the summer ! I will not hold my breath! Sat my barista and coffee art course ! But unless ya young or a amazing barista ! Then for me it will always be no ! But a back packer might be different!
  23. Plenty of people who talk bullshit ......and you don't have to look for them
  24. hi kiwi no need to apologise it's is fine really ! I'm just going fetch me hubby but I shall pm UK privately lots of love coming your way , but I will pm you as soon as I get chance big hugs and no need to apologise honestly xxxxxxxxx
  25. Hi im just in taxi to airport lol , no I've been a few pubs like that and paid around that and also a fillet for 15 dollars don't like rump break me teeth lol it's got be a fillet if 15 dollars I can find a fillet I'll be in there Marrisa haha xx
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