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Everything posted by Stamford1

  1. Stamford1


    Just had the call from the vets, our 2 dogs have both tested positive, needed 0.5 both registered 1.9. Their bloods were taken on 4/11, so 2 weeks and 1 day wait. Am I correct in assuming that day 0 of quarantine commenced the day their bloods were taken? stuart
  2. Stamford1


    The vet said it could be 2 weeks. On a more positive note, we were told today that dogs flying after 3/2/14 only need to spend 10 days in quarantine, this is really good news, we were dreading ours being in there for 30 days.
  3. A really good and honest view. We are moving to Sydney in the coming weeks and your $140k salary sounds really good. If you can't manage on that money, then people must be on mega money to enable them to live there. We were initially looking at places close to the coast but the nearer you get, it seems the more you pay and then get far less for your outlay. We have taken the view that we want a nice house in a good area with a good school for our 10 year old. We won't be close to the beach but we won't be more than an hours drive away if we want it. Rental prices are scary and to give over half your monthly income away in rent and utilities is never going to work. Hope you find the jobs and wage you want.
  4. Stamford1


    Our two are having their bloods taken on 4th Nov, which will be 4 weeks and 3 days after their injections, fingers crossed they come back fine.
  5. He maybe but only time will tell. I live and die by by own decisions and that's the way it should be. Some great advice given on here and some very interesting views. I have learnt a lot. many thanks to everyone for your inputs. Really helpful.
  6. I am not getting into an argument with you. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and you are entitled to yours, which I totally respect. I don't know you and you certainly don't know me. I have always been honest with my kids, they know exactly what the position is. We are an extremely close family and a life in Oz will not split us up.
  7. I won't go into detail about benefits, it's a sore point. He is not entitled due to him living at home and my income. But of course he is not dependant, he is an adult earning a wage! you maybe right re not getting a visa but of course you may also be wrong. Where there is a will there is a way.
  8. Absolutely spot on. However there is no consistency my son is on an apprenticeship, which I argued is education to get his qualification, he is earning less than a student bar maid but does not qualify as a dependant. Obviously it's close to my heart as he is my child and it was me who withdrew him from the application, before they declined him. It's now history but hopefully others can learn from my experience. We will all go to Oz. The worst that can happen after 12 months, if they can't stay, we all come home.
  9. Rupert its actually 4 hours per night x 3 = 12 hours per week for that money. It's part time not full time. The point I am making is, if an adult child is working those hours and in full time education, they are classed as dependant in the immigrations eyes. Yes at the age of 18 in the UK they are classed as adults, other countries such as the USA they are not, as they cannot drink alcohol until 21. With regard to older people, again it's a matter of interpretation. A parent can be classed as dependant in certain circumstances. They may well have worked all their life and have enough money to support themselves but can still be classed as dependant.
  10. An adult earning £125 per week, cannot possibly afford to rent anywhere let alone eat but as you say, if an adult is working they don't get classed as dependant, however if they are in full time education and work on a bar 3 nights a week, earning the same amount, they are dependant. It's crazy.
  11. What really gets me annoyed is the proving of dependency. A 17 year old who lives near us is on 3 times the wage of my sons apprenticeship wage and yet he would be classed as dependant.
  12. Thats really helpful, thank you so much. We have been looking at the Castle Hill area and the homes look really nice plus you appear to get so much more for your money. We do need a good school for our youngest, he is 10 and in year 6 here in the UK. We believe he will do an extra year at primary in Oz, so a start date in January for him will be ideal. The only concern I had with using the bus, was the traffic jams but at you have kindly advised about the bus lanes, that will be fine. Thanks very much indeed
  13. Not yet decided if we will actually go yet. We have 2 adult children who are not being classed as dependants. If we can sort that out we are going to Sydney.
  14. I guess a lot depends on the Case Officer who looks at the application and what side of bed they get out of. There does not seem to be any consistency. Rupert, thanks very much for your input, very much appreciated. To all others who have taken the time to post, thank you. I will update you on what we decide to do.
  15. it all comes down to what the case officer deems as dependant. For example if we were to sell up in the UK, my kids would have nowhere to live and do not earn enough money to afford to rent anywhere, we more than proved that but because they both earn a wage they are not classed as dependant. Anyway it is what it is, no point in looking back. I just need to find a way forward for us all.
  16. That's where we failed ! The agent we used said we had a really strong case, so wrong.
  17. Thanks for this. They were not actually refused but would have been had we not taken them off the application. So IF we come as a family, is there any avenue for them to take which will enable them to stay with us until we get PR, or would they need to leave after the visa expires in 12 months?
  18. We lodged our application on 27/9 Approved 17/10
  19. Yes, I totally understand what you are saying. If you knew what advice I have been given to date, you would understand why I am asking real people about their real life experiences and what actually happens in the real world. It's been a crazy few weeks.
  20. I do apologise, it was not you who said they could not study. The advice we have had to date has not been the best ever, to be honest. I wanted to ask others views who could possibly have been in a similar position to ours. I am totally new to this forum and am obviously not as knowledgable as you. I will learn as I go along and hopefully over time I could be in a position to help others. I don't believe it is helpful or inspiring to be rude.
  21. Absolutely. I am aware of the fees and am happy to pay them. What concerned me was you saying they could not study, as we have been told they can.
  22. Thanks, we are really pleased to have got our 457 approved but obviously are now worried as to how as a family we can all come. My daughter is 21 and has accountancy qualifications but she wants a completely new life in Oz and wants to study Make Up art when she arrives. My son is 20 and is in his last year of an apprenticeship to become a electrical engineer, he won't be coming until June next year when he gets his qualification. We believe he will need to take a conversion course and he is prepared to go back into study when he arrives to achieve this. It goes without saying the bank of Mum & Dad will be providing for them, whilst they are in education.
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