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Everything posted by markieboi

  1. Boarding my plane in a few hours !!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Be prepared to do anything! And I mean anything ! Also look for help with an Ozzie style cv , that should help :-)
  3. So sad to hear you are worried , I'm going on a whv 3weeks today and its daunting , I have a partner here but we arnt on good terms so the break will do us good but if I like it I'm going to stay! Please don't give up, you obv have a yearning for something more so atleast try it , think of it as more of a long holiday to start , for me I'm going to work ( I've got a job set up) and see if I like the culture! Things never change here and we are connected to so many people , but don't you want to curries sometimes and make your own life. As I said treat it like a nice long holiday and go from there ! Mark x
  4. I've just applied with NAB took 10 mins and was pretty straight forward ! Great you can go collect your card from the bank ! Will save a fortune !
  5. Hi Matty, im going on a whv in 3 weeks time , I'm taking my iPhone but leaving my iPad at home so I can face time my mum , I don't want to be weighed down by gadgets , however if you think ud get the use out if it , check your insurance will cover it. If it dosnt I wouldn't risk it ! Have a great trip !
  6. Ooo just like the uk , we don't usually go out till after 11 , that's cool
  7. Ill actually be working in Giles although the food poisoning thing is slightly worrying however it was over two years ago and it's still open. Canberra does seem so large with all these different places and no matter how often I look at a map I feel lost in it all ... Haha, poor little pom wondering round Canberra . My employer has found me a place to stay but no details yet ! I had booked the yha but thank god I don't have to stay in a hostel , there's one thing staying there as a backpacker, but going to work and living there sounded like hell. I hear there is a great nightlife in Canberra (obv not as busy as Sydney ) but atleast ill have something to do at the weekend. Im looking forward to coming now and being a little bit unique male pom quirky stylist from London :-)
  8. Thanks quoll you are a fountain of knowledge ! Can I pick your brain about food shopping in Canberra , cheapest options , I'm coming out with limited money and I love to eat lol !
  9. I have employment already in kingston starting in three weeks. my apprenticeship was 3 years and a year as a juniour stylist before I was officially a stylist I think that is similar to aus and that was with Vidal Sassoon, I now manage a Regis salon based in the uk. I've been getting a lot of interest and keep getting told the standard of uk hairdressing is superior , which I think is a massive misconception, but I wanted to find out from the people of Canberra what they thought
  10. Hi guys ill be in Canberra in 3 weeks and i was wondering how good the hairdressing is in canberra? Are there many british ones there and will I be the only male i hear they are a rarity in ACT ? how does the fashion match the uk andd are the skill sets up to date ? thanks guys
  11. Ooo good luck guys ! Sounds great ! Of you need a good British hairdresser I'm available ! Haha!!!
  12. Thanks for that peachy !!!! If just applied for housing with some adds and had a look at the bus routes , seems to be more connected than I am in the uk ! Thank you so much for your help!!!!
  13. That's fantastic I'd like to be able to travel to Kingston if there is a cheaper suburb , I'm a quiet lad into my work ( hairstylist) so I'm not up for all the hype as such if I want it I can go find it I suppose, I had opp to go to Melbourne where my mate is but something really attracts me to Canberra and I want Australia to be my own experience and not through the eyes of my mates , I'd hopefully like to settle and been offered sponsorship however I've never been so I shall see if I like it first ! Thanks again for being so kind
  14. Wow unfriendly much ! um I don't want to live like a hermit but its my best op for a job and its a close flight to Melbourne and Sydney were I have friends , by the sounds of it if everyone is as patronising as you ill find my own way round or learn to drive when I'm there
  15. Thanks for the reply, I don't drive do that will be out of the question :-s ill be working in Kingston so does anyone know any suburbs within a reasonable commuting distance that would be great :-) Thanks guys
  16. Hi guys, I will be coming to Canberra on a holiday working visa as a hairdresser, I have a job set up when I arrive and they have offered me sponsorship, but as this is my fist time to Aus I want to see if I like it first. Very scared but none the less I'm excited. Is there any advice any Canberra residents could give me, like getting around, nice places to live, fitting in etc. thanks Mark
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