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Everything posted by JR88

  1. thanks guys 7/2/13 applied, 14/3/13 approved Starlight7 how are they planning on cracking down on 457's?
  2. Woke up to my 457 being approved, finally after wage issues in Aus, Fly out 23rd March! SO EXCITED :biglaugh::jiggy:
  3. thanks for replies, I have my Tax Number from when I was on a working holiday visa, so that still applies to me as my tax number correct?
  4. Hi, I'm moving over on the 457 visa, and wondering what the tax I have to pay per annum is on my wages, I come under the $0-$80,000 bracket. If anyone can help I'd be grateful thanks
  5. I started application on 7/2 also, processed further 22/2, still awaiting visa... no requests for medicals or anything... need to leave March 23rd... starting to get concerned... Also, got my e457 insurance to start from 23rd march, which I have paid for already! Come through visa ... please!
  6. All of mine was submitted on 16/02/13 , application being processed further was 22/02/13, currently having issues due to the pay increase for the visa, hopefully all sorted now on bosses side, just waiting for visa now.. needs to hurry up! Hope all of ours comes through soon guys! keep strong! (its soo difficult!)
  7. Good luck to you too! I hope it comes through soon, its the most painful thing waiting to hear back, and knowing the time difference! Where are heading to?
  8. Heyy! I'm obsessed with the TRA portal at the moment on waiting for my visa to come through! I heard from my future boss saying they got in contact regarding my wage and she has clarified she's paying me the correct wage, however she sent this to them Sunday, and the process is still in the *further* stage, Just wondering how much longer I'll have to wait now for this to be approved! I wake up through the night checking emails, and check the portal Every morning and evening! Wish I knew! Also, I've not been requested to provide any more details and noticed that people have a separate sheet where they can view what is still needed for the visa application, does this mean they have all that is required? Good luck to those going through the 457, its so stressful waiting !
  9. Yeah I don't drink, so I won't be in that situation, I've read numerous articles on Alice and the alcoholism etc, and I'm pretty convinced its not THAT bad, its the same principals as anywhere else, I'm sure if I walked around my town, on my own at night I'd run into trouble, especially knowing the type of people here... I'm looking forward to the outside life, and night times I prefer friends around, going around friends places, as opposed to getting hammered and winding up in a ditch not knowing how I got there! I have a huge sense of adventure at the moment, and I really cannot wait to explore, again, Knowing limitations and to drink water is a given! Not going completely blind, would be nice to have someone to share the adventure with is all, I'll be working full time so some mates to have BBQ's, dinner parties and things as opposed to going into town and getting drunk!
  10. I've not been to Alice, but I'm looking forward to the lifestyle, hoping I can meet a few people just so I'm not entirely on my own, looking forward to the outback living, I'm not into clubbing etc, so I'm not going to miss that side of things, I went to the Vic/NSW border before to a place near yakkadandah and loved it, the peace of being away from everyone! Yeah its a bit of an extraordinary choice, but I really want to live in Australia, and leave England behind, and would do anything to live there, so this is something I have to do! Too excited!
  11. Police checks are £45, Medicals I'm unsure of, sorry
  12. Anyone on here living in Alice Springs on here? Moving over soon hopefully! would be cool to know there might be people out there... 24 yr old male:eek:
  13. I tried iselect for comparison, Iman health insurance came up cheapest, however I sent off my application to them and they say they get back within 2 days.. 4 days later still no email or anything, so I've decided to get mine with Bupa, a little more costy but I have an email back already to attach to my application. Iman were unreliable
  14. Okay awesome, Thank you for your help! also, in regards to documents to upload, Will my Resume, Trade certificates of qualification and birth certificate be substantial?
  15. Hey guys, I'm currently filling out my 457 application, and its asking if i have ever applied for an Australian Visa... I have done 1 years working holiday and am unsure as to put this down.... If anyone could let me know, thanks
  16. No, I did mine back in 2009/2010, so its been a while. I'm just really unsure of how to go about moving back down under, I know its where I want to be, and if I had the chance from an employer I would work so hard as my heart is set on Australia, however finding someone to take the chance is proving very difficult. Thank you for your reply
  17. 24 yr old male hairdresser/barber looking to move to Victoria. Worked and lived in Victoria for 1 year on working holiday visa, seeking emigrating. Have reference from employer in Victoria!
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