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Everything posted by FirstKnight

  1. Bro they come up with most stupid reasons so we never know with them , my CO asked for it when they asked for additional documents and she opened the documents when i called her !!! they do not care ,then she said she is gonna forward this information to agencies and they will finish it soon and it has been 3 months and nothing happen yet after that , so bro i wish that its not the case for waseem , i wish they finish it soon and he get the decision soon....
  2. Nothing to worry bro , when i sent Form 80 with initial documents , my CO also called me and asked for these things on Phone but then again after 5 months she asked for the same details in written when she asked for the initial documents , the only thing which is bad in it is that they should have asked about this Bull S..... long ago with additional documents from you , i am waiting for medicals since i submitted additional documents with those stupid questions they required regarding form 80 , i dont know what is their criteria for all this BS ,but the positive sign for u is that she is gonna transfer it to SCO so hope for best janab , cant tell from this that they are gonna wrap this case soon ....
  3. http://immigrationptyltd.wordpress.com/2013/01/29/partner-visa-processing-2013-expect-delays-mediocrity-in-action/ Nice article to read :0
  4. WOW Congrats Bro , i am just soooooooooo happy to hear this news and congrats to u to Kelvin this news has given me strength to wait more Wish you a good luck for your future and Happy Reunion
  5. Feel lucky to be not MARA because they are of NO USE at-least u r helping people here my agent made things worst for us
  6. Yaaaar this whole process is headache and so irritating specially for male applicants , i can understand ur feelings becoz i am going through the same situation i will try to call them tomorrow lets see with what kind of excuse they are gonna come up , the problem is they dont even tell what is happening with our case except IT IS IN PROCESS , i mean we know it is in process !!!!! and we can ask being nicely if they listen to us when i tried to call last time the lady picked up phone said time period is 12 months security checks are in-process and hang up !!!! they are disgusting
  7. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nothing yet bro you guys are waiting for the decision but i am still waiting for Medicals even its my 11th month i dont know what the HECK they are doing !!!!!!
  8. Thanks Bro i really hope that they are gonna do something on my case in this month i dont know what takes them so long , i sent all the video of nikah+mehndi+walima and photos,and after that they asked for additional documents they didnt asked for post marriage contact details in additional documents , so are they gonna ask for it with Medicals ??? i have seen few cases on this thread where if they ask for it they ask with additional documents and then send Medical request only , my PCC is expired so may be they ask for it ????
  9. Nope bro nothing heard yet from them , My 10 months are completed Yesterday , now i am sure that they are not gonna make decision on my case in 12 months because i am still waiting for Medicals
  10. If you send the Form 80 with initial documents then after few months they ask for Medicals with additional documents , if u do not send then sometimes they send Medical request and Form 80 request together with Medicals or just Form 80 and Additional documents like MRC,FRC or post marriage contact details . so we never know with AHC they can come up with any kind of strategy we can never assume things with them
  11. Hiiii sis first of all congratulation that your visa has been granted second u do not need to send them passport for label , u can travel without it , and sis initial entry time depend on ur PCC expiry or Medicals expiry so they might have used the expiration of it for your initial entry , i dont know if u can get it extended but there is might be some way ,u can simply call the AHC tomorrow and they can give u better advice about it
  12. hmmmm if you already submitted it then its strange that they asked for it again , u can contact ur CO about it , because i submitted FORM 80 along with initial documents and with additional documents they just asked for few corrections/explanation about FORM 80 not the whole FORM 80 to submit again.
  13. Yup bro , your security checks start once u submit Form 80 and they can ask for further additional documents like FRC,MRC if u have not submitted with initial documents .
  14. Hmmm ok bro i hope so InshAllah hoping for best , i dont care how long they take bas give me in first attempt
  15. Bro u need to go to your nearer Senior Superintendent Of Police's(SSP) office , in Lahore they issue it there i dont know about Karachi , if u get it done by yourself it take atleast 2 weeks , if u will pay money to agent they will get it done in 5 days
  16. No updated bro , i called them today and lady who picked up phone in visa section said when CO will think she should ask for Medicals she will ask for it , i said its already 10 months but she said still 3 months are left and time period to finalize it is 12 months , it is ridiculous they are making unnecessary delays
  17. Good bro Enjoy urself , i also cant wait to be there with my wife yar just cant wait its so frustrating to wait without any idea that when its gonna happen
  18. Wasalam i am fine Bro what about you , hows life going on in Aussie Land got the job ?? still no site of Medicals bro i dont know what they are doing on my case i was really expecting that at the end of this month i will get it but i think they want to make it pending or want to take more then 12 months that is why they are not asking for it as after that they know i will expect the decision so thats mite be the case otherwise security checks are must be completed by now as its 10 months now.
  19. Bro after one year it get expired so they ask for it but get it and send them it is positive sign for you , if they are asking for it ,it means they are not gonna reject ur case and will finalize it soon
  20. Congrats AfgShah , if she has got the decision today , then it means they are working today and also on website it shows that they do not have off today of Australia Day because AD was on Saturday so they might did it on Friday,Saturday,Sunday,is there anyone else who got any update today ??? i really hope that i also have got Medical request but it will be confirmed tomorrow as MA will come back to office tomorrow
  21. It was last Saturday of the Month Yesterday , No one got any update on their cases ????
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