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Everything posted by FirstKnight

  1. Congratulation to all the people who got their visas Wish you all good luck for future and please pray for us as well we male applicants are stuck in middle nothing is happening for us
  2. Bro it depend on the date of lodgement , they take ur DOL to give PR visa , so if the case is like other guy who get PR , his case was rejected from AHC then he go to MRT and then they reffer the case again to AHC so 2 years so it took him 2 years to get the visa and as 2 years were already gone and they were in relation thats why he get the Permanent Residence , it also depend on decision officer and luck so if u r waiting to get the visa from 2 years then they can consider u for PR.
  3. Yup bro it take time , For females they take 6-8 months and for Male applicants they take full 12 months and my DOL is April 2012 i am still waiting for the Medicals after submitting additional documents request so bro patience is the best key to handle this situation
  4. Bro at first they send Acknowledgment letter to the applicant withing one or two weeks , after that within 4 to 5 months additional documents , and from some male applicants they ask for additional documents + plus Medicals together and from some just additional documents , so all together it take 12-15 months for Male applicants bro
  5. Nope sis still waiting for the Good news , Adnan is waiting for the decision and i am waiting for the Medicals to get the decisions after that
  6. Thanks God LONG MARCH is finished peacefully and from Yesterday AHC is back on track Mubarkan to all of you AHC will start working on our cases TUQ has also booked his flight on Jan 27th for Toronto after taking profit on all the campaign and now we can also wait to book our ticket to go to Australia Soon InshAllah
  7. Hiii Mehak Congrats at last ur worries are finished and nice to see you Happy , Wish you a good luck with this lucky moment
  8. If the cases will transfer to another AHC then guys 6 to 8 more months will be added in our SO CALLED 12 Months time limit so pray that Mr.Tahir Ul Qadri get the flight to Canada soon so that we can buy the tickets for our Flights in few months
  9. I have no idea what time they take after taking medicals to make decision but from Pakistan they take atleast one and half month to make the decision after Medicals for Females and for Male applicant 2 Months or above.
  10. Hiii Zaf1981 , ur case has been referred from MRT or it is your first attempt?? becoz i dont think in first attempt they take so long , so guys do not worry about this time if it is ur first attempt just pray that u get it first time becoz if they refuse then u will have to apply for MRT which take 6 months and then again in AHC one year so it is better wait for few months then one and half year , be positive people who are waiting from last 11 or so months should remain positive becoz it is positive sign that they are taking their time , they always try to wrap up things very soon when they have to reject it , so just stay positive and remain calm it will be helpful to get this stressful time pass quickly , just think about positives wish all of you a better luck
  11. Bro first pray that this BS Long March do not occur if it will happen then forget about the grants becoz immigration already look for reason to make it pending and after LM they will have very beautiful answer for us to WAIT and WAIT
  12. All the new people on this thread HEARTLY WELCOME to all of you , please add ur details in below mentioned spreadsheet this will be really helpful for the new applicants to access there process https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/...lpaM0lENldJTkE
  13. PAKISTAN WAKAI ZINDABAD but our politicians and policy makers are stupid , we are already suffering of so many issues and now paid politicians+mulla jee are coming to make it more worst !!!!!!! and this off course is gonna effect all of US , disturbance in any country do not help the immigration they will have one more reason to refuse cases or take long time and when this kind of incidents happen in any country they do not issue the visas so please guys all pray that MAY ALLAH BRING PEACE IN OUR COUNTRY that other countries do not treat us like bad people Ameen
  14. Hiii welcome to this Forum , For male applicants they are taking full 12 months to 13 months if case is with AHC Islamabad if it is transferred from Bangkok to ISB then it take bit longer
  15. Bro if u have submitted all the docs and medicals then just sit and wait for the decision,very soon u will get decision , they have asked for the Interview from you ???
  16. Hiiii broooo , wow good to know u r in Aussie land now and enjoying urself with ur better half bro rite up the Australia ozone layer has hole so pray from there for me too may be ur pray go through that hole and goes direct to Allah and i get the visa soon :wink: Really Happy for you
  17. All i can say that whatever she said was BS***** Complete BS*** they play with our emotions , i wish K.A get married with some one and do not get visa for 10 years and live apart then she will understand how to cope with all this BS*** I AM FED UP
  18. 200 likes i want to be out , lbw , bold or whatever but i want to be out and wanna see the cricket matches in sydney cricket ground
  19. I am working in American Customer Service call center and i have experience in this field and i can never talk to some one in this tone and yes you are absolutely right,Operator transferred me to 2 or 3 other COs but at last when i said that i am calling u now for 8th time she transferred me to that guy and he was soooooooo arrogant !!!!! at instance i thought i should give him bit lecture of how to entertain some one if u r sitting on this position but then i didnt!!
  20. and one another funny thing happen today that some lady in partner section put me on Hold and when call connected i spoke with some guy and he was also applicant and on hold to get some information and when i told him my name and wanted to know about something hahahahahahaha isnt ittt funnyyyy????
  21. I also called them today and on my 8th try i get connected to one very arrogant guy who was soooooooooo rude ,he said i shouldnt tell them that its 9 months and i have not get the Medical request and i shouldnt tell them that other applicants got the medical request already ,He just said that they will contact when needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I TOTALLY HATE THIS IMMIGRATION SYSTEM WHERE APPLICANT HAS NO RIGHT TO ASK QUESTION ABOUT HIS OWN CASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont know who has appointed him to be on that seat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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