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Everything posted by NowPerth

  1. So jealous of you seeing bower birds :frown:
  2. The super market section labelled 'fresh bread' doesn't contain the fresh bread. I t contains the long-life type ready sliced bread. The drive through is a drive through off-license. Yes that's right, an off license that you drive through in your car. 2 lanes. One for staying in your car and being served through the window, and the other where you can get out and pick the bottles/cans up yourself. You can also drive through the DIY shop 'Bunnings' at the bigger ones. There's generally a side or rear door where you drive into the shop and can load up indoors. And you can borrow a trailer if you are buying a big item, or hire one if you just need a trailer for the day.
  3. NowPerth


    From the album: Wildlife

  4. The breakwaters off Mindarie Marina - just 4 mins drive. Or the little beaches just at the North side of the marina, on the start of the path to Quinns. Try in the day, then after dusk - you'll get diffenert sorts of fish. Also, about 40mins North, Guilderton, Moore River estuary. Lots of people go up there fishing. There's a campsite if you want to make a weekend of it.
  5. NowPerth

    SAM 1387

    Some parrots are. You see lots of galahs, often in huge flocks on a football feild for instance. These long billed corellas have a much more limited range (there are fewer of them) but in the right place, there might be 50 of them grazing on the lawn. Some of the white ones (little corellas) are in huge flocks and smother a group of trees or a huge patch of grass all at once and make a huge racket.
  6. NowPerth

    charles knife gorge

    Cape Range National Park, about 20km SW of Exmouth, WA. Slightly south of Shothole Canyon.
  7. NowPerth


    From the album: Oz

  8. NowPerth


    From the album: Wildlife

  9. No filters, no photo-shopping, just fab sunset
  10. Fabulous. Was it in an alfresco? Does it normally come that close to the house?
  11. NowPerth

    IMG 1528

    Also love this one. Again, how big was it and do you know what sort it is. I don't think I've seen one of those here.
  12. NowPerth


    Another fab picture. Was it taken through a window? if not, how did you keep your camera dry?
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