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Everything posted by NowPerth

  1. NowPerth

    Long-Billed Corella

    From the album: Wildlife

  2. NowPerth

    Osprey on sign

    From the album: Wildlife

  3. Part of Perth Arts festival (now ended). This was the 'Red Ball Project'. The ball appears at different venues on different days for about a month. It's a massive, squidgey foam filled ball. This one was at the Perth Council Office. It has been to several other cities in the past. I think it's going to one in the UK soon, possibly Manchester?? I'll definitely be using the pic for red nose day PomsInOz and Facebook.
  4. NowPerth


    These were at the Pinnacles desert on Sunday. This was a mother and 4 youngsters (just the 4 chicks in this pic). It had rained the day before and they were drinking from puddles in the rocks, and they let me get quite close. There are a few up near Yanchep too.
  5. NowPerth


    From the album: Wildlife

  6. NowPerth


    From the album: Oz

  7. NowPerth


    From the album: Oz

  8. NowPerth


    From the album: Oz

  9. NowPerth

    rainbow lorikeet

    It was close enough not to need the digital zoom, so it's much clearer than previous pics. There were 8 of them being very chattery
  10. NowPerth


    From the album: Wildlife

  11. NowPerth


    If only I had a more zoomy lens though! I'll have to advise everyone on PIO not to leave the UK until they've bought a decent camera. A cheap automatic doesn't do it justice.
  12. NowPerth

    zonked koala

    I've now found out that they don't have wild koalas anywhere in WA so you can only see them in captivity at the zoo, or wildlife park or in an enclosure like this. They live and eat in the trees, but the wardens bring in fresh young eucalyptus branches every day to supplement their feeding.
  13. NowPerth


    From the album: Wildlife

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