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Everything posted by NowPerth

  1. Bobtail and echidna, Lesueur National Park, WA
  2. NowPerth

    Very promising

    No bush walking jokes then Pablo? I'm disappointed in you
  3. NowPerth

    Very promising

    Yes! Worth a visit if only to picture the sign.
  4. NowPerth

    Wreath flower

    From the album: Oz

  5. Spring has definitely arrived - it's nice enough for me to go and sit on the beach again at sunset
  6. NowPerth


    That's really frustrating. I've been trying and failing to get a picture of a white winged fairy-wren recently. I finally saw it close up today when I was walking the dog and didn't have my camera with me.
  7. NowPerth


    Thanks. I spent ages following butterflies waiting for one to land near to the path so I wouldn't have to squash the tulips to be near enough.
  8. NowPerth


    From the album: Oz

  9. NowPerth


    From the album: Oz

  10. Article this weekend in the paper about what an under-utilised food source they are. They should be a popular choice. Healthy, organic, cheap, tasty, low fat meat etc. But many Aussies still won't eat them due to what they call the 'Skippy effect'. People are squeamish about eating their national emblem.
  11. White-winged Fairy-wren (male) And his wife
  12. Leaf-cutter bee. The pale yellowy thing it looks like it's sitting on is a huge piece of leaf it's carrying back to the hive.
  13. Ningaloo. Female sixband parrotfish
  14. Western Australian Sea lions
  15. Black-faced Woodswallows Firewood Banksia
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