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Everything posted by paisleylass

  1. Christmas ads wall to wall on 4od! I almost miss Tesco! Woolies ads with Jamie Oliver are a bit confusing, all these folk in winter clothes. I thought it was a UK Sainsburys ad (is JO still doing their ads?!) but then there are people in Woolies uniforms!
  2. A neighbour in Scotland asked if she could use our non-recycling bin on one occasion as she noticed ours was always nearly empty, and she always had loads of rubbish with having a family. That was fine. But then she took liberties, filling ours right up every fortnight with recyclable stuff before we even had a chance to put our rubbish in! I ended up removing her stuff as best I could and putting it on top of her bin, think she got the message although she and another neighbour then started using the bin belonging to an old lady who was in hospital long term - all bins still overflowing with recyclable stuff!
  3. We are off to Hawaii for Christmas! We did that last year and it was so wonderful we just had to go back. Can't wait for the Hawaiian Christmas music, the hula girls dancing to Mele Kalikimaka, it's magical. We're staying at a hotel that has a lovely Christmas display made of chocolate, representing major world cities covered in snow, with model trains running through it, so pretty. Weather should be balmy, cooler and comfier than Brisbane. last day of work is just 5 weeks today - amazing!
  4. Our last tenants pets in the UK caused most of the damage and mess that cost us a small fortune to put right. The wolf-dog actually destroyed a kitchen cupboard door - apparently they kept its lead in the cupboard. The deposit only covered part of the rent lost by them doing a runner, rest is from what little is left of our savings. However, being animal lovers we don't wish to ban all pets in future. We just had awful human tenants!!
  5. I wanted to go to Blackpool for old times sake! But watching What's Your Emergency recently made me glad we didn't bother!!
  6. paisleylass

    Cat Leads

    When we first adopted Chester at 8 months old, I wanted to keep him indoors - but he had other ideas and would yowl for hours by the door! I got him a harness and leash, which he resisted at first but soon happily let me put on him as he knew he was getting out. After a few trips out though, he would go back to his yowling as soon as he got in - and would attack me quite nastily 'cos he wasn't getting his way. He seemed very unhappy... So eventually I started letting him have supervised runs around the garden without the leash. All cats are different and some will take to a leash better than others - Chester was kind of halfway between deadweight and happily compliant! Chortle, I recall you are/were in Brisbane. You can borrow/have Chester's leash if you want? I live Northside and work in the CBD )
  7. I've found the opposite! Most people I speak to seem to have a sound grasp on UK geography, and many even recognise my accent as Northern English - some have even got it down to Yorkshire (correct, though I lived half my life in Liverpool so have a mogrel accent!). I never refer to myself as English, in fact I tend to use the term pommie. At work my accent is no novelty anyway, we're a proper melting pot, only about half my colleagues even have an Aussie accent. Loads of British at aqua class too.
  8. The amount we spend at Danbos, we'll be quids in! Some other sites we use on there too. Ace, cheers! *hic*
  9. How exciting! If the houses in our area actually manage to sell for the asking prices we stand a chance of ONLY losing 20% of what we paid if we sold now (which is tempting, bloody tenants...).
  10. Oops bloody phone! ...in getting his folks out here! All holidays are spoken for in the next 12 months or so, closest we'll get to the UK is California, or maybe Florida!
  11. Nope, been here almost two years and no desire to visit. That's easy for me to say as I have hardly any family left! But I've encouraged my husband to visit - obviously I'd go with him - and he's more interested in getting his f
  12. The vaccine is for HPV, not cervical cancer, as far as I know. Males can get HPV and it can cause throat cancer. In females it can also manifest as cervical cancer. A family member, a woman, was incredibly ill with throat cancer from HPV and has been campaigning and helping other victims since her recovery. I certainly don't find it funny, Michael Douglas' flippant comments did nothing to help raise awareness of the issues around HPV.
  13. <p><p>Hey missus, we had an amazing time! Holidays are the best, nice to be home with cat-features though <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/ohmy.png" alt=":o" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/ohmy@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />) I better get on with organising a pre-christmas meetup!</p></p>

  14. Aww, I like the wee fellas! We had a few inside the house last summer but now we have the kitty, who chases anything that moves, they stay out! That's the closest thing I've seen to 'gecko repellent' but not practical for everyone ;o)
  15. paisleylass


    Like butter wouldn't melt! Unfortunately I've not been able to get a shot of his 'attack' expression, he's turning out to have something of a naughty streak!!
  16. paisleylass


    Izzy's a lovely name :o) I love ginger kitties, when I saw this cute boy at the rescue pound my heart just melted :o)
  17. paisleylass


    He looks a little angel there, but he can be a real tearaway at play time :o)
  18. paisleylass


    Pictures of our little kitty from Logan cat resue :o)
  19. <p><p>OMG landlord says yes to kitten! Scream! Gonna go kitty-searching after holiday :oD x</p></p>

  20. <p><p>Wasn't too expensive, flights to LA about $1200 return and the exchange rate is great so everything will seem soooo cheap over there :oD Hopefully you'll earn loads and be able to save up anyway! My husband has been working away 2-3 weeks at a time, I'm kind of getting used to it now! Weekends can be a bit lonely but been meeting nice folk like Sioban from PIO so that helps, and am hoping to get landlord's permission to get a kitten for company! But the pay makes up a bit, and Dave should get decent length breaks at home in between too but yeah if you hate it it's easier to change things over here <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/ohmy.png" alt=":o" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/ohmy@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />)</p></p>

  21. <p><p>Work's pretty good, colleagues are a really nice bunch! We are off to California for 2 weeks, hubby really needs the break as he's been working in Darwin most of the last few months! I'll keep an eye out for your news, hope you hear really soon x</p></p>

  22. <p><p>Hey missus, going well here, still working for QLD gov't against all the odds! And we are on holidays for 2 weeks from next Friday wheee :oD Best of luck to you and Dave re. the job, keeping everything crossed for you x</p></p>

  23. Well I was just in Disco Dan's (Murphys) for the Friday tasting, and at the counter the closest thing they had was balsamic flavour roasted peanuts which is actually closer to my salt n vinegar nutty boys!
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