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Everything posted by robthomas821

  1. I flew Etihad on my way out here in 2008 and could speak more highly of the service on board and by the ground staff.
  2. And one in Canberra (with great contacts all over) Matthew Farnham <matthew.farnham@foreseeit.com.au>
  3. I am looking into going in as an SSO Pilot myself
  4. Hi All. It is all finished. 801 PR Visa granted on 27th Feb 2013 (eligibility date 14 December 2012). So happy, can get on with our lives properly now. 1 year to go until I can apply for Citizenship, which I will be doing as soon as I am eligible. To all out there awaiting your visa grants, keep your hopes up and I hope your visas get granted as soon as possible.
  5. Here is a listing for you: http://www.doctors-4u.com/Canberra/cbbill.htm
  6. Congratulations on your visa grant. Hope it bodes well for many others here
  7. It seems when dealing with IMMI, sometimes what you are told doesn't always equate to what is actually correct. Can be a little hit and miss with the correct definitive information. It is dealt with on a case by case basis so can't really just say sorry your chances are stuffed, its not the case.
  8. Well seansparkle, I have a couple of drink driving convictions from my earlier dumb years, and I was granted a visa. Sort of puts paid to that really
  9. I certainly don't think this will disbar you from gaining a visa to Australia. If you are worried, contact a Registered Migration Agent to run your case through them.
  10. More than welcome. I am good friends with Matt and David and did their website for them. If they can help you out, they will. Good luck and let me know how you get on.
  11. Go to http://foreseeit.com.au/ and tell them Rob Thomas referred you. Not sure how much they can do, but it is at least 1 avenue compared to what you have now.
  12. I have lived in Canberra since May 2008 when I first came to Australia (aside from a short 18 month tenure in Auckland) and I find it perfect for what I and my partner like to do, what we want from life, and having 2 young kids is great for bringing the little ankle biters up. Our salaries are pretty decent, and we have a good life. The coast is a couple of hours away, good friends, good family, plenty of amenities if you care to go out and find them. Traffic jams last hardly a blink of an eye (mostly). This is perfect for us, but may not be perfect for you. Everyone's view is very different on what they would like so if you get to come over and recce the place, it is probably a good idea to tie in as many places as you can to get a good feel.
  13. You will yes (PCC needed for each country you lived in for 12 months or more in the 10 year period)
  14. Here is another occupation for you. Pilot. Not on the lists, but I am sure with your reasoning skills you have rightly shown on here you can wrangle a visa off that. Don't worry about the time and expense involved to go and get the CPL with MECIR and the pre-requisite 250 hours minimum (try 1000 hours to be realistic), I am sure you can do a "short course like your 7 month degree and get by with that. My advice for you, on a completely serious note, is to get off this forum, get on your feet and off your arse and get on with getting a real job, with real skills, and a real degree that you can rely on to help your path into Australia. Everyone else does the hard work, why can't you you just man up and get on with it. In my opinion, we have plenty of kids here, we don't need anymore who stamp their feet because they don't get what they want. Crikey, I have 2 to deal with and that is enough!!!
  15. ha ha ha Probably the only way he can get here by the sounds of things!!
  16. A very sad time. Thoughts are with the family and friends of the deceased.
  17. And again another job choice. I think you will find you have no chance of getting sponsored at something like that. Too many people can go into that kind of role, and it is not really highly skilled, Australia needs people for the roles!!
  18. It is comments like this that also start to raise questions about your suitability for a visa into Australia, or many other countries for that matter. Like, what is it you are trying to avoid? If you have issues, face them first before even considering applying for a visa. You will not be able to "start again", you will have them hanging over you for the rest of your life. Grow up, man up, HTFU and start making some sensible decisions. I would imagine it is unlikely we will see you here in Aus anytime soon.
  19. Again missing the point. But that seems par for the course. I am done with trying to advise you of the BEST course of action for your circumstances. You cannot just go and marry someone to get your visa, sorry, that is illegal. I would imagine someone of your calibre would just up and leave once the visa was finalised. You cannot take the good advice people on here are giving you, then so be it. You will only end up $$$'s in debt and no sign of your "dream". Good luck with whatever you decide to do, but you are starting to antagonise people on here who do it the right way, and I am afraid you won't get much more help from anyone.
  20. The moral of the story is that the partner visa wasn't the be all and end all of my life together with my partner. If it had all gone wrong and we didn't get the visa, we would have moved to the UK (yes, she was happy to do this and we discussed in great depth). We did not let the visa DEFINE our lives, just a part that we had to go through. You have been given good advice on here, I suggest you follow it and start growing up
  21. If it doesn't work then it doesn't work. Toughen up, life is like that. You cannot expect to be given everything for little or no effort. You may be looking at a legal option, but the case is that you have repeatedly started threads with multiple different occupations, just to try to get a visa. The occupation choices are no where near similar either. You are just trying to get to Aus without putting the hard work and effort into doing it. The morality of the point comes into question of course. You are willing to do any course that gets you a visa and sponsorship. But what about if you get that, get your PR and then tell the employer who invested money, time and effort and trust into you, you then turn around and tell then I got what I want, thanks, see ya later. Do you think that is the way to go? You are too young and immature to be thinking about a decision like this. Best get a legitimate trade, one that you love and can see yourself doing and then look at Aus later.
  22. The point of my post was missed. You SHOULD NOT be thinking about just doing any old job just to get your visa to Aus. It is not going to work. You have hardly any experience in most of them, and IMMI are going to see right through any application. They are pretty smart people there, have a lot of experience, and the sheer amount of threads you have posted relating to different jobs "to get your visa to aus" is just another barrier to you getting the visa you so desire. Putting those posts on a public forum is not the brightest idea, again, the sheer amount of them, if that gets picked up by someone who might be looking in, then your chances could be extremely slim. The only advice I can give you, and I think others here are growing pretty tired of giving it (considering it is genrally ignored, and they are giving you good advice, have seen it all, been through it all) is to take a step back, get qualified in something that you will do FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE potentially, stick to it, and hope that you can one day get into Aus without having to essentially scam your way here. Everyone else goes the hard way, puts in all the effort, do things the right way. Why should you be any different? What makes you think you are owed your visa? You are no different to anyone else, you have to put the work in to get the rewards at the end. It is not plain sailing, and if you cant accept that, then you really shouldn't be looking at doing what you are doing. You will find it very hard here if you are not prepared to put the effort in, that includes the first stage, getting the visa.
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