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Everything posted by vava

  1. Hi, not heard of that one but my daughter and her husband had become Australian citizens but our application still took 14 months. It probably just saves on paperwork proving they are settled and for how long. New Zealand residents are entitled to live in Australia anyway so wouldnt need a CPV. Good luck! Val
  2. Hi again, I have just had a look on Singapores website; if you scroll right down to the bottom of the page you will find a bit for feedback/enquiry. Click on that then where it says either booking enquiries or customer services you should be able to send them a message from there. Dont forget to put your name,dates of travel and flight numbers in as well as the travel agency you booked with. My travel agent was useless and didnt even reserve the seats I asked for when I booked last May to travel in December and wouldnt even ask about the luggage for me as he said I wasnt entitled either. I took quite a bit in my carry on case and also have a huge handbag which I filled with all sorts too. I would try to message rather than phone so you can print the reply if you get confirmation of the extra allowance. Dont give up and remember to mention Emirates as it really winds them up. We had a good look at house prices while we were there at Christmas and also asked around about the type of jobs we might be considered for but there seems to be a bit of a negative attitude to employing the over 50s but many of the younger workers we came across have no social skills at all so I think the employers are wrong. We are hoping to be there permanently within the next 2 years or so. Just saving like mad now! Heating turned down and extra jumper on to save money on the bills too! Keep me posted on the outcome. Val x
  3. Hi Chicklet, We flew with Singapore in December to validate our 173 CPV and emailed a few weeks beforehand to ask if they would upgrade our baggage allowance. The reply we were given was that the 173 was only a temporary visa and therefore was not eligable for the extra 10kgs. Not to give up quite so easily, I then emailed back to say how very disappointed I was at their decision and also regretted booking with them as Emirates give 30kgs as standard in economy and would never book with them again. Needless to say that I got my 30kgs each BUT only on the outbound sector, our return allowance was the usual 20kgs. It didnt matter too much as we used the extra weight for Christmas presents etc. and it didnt cost me anything to try again. I see you have a 143 so I cant understand why they would deny you the extra. Have a go at emailing, I think I used their feedback form on their website. I printed off the reply just in case we had a problem at check-in but it was all fine. Let me know how you get on. Good luck! Val
  4. Hi Denzil, If I were you I would appeal...........not sure how to go about it but I`m sure there will be something on the DIAC website. I think that its disgraceful that you were kept in the dark all that time. Your application should have been checked when it was lodged not 14 months down the line when their reasons for refusal are no longer valid. Please keep us informed of how you get on and good luck! Val
  5. Hi Phoebe, Been thinking of you these past few weeks and I am so sorry to hear your sad news. We are off to Brisbane next week to A) validate and B) babysit for 6 weeks! Hope you all have a good Christmas (despite everything). Best wishes, Val xx
  6. Glad everything is going (almost) according to plan. Do a bit of research with a few banks and open a savings account giving the best interest rate and arrange for your funds to be transferred over. We`re getting 6.5% at ANZ which is amazing when you compare it to what you`d get in the UK. Hope it all continues to go well for you! Val
  7. Wow! I am amazed.............Singapore Airlines have just replied to my email in which I told them I regretted booking with them as I now know that Emirates standard allowance is 30kgs. They have authorised us another 10kgs each as a guesture of goodwill (but only on the outbound sector) Just goes to show that if you dont ask (nicely) you dont get! Can pack the daughter some Twiglets now! Val x
  8. Hi Les, We would have got the 40kgs if we had gone for the 143 permanent rather than the 173 temporary. They only give the extra allowance for permanent visas! Although why you would have less stuff for any length of stay is a mystery to me! I take the same amount whether I go for a cheeky little week to Spain or a 6 week stay in Oz! I guess rules is rules but I wasnt about to rock up at Manchester airport without confirmation so I`m glad I made sure! Glad all is going to plan for you in Oz! Regards, Val
  9. Hi Fiz, I had already booked with Singapore before I knew about the 30kgs with Emirates. I wrote to them yesterday and said (nicely) that I wished I`d booked with Emirates................maybe they`ll give me a bit extra as a goodwill guesture. Lord knows I`ve spent enough money using their airline over the years! If that fails then I will send a box with Parcelflight - its much cheaper than airline excess baggage costs! I can keep our stuff to a minimum but my daughter is now giving out my address to her friends and there are parcels arriving daily for me to take to Oz! Entirely my own fault for assuming the double luggage allowance came with every visa! Cheers! Val x

    <p> </p>

    <p><p>Hi Phoebe, I hope things are getting easier for you now youve had chance to get your head together. I also hope your sister is bearing up - it cant be easy for any of you.</p></p>

    <p><p>Thanks for the info for the parcel. I usually use a firm called Parcelflight and they are quite reasonable - Im just mad at myself for telling the kids I would bring loads of stuff for them!</p></p>

    <p><p>Had another try with Singapore Airlines today - I sent them a message saying that I wished I`d booked with Emirates for the bigger luggage allowance. It probably wont do me any good but it made me feel better for having a go at them!</p></p>

    <p><p>Hope you have a good Christmas and hope we can keep in touch on here too! Val xxx</p></p>

    <p> </p>


  11. Hi Again, Since posting my question earlier, I did some more research and it seems that Singapore will give the double allowance but only if you have an unvalidated PERMANENT visa..............we got the 173 temporary parent visa! So it looks like all the baby stuff and party dresses will be going via DHL. If anyone has had a positive outcome on extra luggage with a 173 then I`d be grateful to hear from you. Thanks again - Val xx
  12. Hi All, This question has cropped up before and I cant remember the answer; how do we go about getting an extra luggage allowance on our validation trip? I am sure I read that singapore airlines allow you to take double (eg 40kgs instead of 20kgs) but I cant find anything on their website about it and my travel agent thinks I`m wrong and you only get the extra allowance when you are leaving the UK for the last time (on a one way ticket). Hope I havent shot myself in the foot here, Oz daughter has been shopping online and all the stuff is here for me to take and it weighs a ton! Please help!!! Thanks Val xx
  13. Phew! Panic over! Just logged on and email is sitting there saying "police certificates have just arrived". Then another one asking for the 2nd VAC so we are thankfully back on track. Will request the big cheque from ANZ this morning and we`re done! Thank you all for your support and replies! regards, Val x
  14. "Could it be that the mail is affected by the Qantas situation? " Hi Linday, I`m not sure when the Qantas situation began. I posted the certificates on 12th October. The guy at Royal Mail said that immigration staff had been striking too. Will take your advice and send the next lot via courier. Am I correct in thinking that if using a courier, is the address different? I could swear I read that somewhere. We`re cutting it fine now for getting the visa in time for our 7th December trip. Poor daughter is going to be disappointed if I dont get the double luggage allowance on Singapore Airlines! Will save me giving Next and M&S the rest of my hard earned dosh though!! Cheers! Val x
  15. Thanks for the advice everyone! I spoke to Royal Mail and the bloke had a moan about Australians striking etc - not helpful at all! So, I have sent for some more police certificates and emailed the CO to ask what method she would prefer me to send the stuff to ensure it gets there! I also mentioned that "somebody" must have signed for the original package, therefore it must be there and please would she investigate further........hmmm we shall see! Never a dull moment - and just when we thought the end was in sight. Val x
  16. Had an email this morning from the case officer..................they are waiting for our police check certificates. I sent them via our very own royal mail "international signed for" on 12th October. Is it too soon to panic or should I just get another set and send them again? Any advice or similar experiences would be most welcome right now. I have started to eat the chocolate which was bought for Trick or Treaters..................I might not be able to fit into the aircraft seat....arrgghh!!!
  17. Hi Thanks for your help but could you advise me further. If we were granted a 173 we would have to sell the house before we go, in your or any one elses opinion is it worth upgrading now to a 143 or if the house is not selling can i upgrade from England or do we have to be in Aus. Sorry to be so dumb but i am just trying to work out what is the best thing to do. Cham Hi Cham, Unfortunately you cant "upgrade" your 173 application to a 143 before it is even granted. You have to begin the whole process again with a new application if you change your mind and go for the 143 now. We asked DIAC the same question last year and we were told to submit new forms and a further 1st VAC. Hope this helps! Val
  18. Hi Linday, My understanding was the same as yours! Surely if the 173 is a temporary visa to enable the applicants to "try out" life in Oz before making the permanent decision then it makes sense that when the time comes for the granting of the 143, you would be there (in Oz) anyway! We`re quite a way behind you in this process and I`m so grateful for all the tips and experiences that everyone shares on this site. If you have to be offshore then perhaps you could have a little trip somewhere exotic for your Christmas present!!! Good luck and do let us know what the outcome is! Regards, Val x
  19. Its so sad for you right now Phoebe but you never know whats around the corner. Just need to concentrate on getting through the next few weeks/months and see what the future holds. We still have Skype to keep us going till we get to the other side...:cool: Val xx
  20. Hi Mike, We are perhaps another three years away from being there full time. My husbands business is doing well again now so it would be silly to end it all at the mo. We wont have much earning potential once we make the move so we`re staying here for now and wintering over there in the meantime. House sales are still stagnant in this area so another reason to hang fire. I kind of knew that police checks would need to be re-done and I wont be unduly surprised if meds will need doing again too! Its only money!! Cant compare to a hug and a snuggle with a snoozing babe! Good luck with your move Val
  21. Thanks for the info Mike. Did Perth happen to say when you have to begin the application? If the 173 is valid for two years, should we begin the 173 to 143 process six months before the time is up or can we take it to the limit and then apply? I think I may have to send an email too! Soo many questions............... Regards, Val
  22. Thank you for replying Ann. There was a guy posting on this forum that on his parent's knowledgement letter in August, they said all applications up to June 2011 already had a co. That is why I try to have some confirm from someone else, just to have a little bit more hope. I suspect that whoever typed June 2011 into either the acknowledgement letter or the post on this forum made a little error which has got people a bit excited. My own application took 14 months and so did many others. I very much doubt that anyone would have a case officer allocated after only 4 months. Val
  23. Hi, there seems to be a wait of around 430 days from acknowledgement to the request for medicals and police checks - in my case, 26 July 2010 to 27 September 2011. We too are going for the 173. Why not have a look at the tracker which was set up and is managed by Sandch who is a regular poster on this thread. Go to www.gainwave.co.uk and click on applications in progress. Good Luck! Val x
  24. Hi Fiz, I am loving all these positive stories! Glad you got your stuff alright. I keep wandering around our house thinking "could I live without this?" the answer is usually YES! What I cant live without is my family and thats the most important thing. Enjoy your new life and keep us updated with your progress. Val x
  25. Hi, You can see everyones timelines from acknowledgement to visa grant if you visit the site www.gainwave.co.uk The site has been set up by a fellow member of this site - Sandch, and we all owe him a debt of gratitude for his time and effort. My own acknowledgement is dated 26 July 2010 and they said that they were currently processing applications lodged in May 2009. I had cause to update my application in May 2011 but I do not think it had any effect on my case. I had notification of my case officer last week. It is very hard to judge when a case officer will be allocated but you can rest assured that you will get one eventually. Val
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