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Everything posted by paulswin

  1. Hi Ads our 40 foot container is on route to uk from Perth due to get there 15th Nov. We moved with Grace so far so good will let you know when our there shipment arrives! Nathan at Grace in Perth has been brilliant. Always replies back to you! If you have any more questions just ask as like I said we’ve just gone through it! Lesa
  2. paulswin

    NHS number

    oh that's good to know! He has gone to the dr's and they have sent off for an nhs number even though he was born there and didnt leave until 2012 when he was 13 He reckons you have to be in the country 365 days before you can get free treatment even though he is working full time doesn't seem quite right to me i've told him to check on it!!
  3. paulswin

    NHS number

    Hi guys how does my son get an NHS number he was born in UK and moved over here when he was 13 so didn’t get one sent to him? Also is it a year you have to wait before you are eligible to use the NHS
  4. not according to the lady on the phone but ill let you know!
  5. Hi TazG. I think he said it was £43 and he’s had to send his uk passport, birth certificate and oz driving licence the lady he spoke to said as long as you are going to live permanently in the uk then it’s all good! He sent it off today!
  6. Oh thanks for that! He’s not avhappy bunny as insurance will be high on an Aussie licence!
  7. Hi guys my son has moved back to UK 3 weeks ago and wants to transfer his au driving license to a UK one he’s a uk citizen but he’s read somewhere that you have to have lived in uk for 180 days before you can transfer your license Insurance on a car is sky high if he has to keep his au one!
  8. Hi Beckfield I was feeling the same but we managed to sell ours this July after being up for 6 months even though we've lost money but it means we can go back to UK Just hang in there I was getting really down about it all having the home opens every week was getting stressful but dont give up it takes just the one person to like your home and put in an offer x
  9. Do you have to do the tor form in one bit or can you save and start again later
  10. A bit confused is this something we need to fill out after we have got all our things packed and in a container or do we have to do it before?
  11. Date applied: Middle of February 2016 City Council/State: Armadale WA Online/Paper: Paper Date recieved acknowledgement email: 19th March 2016 Date of citizenship test: 26th May 2016 Citizenship approval letter: 1st June 2016 Date of citizenship: 28th July 2016 Woo hoo not long now!
  12. We come under Armadale council will be curious to see how long Cannington's citizenship ceremony takes! We've just done our test on the 26th May now just have to wait!
  13. Hey dubsydney am I right in saying it took 6 weeks after sending in paper application to get a confirmation? I did a paper application 3 weeks ago was getting a bit worried as everyone else does theirs online!
  14. Has anyone posted their application? I did just wonder how much longer it takes!
  15. it looks like my electrical career could be over now, i studied at college for 4 years in my mid 20's got cg 2330 level 3 all the regulations and c&g 2391, started life as a floorfinisher and carried on with both jobs for the past 10 yrs, i applied and got my visa through floorfinisher and i decided to apply for an artc for the electrical side of things . it got refused basically saying 1. did not meet paragraph 4 of the criteria for the united kingdom 2.has been employed for not less than 7 years on work ordinarily performed by an electrical tradesperson in that classification and is capable of performing the work of that classification in australia 3. it was unclear from your employment evidence (which showed employment as a floor finisher and an electrician) whether you demonstrated the full range of duties expected of an electrical mechanic over a 7 year period i declared i have always been self employed and had an informal apprenticeship and even with supporting evidence from 2 different companies and also working on government installations it appears i am deemed not competent enough for australia :arghh:
  16. <p><p>Hey guys we used doree bonner in the end and they we're pretty good! Guys this end were good too! Bet u can't wait to get here! Have u got a job to go to here or will u jus look once you're all here? How's sunny Swindon?</p></p>

  17. <p><p>Hey! Yep been here since January what about you guys are you here yet? I'm loving it, so are kids but hubby misses uk but he's out voted so we're staying!!! We're both working, Paul is doing flooring, I'm working at a health centre. We've rented a house in Atwell will do the same again next year as don't want to sell our house in uk yet!! How's things with you guys?</p></p>

  18. Hey guys just wondered if you received our email with all the photo copies for the import licence. I sent it to the ironlady email on the 2nd April?
  19. Hi Iron Chef I've sent you a private email to see if you can start the ball rolling!! That previous quote from Pwkl seems far too much!!!
  20. <p><p>Hi guys! Yep we're off on the 20th just sorting out last few bits and bobs!!! Kids and me finish tomorrow, Paul still has work up until we leave! Have you got a date when you're going out there yet? Am getting excited and nervous now, still sort of feels like we're just going on holiday though. Have rented out our house for a year keeping our options open just incase we don't like it! Let us know when you're thinking of going out there. Catch u later, Lesa & Paul</p></p>


    <p> </p>

    <p><p>Hi guys if you find out abouth public schools north of Perth can u let us know we fly out on the 20th not sure where we'll end up though!!!</p></p>

    <p><p>thanks Lesa</p></p>

    <p> </p>


  22. <p>Hi guys can you tell me who you would'nt recommend. I think we're going to use Doree Bonner at £3950 with 4 weeks free storage sole use of a 20ft container but if its them that have a bad rap then I'll think twice! Cheers Lesa</p>

  23. <p>Yay congratulations!! You still in oakhurst or rehouse can't remember which one! When have u got to validate it? We've got flights booked for 20th Jan but having a hard time renting our house out right now so if it's not rented we're gonna have to go for a holiday instead of going permanently in Jan <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png" alt=":(" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> bet there's lots of celebrating in ur house tonight!!!!</p>

  24. Hi derren7 you said hubby has to get his skill recognised by tra can he do that in oz as we're running out of time we leave in few months? He thought he could do some kind of intensive course over there to get his skill recognised.
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