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manchester lass

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Everything posted by manchester lass

  1. Can somebody please tell me the cost of the parents visa? I'm struggling to find a definite figure. My parents would not be working. Also can they apply the same time as me or do they need to wait until i have lived there for a certain period of time? thank you
  2. Hi everyone I am just looking for some advice please. I am going for pr with my husband and children. My question is I would love to take my mum and dad with me I am just not sure if they would be allowed to come. My dad has medical issues which means my mum is his carer. Would they be allowed to live with us?
  3. so this is the year we put our applications in and start the ball rolling :-) we aregonna start to get the house in a sellable condition. we are hoping to go the end of 2015 is that realistic? I'm a midwife so I'm hoping that helps. could anyone advise when would be the best time to start the application process as I know I have to attend an ahpra office within a year from them registering me thank you x
  4. I didnt know that thank you will put it on my list :-)
  5. ok so i have been reading through this site (which is fab by the way ). i am the kind of person where my mind works like a flow chart so I need to know what I need to do step by step from end to end. I am a midwife and my husband is a developer / programmer both skills are on the SOL. we are planning on arriving in Oz in 2 years once my son has finished college. we want to move to the sunshine coast I am looking at Coloundra at the moment but will concentrate on the other areas once i have all the info i need about this one, I just wondered if any of you could cast your eyes over this to make sure i have got it right please; so first of all I will need a skills assessment as we are going for PR which is completed by ANMC - I've read this can take around 12 weeks. The NMC will need to send verification to ANMC confirming that I am a registered midwife (this will cost around £35). ANMC will need a statement of entry from the NMC which I will be able to get from the NMC website. I will need a degree transcript from uni which will go directly to the ANMC and I will get a copy (what is in this transcript can someone advise me so that I can let uni know if they are unsure) Then ANMC will hopefully pass the paperwork to Queensland as this is where I will need to register. The skills assessment is a way to prove competency It will cost around $49 for the application $109 for the overseas assessment charge $94 for my license I will need to put a CV together - the template is on the AHPRA website I will need a statement of employment from my UK employer closer to the time for PR AHPRA can then register me, I will receive a letter of eligibility, but to do this I will need to attend one of their offices and from the paper work being processed from the ANMAC I have about a year to show my paperwork to AHPRA - criminal record checks ect.. I will then get my practicing license which i am guessing is like the NMC PIN I need to fill out an expression of interest form (at which point do i do this please?) I will need to complete the IELTS ( this is just proof that I have attended english speaking schools / education), this is about $150 and I am the only one that needs to do this as I am the main applicant. I then start the visa process (is this right?) Included in the visa process we will need to have medicals which are around $300 per adult $100 per child, vaccinations, the police checks need to be completed which is around $42.00 per person(do we need to do this for the children too in case they have been very naughty, which they havent by the way :-) ) I need to make sure we have health insurance flights I've looked and it will be around £3500 for 3 adults 2 children shipping I have looked again on this forum and for 40ft container its about £6000 Doree Bonner International seems to be mentioned quite a lot as does PSS, Johm Mason and Anglo pacific we are hoping to have about 6 months worth of bills/ food/ fuel ect set to one side whilst we settle in and find jobs If some of this info is wrong or in the wrong order or you have any advice I would greatly appreciate it I have a note book with all my info in so I have it all to hand :-)
  6. Hi I am a third year student midwife about to qualify. I know I need to get a few years experience on my back before putting in the paper work but what info do I need from uni ? I understand that I need to get some sort of info on what was covered on the course? could someone shed some light on this please? and does it need to be on letter headed paper ect.... do I get this from the course leader or admin with the uni? thank you x
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