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Status Updates posted by Quoll

  1. <p><p>So sorry to hear about your mum, distance is a bugger, isnt it?!</p></p>

  2. <p><p>Thanks for your message! I've not visited pio for a while - better things to be doing with my time, if I am honest! Hope all is well with you!</p></p>

  3. <p><p>Hi Gail, good to hear from you! Yes, did get the stuff about Oxburgh Hall thanks and I will be out and about more when the weather picks up!!! I have really enjoyed this winter, it has been so mild and it has been fabulous just to go for long walks and feel invigorated. Will come up to Norwich one day I promise!</p></p>

  4. <p><p>Thanks for the hugs, all very welcome some days!!! But if it doesnt kill you it makes you stronger, isnt that what they say???!</p></p>

  5. <p><p>Hi Yuills, yes, I am home, thank heavens! Not sure how long we will be here for but I am making the most of every moment and having a fabulous time even though I am caring for the aged rellies!</p></p>

  6. <p><p>Hi Dawny, yes I am home at last. I dont know how long for but I am making the most of every moment! How's things going for you?</p></p>


    <p>Hi Debbie</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>I'm in Cambridge - still bemoaning the loss of my backpack though. Wonder how early the shops open and I will go and buy something so I can shower and be clean. Did wake up a bit earlier than I hoped this morning so nothing better than a quick surf of my usual haunts:)</p>

    <p> </p>




    <p>Hi Debbie</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Yup, arrived at lunch time today and had to sort out the aged rellies computer - now I know why they hadnt replied to any of my emails for 2 weeks - Service pack 3 meets Zone Alarm and all dies!!! So, squatting on their machine and barely keeping my eyes open. I love it! I have been smiling ever since I got here, even when I realized they had lost my bag!!! Still waiting for it to be couriered to me (and growing smellier by the minute!) Everything is so deliciously green and the choice in the supermarkets - colour me gobsmacked!!!</p>



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