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Everything posted by Kapri

  1. I love them! We have a local gang that visit us most days. I know they have the potential to be destructive but this lot haven't destroyed anything in our garden
  2. Kapri

    Bush living!

    I love the Australian bush. It had far more appeal to me than beaches (although I love them too). It was the main reason I chose to come to Aus. My house backs onto a bush reserve and I felt a little nervous the other night when smoke was billowing everywhere. However, I'm not in a rural bushy area so the risks aren't nearly as great.
  3. Very brave post Blobby. I wish you all the best and hope you settle soon.
  4. I agree with what others have said. it will take you quite a while to land, disembark, wait for luggage then clear customs. Then, you need to get your car and leave the airport. I estimate a minimum of 2 hours. I would contact the holiday rental to see if you can get in earlier. Then, drive around and have lunch. It's best to try and stay awake anyway so you sleep that night and minimise jet lag. Kids can always nap in the car.
  5. I've been in Aus for three months and these are my wildlife encounters so far.
  6. OH and I just had similar conversation. The jist of this arrest seems to be that Maddie is being "introduced" to men. I wonder if pictures have turned up? i can't get my head around this arrest. Why would a man boast to a barrister, at a party, about having been "introduced" to Maddie. It's not typical party conversation. Still, we don't know the facts yet. I think the police know something though, otherwise why would the investigation still be alive and kicking.
  7. We have had a number of bush fires around here recently, almost all were started by teenagers. I really like it here but it's a first world country that is not somehow magically immune from the problems that other countries have. By by the same token, there are plenty of decent kids and teens in both countries.
  8. I moved to Newcastle NSW 3 months ago (2 hours from Sydney). In July it averaged about 16 during the day and was cold at night in the mornings. This was mid winter. From end of August onwards, spring was bypassed (according to locals) and we have gone straight into summer. Everyday is above 20 degrees and a fair few are above 30 degrees including today. Bush fire season has started early. Most days are sunny and even on the few days it has rained there has been some sun too. We are loving the weather here but understand that it's not normal - just like the UK's exceptional summer this year.
  9. If I was unemployed for over a year, I wouldn't have a problem with working for my benefits with a few very important caveats. 1. Only a couple of days per week. I would want to be able to look for paid work the rest of the time. 2. It would need to be work that offered genuine experience and a reference. Not just slave labour for someone's business. 3. I would not want to be out of pocket in regards to transport costs etc. A bus pass may need to be supplied. I think the government need to be very careful with this. If it takes away genuine jobs then they are going to create a big problem.
  10. Kapri


    I've read of a few over the years but I always think that there must have been problems in the marriage anyway. I wouldn't choose a country over my husbands happiness. Luckily for us, we both like it here.
  11. Snifter, that is exactly the right attitude! I'm sure things will go well for you Bon voyage
  12. I can't believe you haven't got The Whitsundays and Great Barrier Reef on your list! The GBR is amazing. I don't dive but I loved snorkelling there. Fraser Island is another "must see".
  13. Why, what's the difference? I wouldn't let young children knock on strangers doors anywhere unsupervised. We always went with our two. Once my daughter got to 12 she went with a group of friends. In our village, kids only knocked on doors that had put out Halloween paraphernalia. It worked perfectly - the kids got a great reception every time and people who didn't want to join in weren't bothered by trick or treaters.
  14. Ah hugs for you Que Sera. I would be upset too ((())) A bird flew into my windscreen the other day and I felt awful.
  15. I would have thought that if it comes to it and you need to go home Hague convention wouldn't apply as you're on a temp visa. You definitely need legal advice though. Good luck
  16. Thanks all. I'd like to get presents but just no time. Looks like it will be $20.
  17. Hi all, My son has two parties to go to this weekend, the boys are going to be 10. I have been working all week and just don't have time to buy presents. What's the going rate to put in a card?
  18. We are on a 457 visa and arrived 2 months ago. We opened an account with NAB whilst still in the UK and collected the cards on arrival in Sydney, using our temp address. Easy peasy :biggrin:
  19. Try looking at it as a two year holiday, and in that two years try to fit as much in as possible. Get out every weekend and don't say no to any invitations. Good luck
  20. When we were looking for a rental two months ago, we were often the only viewers (on any rental over $475 per week). We had our pick and one of the agents told us that the rental market was suffering. The man who came to spray our house last week said he had long term tenants in his investment property and he leaves them alone because they pay their rent on time and look after the place. He said some of his friends were complaining that they couldn't get tenants. We are renting at the right time I guess. That said, I can't wait to buy again so I can hang some pictures and get a dog!
  21. The locals arent happy :chatterbox: http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/hes-not-a-hero-hes-an-idiot-kimberley-residents-anger-over-croc-man-rescue-20130903-2t2q2.html
  22. I agree with this. I would have no problem with another adult telling my kids off if they were genuinely doing something wrong. As long as it was firm but not aggressive then I think it's perfectly acceptable and as you say, good for society. In the UK, my next door neighbour told my son off for knocking on the door and running away. He didn't do it again after that and my neighbour did it in a calm but firm way. I think it was far more effective than if my neighbour had complained to me. Hitting though, is totally unacceptable IMO.
  23. I don't hit my kids and I would be horrified if someone else hit them. I was smacked as a child and I remember it as being unjust and humiliating. My kids have never been smacked and yet they are well behaved and not on course to be out-of-control hooligans. I can understand parents doing it in the heat of the moment during a stressful situation and wouldn't judge others for that if it was a one off, but in my opinion, although smacking may be effective, it does nothing for the relationship and doesn't teach children how to deal with things calmly.
  24. My pics were New South Wales. Not Victoria or tropical, although I'm not sure why they have to be discounted? I've only ever known Australia as green and lush, I've never been to the desert. I could post some great pics of the UK too. I love both places, don't need to put one country down:)
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