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NHS. Is It The End??


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Saw a pic of the British PM Cameron 'gloating' over the demise of the NHS.




And then there's this...




How sad.


Cheers, Bobj.


Bob .....it was in the daily mirror ....a labour paper .....enough said

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

If you lived here Bob, you would be aware that private companies are on the march, massive mate. They are running alot of prisons and they will be running alot more in the next ten years. They see the NHS as a huge sweet piece of pie, to sink their teeth into and they are involved in alsorts of other businesses and the upshot of all this ?


Less pay for the working man and women, worse terms and conditions, little or no pension rights and misery for millions. But the country is skint, so we have to take it on the chin mate.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
So, does that mean it's a lie?



Have a squiz at this:




Cheers, Bobj.


Its true Bob, unfortunately, the Daily Mirror might have put a slightly more leftish slant on it, but the facts of the story are correct, Clegg sold our kids down the swanee river over tuition fees and now he has shafted us on the NHS, the medical workers thought it was wrong and thats good enough for me, but we are stuck with it. Can't wait to see the smirk wiped hoff that pariahs face at the next election, it will be a case of ......... Taxi for Clegg. Lol

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What can you do - the majority of the voters must have voted for these idiots - no point complaining about it now!


A fair point, mate, but what will happen at the next general election? Will the British voters become more apathetic, or will they remember and chuck Cameron out? Time will tell...


Cheers, Bobj.

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Guest Guest31881
Can quite understand the need to streamline government bodies, but never at the coal-face and never to the detriment of the public health and safety.


Cheers, Bobj.


I remember the last time they decided the NHS had to be streamlined, It resulted in front line staff, (Nurses, doctors, paramedics porters) not being replaced when they left to keep the wage bill down, Very few administrators lost their jobs as they could be justified because someone had to oversea the job losses. They stopped recruiting for student nurses and after a couple of years ended up having a big recruiting drive abroad (Philippines I believe was the biggie) and importing nurses because they could not fill the now serious under staffed hospitals.


Now move on a few years and do the same but instead of Government cutting staff, let the private sector run it all, when it all goes pear shaped the government can make noises and postulate about it but also sit back and say... Well its not our problem any more, its private industry..... They are putting the worlds 7th largest employer in the hands of big business, No one will care until they need the service and its not available.

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Its the same everywhere now, handing control to private industry, health, electric, gas etc. Then the gov wonders why it cannot balance the books, most of the companies are sending profits overseas etc.


What is the answer, go back to before we had all this technology, I never had a scan when I had my children although they were around back then, now everyone has lots of them, we get Cat Scans, MRI's, Pet Scans, drugs for everything, all at great expense and we expect it. Therefore its inevitable that cuts have to be made somewhere and as usual its the front line, its always the front line never the bean counters.


Afraid we are on a rollercoaster where the more well healed will get the best outcome and those that are at the bottom of the heap will take what is offered.

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Guest guest17301

The NHS has been being stealthily privatised for years...a bit here a chunk there....till bang...its all gone. Effin governments havent a clue.

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Guest Guest31881
The NHS has been being stealthily privatised for years...a bit here a chunk there....till bang...its all gone. Effin governments havent a clue.


The Governments know exactly what they are doing, Unfortunately a lot of the the public believe that "Public sector" needs cutting back, when they do not have a NHS it will be to late to say stop, what's going on....

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The Governments know exactly what they are doing, Unfortunately a lot of the the public believe that "Public sector" needs cutting back, when they do not have a NHS it will be to late to say stop, what's going on....


hahah I don't think that Cameron and sidekick know their backsides from their elbows so no - they do not know what they are doing! Perhaps they will change their minds when there is a mess as big as the Railtrack fiasco that led to the Paddington and Hatfield rail crashes so watch out for people dying from infections caught in hospital and cancers being missed...Oh silly me, that's already happened to my aunt and mum!


Having said that, much of the Aussie healthcare system is privatised and it works pretty well. My GP is "independent" so I have to get rebates back off Medicare, I have my blood tests done down the road by another company, my consultant is also "independent", the ambulance is effectively privatised (no membership means extortionate ambulance fee) and hospitals are owned and managed independently of each other.

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I've got no particular problem in principle with privatisation or part-privatisation. The NHS seems to be to be a terribly wasteful and bureaucratic organisation and anything that can be done to improve that is a step in the right direction (and no, it's not just as simple as "keep on frontline staff and cut back on the administrators" - that's just real saloon bar rhetoric)


I don't know if this is the right way to achieve improvements; I confess I haven't kept right up with the proposed changes because, selfishly, I figure they don't really affect me much as I don't live in the UK any more and even when I did I had insurance. But I think something needs to be done (it always does, of course; at root the problem is that whilst people expect ever more and better treatments to be available for free, they're not so keen on paying for it in their taxes. Demographics in the UK with an ageing population don't help at all)


If you think this is bad, wait until the UK public finally wakes up to the size of the pension timebomb it has been sitting on for the past 15 years. Successive governments have done nothing about this and it's not going away - actually it's getting worse. Biggest single risk to UK civilised society by miles, it makes stuff like immigration pale into insignificance. The vast majority of UK citizens under 50 are seriously underprovisioned for their retirement as final salary schemes have been wound up, peoples' employment patterns have meant the "job for life with a decent pension" is a thing of the past, money purchase schemes have underperformed with low equity returns since the late 90s and very low bond yields. The number of my contemporaries (I am 40) who have virtually no pension at all, and are relying on property to bail them out, is untrue.

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the NHS is dying and has been for years. The waves of reforms by successive govts have gone back and forth since the Thatcher/Major era when they introduced 'fundholding'. Blair and co cocked things up even more and now the coalition are doing their best.


Trouble is, no modern day health system can exist as a purely free 'at the point of care' service. All 'commissioning' (eerily reminiscent of 'fundholding') does is shift deckchairs on an already sinking titanic. They (the pollies) should've left it alone or scrapped it completely and started again from scratch.


At least in Aus, the punters (except pensioners and the like) are not averse to some out of pocket expenses for health care. Why should it be free? There's nothing inherently wrong with having private companies providing healthcare services. They do a good (excellent compared to the NHS) job of providing pathology and imaging services here.

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The Governments know exactly what they are doing, Unfortunately a lot of the the public believe that "Public sector" needs cutting back, when they do not have a NHS it will be to late to say stop, what's going on....


Its funny isn't it, people do not mind others losing a job as long as its not their job. I always try to think of everyone who loses a job and what it means to them and their family. I know there is not much I can do but to me people are not expendable and everyone having a go at making a living deserves to have one.

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Guest Guest66881

The NHS will die as we know it, and the new privately owned and run version will blossom.

Medicare and private health schemes are on the way Britain.

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The NHS will die as we know it, and the new privately owned and run version will blossom.

Medicare and private health schemes are on the way Britain.


not sure about that. the ALP in their 'wisdom' have been trying to emulate the labour NHS reforms (WRT to target payments and setting up bodies very similar to PCTs) ever since they came into power. One thing the ALP really do envy re the NHS is the relative lack of autonomy held by GPs in Britain compared to here, thanks to Phony Tony et al.

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Guest tandcmum

working in the NHS at the moment is a scary and worrying time. Pension contributions (if i were staying ) would be going up 3%, yet our wages are still frozen and now they are on about local pay agreements again so trusts could could wages if they so wished. There is also a lot of streamlining going on, at my hospital we are now the only surgical ward in the hospital when several years ago there were six and we are not sure but we think we will lose surgery altogether at some point as it is being scaled down even more.


One of the main issues in the NHS tho is waste, in my opinion there are still too many cheifs being paid high salaries and the amount of innapropriate admissions to hospital is ridiculous. Patients admitted from nursing homes with urine infections, alcohol related admissions where we give them drugs to help withdrawel for a week and feed them only for them to go out and drink themselves silly again, a young girl with 6 admissions just this year to have foreign objects removed from her, when what she needs is some serious physiciatric help. Fair enough i know these issues happen all over the world but the NHS is bursting at the seams and it just can't cope anymore and the staff are struggling to keep their moral up to deliver the care the patients are expecting

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Guest Bazinga
What can you do - the majority of the voters must have voted for these idiots - no point complaining about it now!


No we bloody well didn't! It's a coalition. Aka a flaming mess.

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Guest Bazinga

The NHS does need a major over haul but not like this. Not something that the majority of workers within the NHS feel will in reality be harmful to their patients.


What scares me is how much the (mainly Tory) MPs/lords stand to benefit from it financially from a personal stand point. That's why it went through. Nothing to do with making things better for ALL of us but to line their pockets. We are NOT all in this together despite what DC keeps spinning. The cuts are scary esp round where we are, child poverty is already incredibly high around here. It is abiut to get worse. You cant spin that.

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The NHS is a complete and utter joke. If it were a normal company it would have been broke years ago - it needs massive reform. I am not 100% sure that these reforms are the way to go.


Unfortunately the only people in the NHS that are any good and I must say do a fantastic job are the nurses and they always get the short end of the stick. The majority of doctors in every GP centre are not doctors they are just gate keepers, there sole purpose in live is to stop you costing the NHS any money.


The amount of bureaucracy and paper work is insane.


If your dying you will get the service but anything non life threatening - forget it. They dont care about your quality of life, go ahead a wait 6 months to fix your busted knee, you can still breath.


I wish it would all go private, give me back my portion of tax and NI that goes to the NHS and let me go private. I bet the majority of working people in the UK would choose this option if they could.

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The NHS is a complete and utter joke. If it were a normal company it would have been broke years ago - it needs massive reform. I am not 100% sure that these reforms are the way to go.


Unfortunately the only people in the NHS that are any good and I must say do a fantastic job are the nurses and they always get the short end of the stick. The majority of doctors in every GP centre are not doctors they are just gate keepers, there sole purpose in live is to stop you costing the NHS any money.


The amount of bureaucracy and paper work is insane.


If your dying you will get the service but anything non life threatening - forget it. They dont care about your quality of life, go ahead a wait 6 months to fix your busted knee, you can still breath.


I wish it would all go private, give me back my portion of tax and NI that goes to the NHS and let me go private. I bet the majority of working people in the UK would choose this option if they could.




I think this is a very unfair comment regarding doctors. I came back from Australia last year. Whilst there I had Post Partum Cardio Myopathy and Pulmonary Oedema. The doctor I have here now couldnt have done any more to help! When I first went, exactly the same drugs i got in Oz wernt available here and he contacted several Cardiologists to find out the best ones to give me, arranged with the hospital for me to see a cardiologist here and even contacted my Cardiologist in Oz to find out more about my condition so I could get the best treatment he could give. I would call that good service, maybe you have had a bad experience but please dont tar them all with the same brush!!

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What can you do - the majority of the voters must have voted for these idiots - no point complaining about it now!

Well we need to recall the facts.The Conservative P did not get carte blanche to dismantle or privitise or do anything else to the NHS as they never got a majority of voters and would not have formed government if didn't manage to form a coalition with the Lib/Dems.

The Lib/Dems sold themselves as the party of reason, not to dissimilar to the old DLP in Australia when they broke from Labor under the motiff "Keep the bastards honest",

They the Lib/Dems never gave any idea that they would go so far too the Right. I was living in London preceeding, during and in the early days of the new govt.

As far as I am concerned they have no mandate at all. Although Cameroon is going far more extreme showing himself to be more an idealogue than Thatcher, as she never took on the NHS.

Have the views of the British public changed so much from the eighties? Or are the present lot just hell bent on change and NHS is far too a socialist concept for someone of Cameroon's ilk to allow to function without substantial change?

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