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Timing - Is there a bad time to arrive???


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We have our PR visa and are planning on moving to OZ this year. We plan on arriving around 1 December but from what some recruitment agencies have said this is the worst time to start looking for jobs as everything in the corporate world kinda shuts down for December through to mid Janaury and very little hiring gets done because everybody is on holiday for xmas/school holidays.


We are kinda banking on it taking a max of 3 months to find jobs but are worried that might turn into 5 months if we lose 2 due to the timing. Not to mention the additional costs of living in Oz for an extra 2 months without any $ coming in.


Any info or experiences would be appreicated. We are heading to Perth if that makes any difference.




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I heard that hiring re-starts in February. Don't know if this is region specific or relevant to all of Australia.


Can you apply early and give the joining date as December?




They have advised there is basically no chance of landing a job without being in the country - I dont work in any of the sponsored careers.

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Hey I would also consider the cost of flights in december as they will be higher, sky scanner website will search the full year for the cheapest flights which may help your decision. Also I would consider the temperature and try to arrive in a cooler month as it should help you acclimatise a little easier. Hope this helps



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They have advised there is basically no chance of landing a job without being in the country - I dont work in any of the sponsored careers.


Hiya Jamjar, what occupation do you have? We are also looking to go out this side of xmas and are thinking of going in Oct to maximise chance of getting a job, although getting one whilst in UK would be ideal. My OH is in IT and we're off to Melbourne (hopefully!).


Emma x

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If you have children to consider I'd perhaps come out later in January in time for the new school year starting and therefore missing the summer holiday and not having friends etc to hang out with. Can be a lonely time having to spend weeks in a new country without friends and a bit of a social scene.


As it would tie in with the job market hopefully picking up again it could work better. Also cost of flights would come down after Jan 15 or some such so you should get it a bit cheaper for then (depending on when you book of course).


Or come out a couple of months before that, Oct time perhaps and hopefully find work. But then if you don't find it you run into the Christmas quiet period....


Swings and roundabouts really. Hard to know for sure how the job hunting would go.

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October/November are some of the cheapest months to fly in - probably followed by March :)


Jon arrived in early November and didn't get a job until early Feb (he's a manufacturing engineer) - there really was next to nothing in December and January but then it picked right up.


I'd probably aim for either October or Feb/March - although as someone else said, schools start late Jan so you might want to tie in with that :)

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I wouldnt bother going in December, not only the job market but the real estate market closes right up too. Either October or February would be much better options on both counts. In some places, if you are vying with uni students for accommodation you want to arrive after the rush.

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Guest GeorgeD

I moved in October and was lucky enough to get a job in November 2010. I can say from experience that I work in IT sales and most of our customers wind down in the run up to Christmas and some even close factories, etc well into mid-Jan. For me it meant that things started slowly, which wasn't great. i would've preferred to hit the ground running.


Having said all of the above, it's not impossible to get a job at that time of year, just maybe a bit more difficult. as long as you bear that in mind, and don't get downheartened, or at least try and use your time wisely...it gives you a chance to try and sort your admin and homelife out. Scout out the area, etc. Schools are also on holiday and the temperature is high. Looking for accomodation can be interesting, as someone said earlier, even estate agents wind down. We also found in Feb that the University term starts and agents anywhere near student areas are heavily involved in showing that type of accomodation rather than family homes. this was an issue for us in Feb 2011 after the floods in Brisbane...lots of people were homeless or didn't renew leases (like us after our building was flooded - no electricity for 6 weeks!), and the new influx of students were hitting the city as well!


Don't let it put you off though, if that's the best time for you to leave the UK, then go for it. It will also allow your kids to get ready for school and start a year at the start of term.

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