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mental health nurse interview any tips please


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I applied for my first job in SA and to my suprise have had been contacted by the mental health clinial director and encouraged to apply for another job (RN3Perinatal job). I have just got an email asking me to book an interview date and time and just wondered if there is anyone with any tips on what they might ask me, are they likely toskype or how will they interview me ( there are 4 on the panel) . Any help be really appreciated!

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As a rule have found Australian interviews to be generally more relaxed. I have had 2 telephone interviews for midwifery posts and they were much less formal and more like chats. It's not like the uk where you are competing against lots of other applicants. That said prepare as you would for any other interview, find out as much as possible about the organisation as possible and have some questions ready.

Good luck!

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my initial interview was really relaxed on the phone about 10pm. i had a job description to look at before hand so i could prep and apply my skills, abilities, experience to examples to use in the interview. I had my CV and letter in front of me so i could remember what i wrote! Sometimes its you they want to hear about and sometimes it all about the job.


When I have done uk interviews ive had set questions that i would use in face to face meetings and its been about the role and experience of the nurse.


However face to face ones over here, dependent on the role can be intense. I've just had one for a unit manager job and there were 5 on the panel. They grilled me for an hour...I was exhausted at the end!!

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I applied for my first job in SA and to my suprise have had been contacted by the mental health clinial director and encouraged to apply for another job (RN3Perinatal job). I have just got an email asking me to book an interview date and time and just wondered if there is anyone with any tips on what they might ask me, are they likely toskype or how will they interview me ( there are 4 on the panel) . Any help be really appreciated!


perinatal mental health job? Are we talking mother and baby unit? I've never heard of such a role, so curious!:cute:

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The interviews we do are the same for telephone candidates as the ones we see face to face (if they've applied for a specific job), each candidate will get the same questions which are based on the selection criteria. The feedback i've had from candidates is that they're reasonably relaxed but it's not a 'chat'

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Thanks! I have 8 years perinatal experience and set up services in east london so am feeling more relaxed now! perinatal or maternal mmental healt is for adults who have or experienced mental health problems during pregnancy up to the first year of childs life. I have just received an e-mail telling me that someone will contact me to set up a video conference ( not sure if this is skype) so I will await this as there are 4 on the panel and for most of my jobs I have had 5 on the panel here so expect to be grilled a little! Maybe a silly question but should I wear a suit etc I am guessing that on video conference they will not really be able to see all of me!

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