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Day 6 and with no home or job


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how long did it take for anyone who has just racked up in Australia to find a) job and b) a home (ie houseshare)


I am on a WHV and getting really worried I am not going to get anything job wise. I worked in communications in the UK, I know its only day 6, but its worrying me how little feedback I am getting from recruitment consultants.


Housewise, I just cant get anyone to respond.


Whens the next flight back to London? :twitcy:

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Sorry to hear your not having much luck and fingers crossed things change for you soon. 6 days isnt a long time although i know it must feel like a lifetime to you. If your struggling with both accommodation and work could you not travel somewhere else?

Have you had a look on Gumtree for accommodation? Its a good site but has a few scams so be careful.


Cal x

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Guest AKA63029

Bloody hell Gebb.


God took seven days to create the world, and the lazy bugger took sunday off.:elvis:


Seriously matey, give yourself some time and breathing space.


Six days is nothing in the grand scheme of things, you will be fine Gebb, honestly breath easy and chill, it will come to pass.:laugh:


Take care.



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There are jobs on the WHV section. Might not be what you are after, but better than nothing. Obviously look on seek and gumtree, there are temp and short term contracts jobs advertised, and if you have any contacts use them to network.

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We used hostels till we found places to stay. And often you find casual work via people in those as they are all moving around and backpacking.

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Just a thought - have you had a look on the net and in local papers to see if anyone wants a house sitter and / or live in pet minder?


I've come across a couple of jobs advertised over the last few months for this type of thing (the ones I've seen have had you 'working' anywhere between two weeks to two months).


I'd guess the pay wont be very good (possibly zero??) and it wont be long term, but it would give you a roof over your head and whilst you are doing it you would be able to search for more long term employment.


As calNgary say, gumtree is a good place to look for housing and also employment.


All the best to you in whatever you may do!

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Hi, if you're on a working holiday visa it may be difficult to find a 'proper job' as employers will more than likely want someone who can commit for longer than just a year. Although you may get lucky and find an employer who will take you on and even sponsor you on a PR visa if your skills are desirable, who knows.


From my experience you will get stuff like farm work, hotel work etc - jobs where there is a high turnover of staff or is seasonal like fruit picking.


This may not be for you as you sound as though you want to settle in one place but we used www.helpx.net for accomodation on our travels. It was great, you work a couple of hours a day in return for food and accomodation. It's similar to WOOFing but better I recon. We saved thousands, got to live with Australians and had some great experiences and made lots of friends who will still stay in contact with. We even found paid employment through our hosts on several occasions.


Anyway, best of luck. Let us know how you get on.

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Guest Aus10

It isn't nice when you haven't got work but it can take a while. Have you thought about trying to get a travellers job? Althought it might be dependant on your location, at least it will bring in some money

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Guest Guest66881

How about getting a banger and running around in that, you can always kip in the back out the cold i suppose.

Chin up dude.

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I don't know where you are in Aus, but get in the hostel scene, jobs or contacts are always to be found in there and also notice boards with house shares, cars etc. As someone has already said employers are unlikely to give 'real' jobs to people on a WHV and you will probably have to settle for something else just to bring in the bucks!


Are you hoping to have one job and stay there for the year? If so you are missing out on the greatest oppourtunity of your life! Get a temp job, earn some bucks, get a car or look for people wanting to share and drive around that amazing country. Believe me, you will have the time of your life!

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I don't know where you are in Aus, but get in the hostel scene, jobs or contacts are always to be found in there and also notice boards with house shares, cars etc. As someone has already said employers are unlikely to give 'real' jobs to people on a WHV and you will probably have to settle for something else just to bring in the bucks!


Are you hoping to have one job and stay there for the year? If so you are missing out on the greatest oppourtunity of your life! Get a temp job, earn some bucks, get a car or look for people wanting to share and drive around that amazing country. Believe me, you will have the time of your life!


Was definately the best thing I have ever done, we bought a camper and did it for ten months & 33,000km... do it! Life is short...

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As far as I am aware on a working hliday visa you can only work for the same emplloyer for 3 months unless they sponser you for permanent residency.

In terms of real estate agents not responding Im afraid thats just the way things seem to be. This is a relaxed country! That means people seem to take their time over things. We find real estate agents are never in any rush whatsoever to rent a house out!

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You do have savings to fall back on for your WHV don't you? That's why you are supposed to have funds. As work is supplementing the holiday aspect. I'd not fret much but start looking round for more casual work and so on.

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Ouch, this wasnt what I wanted to hear, but thanks anyway.


I think Ive ****ed up big style!!


I am on a WHV and in Melbourne but wasnt going to go travelling as such. I hoped I might be able to get contract work 3-4 months here and there (max stay in 1 role is 6 months) working in PR/ Communications.


I am too old to be taking a year out of the jobs market. At some point I am going to have to go back to London, carrying a CV with a big hole in it. Not good at 30! (if I was 21 it would be a different matter)


Id get a plane back to London now, but I cannot deal with friends and family.



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hey, with the flatmate thing my aussie boyfriend used to use flatmate finder, or a website similar to that. He always managed to find something. It took me a few weeks to find a job and learnt that finding a specialist recruiter rather than one of the big name agency names was the way to go - I had an interview with the agency on a Wednesday, interview with an employer the following Monday and started work that Wednesday, so one week in all! Keep your chin up, no future employer is going to turn you down because of a two week gap in your CV. You may even end up being sponsored and earning good cash!

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hey, with the flatmate thing my aussie boyfriend used to use flatmate finder, or a website similar to that. He always managed to find something. It took me a few weeks to find a job and learnt that finding a specialist recruiter rather than one of the big name agency names was the way to go - I had an interview with the agency on a Wednesday, interview with an employer the following Monday and started work that Wednesday, so one week in all! Keep your chin up, no future employer is going to turn you down because of a two week gap in your CV. You may even end up being sponsored and earning good cash!


Thanks, I needed that :)

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when my little brother made the move a few years ago he got a job in the country (which enabled him to extend his visa another year) shooting vermin

Now that is a cool job to have on the CV - well unless you are looking to go into greenpiece as a career :biggrin:

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.................I am too old to be taking a year out of the jobs market. At some point I am going to have to go back to London, carrying a CV with a big hole in it. Not good at 30! (if I was 21 it would be a different matter)...............


Nah, I dont think thats the case at all and I wouldn't worry about it if it comes to that, which I sincerely hope it wont.


I'm almost 35 and my CV has a hole in it covering the last 6 months (luckily I landed a job last week and have just started today).


Make the most of your time here in Oz and dont give up!


In the unfortunate event that things dont work out and you have to go back, in your CV or cover letter say somewhere that you've been travelling for the last X months, hence you have not been employed over this period.


Wishing you all the best and good luck in whatever you do!



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Guest AlandLucy

Its just taken us 2 months to secure our second rental, our first one (in winter) took 3 weeks. Spoke to a few agents about this and they say its normal for rentals to take a lot longer in the summer. It took me 4 weeks from landing to get the job I am in now (though I only spent 1 week actually looking as I spent the first three finding us somewhere to live!).

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Oh dear, sorry you are having a hard time, jobs -depends what you are looking for, can be a bit slow. Amy chance of temp/agency work?


Where are you looking for a house share? Which area?






how long did it take for anyone who has just racked up in Australia to find a) job and b) a home (ie houseshare)


I am on a WHV and getting really worried I am not going to get anything job wise. I worked in communications in the UK, I know its only day 6, but its worrying me how little feedback I am getting from recruitment consultants.


Housewise, I just cant get anyone to respond.


Whens the next flight back to London? :twitcy:

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  • 4 weeks later...

We have now been here 10 weeks and still no luck for my husband trying to find a job. We are a family of five and have just moved into a rental so now have the worry of paying rent and bills. Up until now we have been staying with relatives. My husband has applied for absolutely loads of jobs on Seek.com and we have both gone to recuitment/job agencies looking for casual work. My husband is also in the IT/Telecommunications business. TBH I don't know how much longer we can live here as everthing seems so expensive. Can't believe how much food costs. We came on a Permanent Residency visa as there was supposed to be a skills shortage in my husband's line of work but it doesn't appear to be the case when you get here. Hope you and us find work soon.

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Hi Helen

Has hubby tried calling on companys who arent advertising rather than replying to job ad's? It may be worth a try and the white pages on line should throw you up a list of companys.

Also, have you applied to Centrelink for financial assistance until you get work and find your feet? They should also contribute to your rent costs too.


Cal x

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Hi Cal

Hubby hasn't tried companies who arent advertising so will definitely give that a go. Thanks for that. Am now getting family assistance from centrelink for the kids and have just put in our rent form so at least we will get some money coming in. However the money from centrelink will just about cover our rent. So using our savings for all other things.


Helen x

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