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457 Visa Job


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Just to put some feelers out there I have just been offered a job with a recruitment agent on a 457 visa sponsor which I intend to turn into a PR that's hoping the visa application goes through ok <it will> I have lived in Australia before 20 years ago so I know a few things what to expect depends how much it has changed.

Any way are there any more tradesmen going through the sponsorship offer through Industrial partners who would like to get in touch??

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This is Mrs Truchazul here. We have been reading this forum for the last few months during the time that Mr Truchazul was applying for a job, and its so exciting to feel part of a group of people all doing the same thing. Some have gone already, some are going soon, some are like us, just starting out on the adventure although the prospect of all the work involved and just the basic logistics of the move are mind boggling. It is a comfort that there are a lot of people out there in exactly the same place as we are. We have got the movers coming to give us a quote on Thursday (the agency Mr Truchazul is going to work for is are not helping us with the move but we have decided to take our things anyway because it would appear to be cheaper to take our stuff rather than to buy new or even second hand in Perth!, this we learned on the forums fortunately).


We have been wondering who else is going out on 457 visas sponsored by the same agency as we are "Industry Partners" the interviews were held in at the end of last month and apparently they recruited quite a few skilled tradesmen. It would just be nice to know who we all are since we will probably all be going out at the same time.


I'll write an update on the quotes we get from the movers and hope to get some feedback from you, especially those who are being sponsored by the same agency as us!.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi, my hubby has gone with agency Industry Partners from Perth is this who you are mentioning? He is just starting out on a 457 with the process and its mind boggling. i am very wary and not sure what he is letting himself into. Reading these threads gets you mind going.

wish you good luck with it all.

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Hi Toonnut1972, this is Mrs Truchazul here.....yes the agency is Industry Partners. We had been trying for sponsorship for the last two years and had all but given up when we got the call to go for an interview with Industry Partners. What is it that you are feeling wary about? As far as we can tell there is plenty of work in Perth and surrounding areas so we think we should be fine financially. I do believe it would have been better if my OH had gotten a job with one of the big oil or mining companies because obviously the conditions for the move would have been better, the big companies pay for a lot (relocation wise) more than what Industry Partners are offering, but we had been trying for two years with no luck and this has been our best offer so far. We are not spring chickens and it will be a huge change but we are up for the adventure if nothing else! I have an 11 year old son who is also really excited about the prospect of this move! There is another family over on British Expats forum who are going out with Industry Partners too maybe we should all keep in contact on comparing experiences and keeping up to date with things. (and reassuring each other at the same time :)..)

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Hi Mrs Truchazul, thank your reply. My OH went to interview in kent uk with Industry Partners. He is in the manucturing trade - Sheet metal worker or Boilermaker as they are called across there. Perth is our destination. We have two children girl is nearly 14 and son is 9 . Daughter knows about move son does not. My OH has to be sponsered as 45 now. have been applying for jobs for last year but no offers. IP is the first offer he has had. I think i am more worried about the financial side the manufacturing industry here is finished and the prospects for my OH are none existant. He has been to Australia house to see officals there and were quite helpful but taking a chance with IP. Will you all go out together? Or follow on later? We will be later OH going out first. We have never been apart for 22 years so will be difficult. Like you say if nothing else it will be an adventure........ Its now a waiting game......... Yes will keep in touch. All the best with it all.Toonut1972.

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We have sent in all the papers now for the 457 Visa and are keeping our fingers crossed. Mr Truchazul and I have a defacto relationship and although I think the rules on the 457 are not as strict as the PR we have still had to round up loads of information to prove our relationship has been ongoing and stable over the last few years. I also have a boy of 11 from a previous relationship and fortunately his Dad agreed to the move and signed all the papers (his Dad lives abroad anyway and only sees our son once or twice a year) he thought it would be a great excuse for holidays in Australia!....We are now in the process of de-cluttering the house and getting rid of anything not absolutely essential. The OH will be going out first and me and my son will be going about three months after that. I wasnt happy about this either but IP were adamant about it....so we have no choice but to stick with it. It does seem a bit unfair since we women get stuck with the stress of sorting out the house on our own, packing and organising the whole move without the help of our OH's but ho hum if that's the way it has to be, so be it! We are just hoping that the visa comes through quickly before our savings run out (OH was made redundant and is now doing some contract work but it isnt fixed or stable by any means)...so many stresses! but hopefully it will all be worth it in the end. :biggrin:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi...Mrs Truchazul here...all has gone quiet on this thread so thought I would post an update. No word on OH's visa yet, but its only been three weeks so according to some timelines I have seen on the forums it could take up to six weeks or more!:eek: We apparently did it all wrong anyway and we werent supposed to have included me and my son on the visa! we were aware that we are supposed to join OH after three months but we thought we still had to fill in the form with me and my son included:embarrassed:. so anyhoo....apparently we would have been "attached" after the fact...hopefully it wont cause a lot of delay and confusion, cant see that it would but you never know. Meanwhile we have had a few quotes from removal companies and there is frankly hardly any difference between any of them so we reckon it is just a case of deciding which one we feel is the best and going with it. We have been letting our families know (had been keeping it all under wraps until we were absolutely sure it was happening) and have had a mixed bag of reactions up till now, some really excited for us, some a bit miffed, some seem to be totally underwhelmed:wink:. I should explain here, that OH lived in Australia before (came back because his previous partner didnt want to stay !) and I lived most of my life in South America so we both are "old hands" at the "being expat's" thing and so are most of our family members!

On a separate note, I wonder if anyone out there knows whether the fact that my OH had an Australian visa before (I think it was a skilled worker one - not sure though) will go in his favour at all since we will be trying for a PR once we are out there.? OH is a Boilermaker, Plater and is on the highly skilled list, although our age goes against us, I have read up on the Australian government website that under certain conditions there can be flexibility on the age thing.


Anyway....thats our update for the moment, we are very slowly getting round to packing up the house, but its hard to think what has to be done now and what can wait, specially if OH's visa comes through and he has to leave at relatively short notice. It would be nice to get an update from the others who are going out with Industry Partners to see how they are getting on!:biggrin:

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Glad to hear from another going with IP I do remember at the interview in Kent there would be around 30 tradesmen going to perth from there we all could be in the 4 corners of Wa.

We live in Norfolk although neither of us come from here, I have lived a lot of years in and around the Grimsby area working on the oil refineries and up and down the couintry working on the new construction of power stations, but the last 8 years in norfolk my partner is originaly from scotland but 35 years living in south America as previous threads have said I have lived in OZ before and I wished i never came back so this is a last gasp attempt to get over there and not come back.

I had an e-mail from the immigration agent whom had said visa's are taking around 4 weeks to sort so with this I hope to hear next week. Will this be about the same time for you ? if this is correct I would hope to be ready to go within 2 weeks if IP have the work places sorted? If your interested in making contact prior to your move PM me and I will send my e-mail address, My partner and I were hoping to make contact with as many families as poss who are going with IP to see if we can all help each other settle as from previous experience it is a lot harder for partners to settle because of family back in the UK what ever happens this certainly is an exciting time which we are both looking forward to. hope all goes well with your move for yourself and lets hope all our families settle quickly


keep intouch will look forward to hear from you

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I wish I had listened to my Dad when I was younger he told me to get a trade, I became a teacher!! Does anyone know any good agencies such as Industry Partners for other types of work? WA are not sponsoring teachers at the moment and this is where the wife would ideally like to settle after a recent visit to see friends and relatives.

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Hi Mrs Truchazul, glad you posted was starting to get a bit twitchy myself.... my Oh has had references verified and waiting for visa forms from IP. I think we are a couple of weeks behind you. Oh had his interview in Feb 2012 at Kent. We havent told family yet as nothing to tell really. I have been looking on the job sites in oz just to get a feel about what is out there for OH. One day there was over 57 jobs available for his trade in Perth region. At min for me it all seems so far away and cant get head round it all yet. Want to get excited but holding back ha ha expecting to get slapped round the face with a wet kipper.......

Or house needs updating before we rent it out - thats my job for the three months or so hes out there will keep me occuppied. Im pleased things are going well. :wink:

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My OH with Industry Partners, We have girl 14 boy nearly 10 we are from cold Newcastle what bout you?. Started with them after interview in Feb 2012. Hes a sheet metal worker/ boilermaker. What process are you at? He is waiting to start visa application.

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I put another thread on our forum but i thought I would reply direct we are living in Norfolk but we are both from other parts of uk

I have worked most of my time in the oil and gas and power station construction mainly Grimsby area and power stations up and down the country. and we have both lived abroad before also, should you you want to make contact PM me and i will send e-mail address good luck with your move down under.

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Hi Mrs Truchazul, glad you posted was starting to get a bit twitchy myself.... my Oh has had references verified and waiting for visa forms from IP. I think we are a couple of weeks behind you. Oh had his interview in Feb 2012 at Kent. We havent told family yet as nothing to tell really. I have been looking on the job sites in oz just to get a feel about what is out there for OH. One day there was over 57 jobs available for his trade in Perth region. At min for me it all seems so far away and cant get head round it all yet. Want to get excited but holding back ha ha expecting to get slapped round the face with a wet kipper.......

Or house needs updating before we rent it out - thats my job for the three months or so hes out there will keep me occuppied. Im pleased things are going well. :wink:


Hi toonnut1972....I know the feeling of not really feeling anything!....I have had trouble getting excited about it all too....I suppose it will all kick in when I am actually on the plane on my way to Perth, meanwhile it just seems so far away. I have read on the forums that this is the worst bit, waiting for the visa, this is our fourth week waiting for approval. OH is now off work and we have done loads of sorting, throwing out stuff, and cleaning tools he will be taking with him, he is rapidly running out of things to do and getting more bored by the minute!...our only consolation is that we are going through the same thing as countless other people and we are reading the forums daily to remind ourselves that we are not in this alone by a long shot.....

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Hi just wondering why you have finished work already if the visa comes through in the next week I have heard it can be a few months or longer till a placement is found.Not even got that far yet?


OH got made redundant (the very day that he got the call from Industry Partners - think that was fate:biggrin:). So although he did have some work for a few months after that, the job has now finished.

I am surprised you think it will take a few months to get a placement? Why would Industry Partners want to have a bunch of blokes over there without jobs and having to pay them the retainer? The contract says that OH has to be in Australia within 28 days of getting his visa and we thought that OH would be stepping almost straight into a placement Just the fact that Industry Partners went to the expense of recruiting out here and offering the sponsorships makes us think that they must have jobs lined up for the workers they recruited! Thats our perception anyway:biggrin:

Here's hoping were right, if not we're going to struggle financially!

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Hi my name is Jess,I had spoke to Misty from the immigration agency week before last her reply had been visa's were taking approx 4 weeks taking into consideration if like me I filled in the application and sent it by the Thursday 4 weeks ago if Misty takes a week to sort out any errors or anything that needs amending then this week will be the 4 th week so fingers crossed we will know soon I would have liked to be over there around the 15-16th ready to start on the 21st as it will take on average 2 days for the jet lag to go. Time to get barings and find a shared or temp accomadation, I would have thought IP would have people traveling around the same time as this might help getting us settled as well as being able to help keep the initial cost down prior to families coming out??

As far as where we plan to be? at first with going on a trial basis I intend to be as close as possible to where the job will be, although I think FIFO might be a better option at first. Our intentions has always been to find a house to rent south of perth we both prefer to be semi rural but close enough for the beach to do a bit of fishing now and again( i am not a big fisher man just occasionaly)close enough to the city by train or tram as Linda needs to find work in the city.So we have been looking from North lakes down to Hammond Park and either side of the Kwinana highway, as I suspect work could be either on the refinery in Kwinana or the industrial estate there or Welshpool where I know there are heavy industrial places that work with the oil and gas and mining industries.

Not trying to diss the Brits who all seem to want to live in the north suburbs we think it would be better trying to intergrate more into the Australian culture asap. I also have friends of the family I have known since 4 yrs old live in Port Kennedy they use to live in Brisbane when I lived there but moved as there sons are based at the Naval base perminately at Henderson, it has been 22 years since I saw them last and don't expect be mingling to often, the need to find a group of friends through work and schools when the family arrive are very important in getting settled and another tip knock on your niebours doors when you have moved in let them know who you are what you do who the family is any hobbies you or the kids are into, this goes down very well with niebours. and you are more likely to feel welcome always except party or barbie invertations even if it feels uncomfortable at first and you are not sure this is a great way to find friends, well with a bit of luck we if we can plan it we can try and meet up in perth use the poms in oz site to arrange this, hey hoy you never know we might even end up working with the same co. We will be posting a thread with hundreds of smiley faces when our visa comes through, and will also be putting the flight date in there too so keep in touch .

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Hi all, Mrs Truchazul here.......Mr Truchazul has just gotten word that his visa was granted :wink: yipee!!!! he has posted elsewhere on the forum but I just wanted pip him to the post on this thread.....hee hee!! We are soo happy and a bit overwhelmed.....guess it happens to everybody....its actually happening. Of course I have to stay behind with my son and we hope to get out there by the Autumn, but we are well and truly on our way now....We would like to know if anybody else has had their visa through....and when you are planning on flying out.

All the best luck to all

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Hi all, Mrs Truchazul here.......Mr Truchazul has just gotten word that his visa was granted :wink: yipee!!!! he has posted elsewhere on the forum but I just wanted pip him to the post on this thread.....hee hee!! We are soo happy and a bit overwhelmed.....guess it happens to everybody....its actually happening. Of course I have to stay behind with my son and we hope to get out there by the Autumn, but we are well and truly on our way now....We would like to know if anybody else has had their visa through....and when you are planning on flying out.

All the best luck to all



Congrats to you. Misty sent us Visa application this week so filling in at weekend. OMG its happening isnt it !!! great news for you really pleased. take Care.

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Congrats to you. Misty sent us Visa application this week so filling in at weekend. OMG its happening isnt it !!! great news for you really pleased. take Care.


Yesss....keep having to pinch myself to believe it.....not much work getting done today I'm afraid....

Just be aware that if you fill in the visa papers at the weekend, prepare yourselves because it will take around 4 weeks, give or take a day or two, to be granted!

I am now thinking about how I am going to cope when OH is off to Perth.....it puts a wee bit of the dampers on my excitement because me and my son still have months to go yet:arghh:

Keep us updated on everything.

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I have also been recruited after the end of feb recruitemnt/interview, i will be working as a mechanical fitter for them and have completed all my paperwork about 2/3 weeks again so getting impatient to hear more about visa being granted and where i will be working, its quite worrying really, the uncertainty of where you will be working is bothering me though they did say it will most likely be around the Perth metro area. I am 43 with two children aged 14 and 12, i also filled out the visa to include my children but was informed this will only be done after the 3 month probation period but have been assured it will be a quick process. Currently trying to convince my defacto partner it would be a good move, she has reservations due to leaving her older children back here in the uk, however the sunshine is a large pull after the dismal April/May weather lol.Look forward to talking and meeting up with fellow recruits once in Oz.

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