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457 Visa Job


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Last post from IP was nothing will happen till after the end of the viscal year which is the 30th June,:cry: although they have specified clients interest in the trades people on IP's books we wont hear now till July, so dispite the waiting and frustration of nothing now for 8 weeks we are still looking on the positive side as we know 2012 is going to be a good year considering we never thought we would be in this position at all, good to here visa's are granted one step nearer hope to see you all for a tinnie in Perth:biggrin:

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Hi again. Hubby has had a formal offer today from IP with a company in Kwinana. We are just trying to weigh it all up at the moment to see if it is an offer which would suit our circumstances. This has also coincided with a particularly rubbish day at work for me so I must say I am getting excited at the now very real and imminent prospect of applying for a lengthy career break............... Has anyone else had any good news yet ?

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Hi thats great news I was begining to think nothing was going to happen at this rate till 2013 from IP but lets all hope things will start to move now, I have been hoping for a start around the Kwinana area there seems to be a lot of work for offshore vessels and on the local oil refinery there, also if you surf the property rentals from Bertram down to Port Kennedy you will find the rents are a lot cheaper for the type of houses available than those closer to Perth CBD and those north of Perth.

Good luck if you go for it I am sure you will find Perth to your liking fingers crossed now for the rest of us see you in Perth :biggrin:

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Guest mollysda

Hi all,


Please could you give me the contact details of the IP agency that you mention.Do they recruit on a 457 visa sponsorship basis? I hope so, as that is my only way to Oz.





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Hi they are recruiting right now so be quick but don't worry they have been recruiting every year for the last 7 years and at present have only ever sent 2 people back, so if you miss this year you can be sure next years intake will be around Feb, also look on Reed and co web site for sponsored 457 visa good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all


Just a little up date IP have been changed hands they have been taken over and now are called Tempo Industry Partners, info back from them has been it is business as usual and hope to be locating us very soon, they are apportioning blame on DIAC for visa's not being issued, but that is if documents have been sent to DIAC one can only wait, I like all am getting very frustrated and find the waiting intolerable it would be better and less stressful If IP just kept us up to date coming up to 12 weeks at the begining of August I think is starting to take the mick, but what can we do I am just going to keep sending an e-mail every week now for an update on a placement.

Good luck to all lets hope something starts to happen soon

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Hi for those of us waiting on IP for a placement, I am sure you will have recieved an e-mail this morning if not the information is that we need to sign 2 documents one to sign a new contract with now new company Tempo Industry Partners the other to retract from previous contract then the company need to transfer visa's which go back through DIAC I am told this will be quick and the company are still operating as normal by all accounts this new set up should improve our scope of placements in WA

All I can hope that this will be quick I have been waiting 10 weeks since the last visa was granted, time and finances are going to take a battering if something does not happen soon

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still have had no reply or any update since sending back revised contract, has anyone had a placement yet, getting pi**ed about how long this is taking now, fingers crossed someone gets a placement soon as starting to loose faith.

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Hi. Good news - OH has accepted the job in Kwinana and has booked his flight for 29th August so it's all go from our end. I applied for my career break and after a nervous wait, it's been granted. I'm having to finish around the same time so I can look after the kids but the plan is that we will go out at the beginning of November. our house sale completes at the end of October. I know that's not quite after 3 months probation but if IP won't put us on the visa after 2 months then I think we'll just get a tourist visa instead. It's either that or go out just before Christmas which isn't ideal. Hope that gives the rest of you some hope.............

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Hi T9jla, good news for you and a busy time ahead no doubt, just a word of caution if you try to enter Oz on a holiday visa and wont be returning to the uk you may be refused entry, having watched a border patrol program they seem very strict on that type of thing, it would be worth talking to the IP migration agent to make sure you dont have a long flight and have to go back again, i am in a similar position, single parent with 2 kids and not keen on having to leave the kids for 3 months so will be looking at ways of reducing this time down if possible, anyway positive news for you and good luck with the move.

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Hi t9jla


Have you had your visa updated since the merger with tempo and IP went ahead? did you have to sign another contract the same as we have had too? if so how long did the exchange of visa take,

I also agree if you go out on a tourist visa you would still have to return to the UK before going onto OH visa don't apply whilst you are visiting.


Good luck to you glad someone has got a start this waiting and changes are getting very frustrating for all of us lets hope we are all out before Christmas that includes all the family too

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OH did have to sign another contract but there was no change required re the visa. I shall look into the tourist visa rules. IP, or rather the immigration partners part of the company said we could do it that way but I will double check.

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I have just had an update from Tempo IP apparently 17 of the 27 offered a job with IP have got placements, wish those that have not joined PIO from the 27 would and pass on there experience and any info they could?? the other 10 of us they are hoping to have secured places by the end of August ready to start in September so keep your chins up!:biggrin: things should be happening soon, they had mentioned the problems with the unions at present regarding local labour first for jobs which I tend to have to agree we would be in the same frame of mind if it were on our doorstep, with the demand for trades people in WA as it appears there must be enough jobs for all, looking at the investment by companies and the amount of projects ongoing and about to start lets hope every one is working by the end of the year this means all local trades as well as those wantimg to move to WA

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi has anyone contracted with now Tempo IP had a confirmation on a placement yet?? thats the last 10 of us still waiting? I am hoping it all gets sorted by no later than the end of August as we have to wait 3 months for partners to get included on visa there will be no garuantee this is going to be completed by DIAC before christmas we can only hope it is sorted before or looks like Christmas will be January 25th

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Hello Truchazul,

i am in the same position and still waiting on a placement and getting quite frustrated at how long it is taking, hopefully they will get something sorted soon so my kids can fly out in december as new school years start in february and am hoping to have xmas as a family and not sat on my own lol. Fingers crossed for the remaining waiting recruits.

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Hi mate


Have you been asked to fill in a skills list questionaire today fro IP? I have asked them why at this stage are we filling in a skills list when they already know our trade skills, it is to do with the electronic CV they send out to clients not sure what to believe apparently Callum and Peter are on a recruitment drive in WA and we should expect placements very soon I will believe that when I get the e-mail with an offer but again I am still upbeat with the prospect of working in Oz again soon, as regards to spending Christmas on the beach with a BBQ as Billy no mates I am sure those of us in the same boat with IP can organise something.

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just had the list to fill in too, i thought my cv would of told anyone anything they need to know but have completed it and sent it back, fingers crossed the recruitment drive next qweek will get the remaining ten jobs, i am hopefull it will as the clock is ticking for xmas

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Hi Fatmanmo

Hope you might have recieved an e-mail from Callum at IP this morning with a possible lead with a company based near the airport in Perth I think they are interested in a few of the trades men on IP books lets hope this is finally it fingers crossed see you in Perth soon mate.

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Well folks we are way behind you lot OH got notification finally that his visa is through. if he has to wait for as long as you lot have he will not be there before christmas. The reality has set in today didnt think it was going to happen now must be patient for a placement. Save like mad discuss a few things like wether to rent furnished or unfurnished but you lot will have had all those dicussions. I hope you get sorted soon as.

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