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Does anyone else think that there is an awful lot of negativity at the moment about Oz?


I have not been on here for a few days and have just read a few negative posts.


I had a bit of a "wobble" last week and then I heard at the weekend that someone we knew had died of cancer. She was under 40. This made me stop and think. If our move to Oz turned out to be a complete disaster, at least we have done it and can cross it off the list and learn from it.

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Guest The Pom Queen

There are always people who it won't be right for you, but I would say there are more members who settle than don't. Just come with an open mind, remember you will still have to work etc and you will be fine.

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Guest AKA63029

Hi Candy.


It seems to go in fits and starts really, one day/week/month there will be a lot of negativity then vice versa. All swings and roundabouts I guess, but go for your life matey.

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Guest Guest31881

Hi candy Girl.



The vast majority of members who move to Australia and settle here stop posting on PIO. It has served it purpose and they no longer feed the need to keep posting on here, with a few sad exceptions like me.


A lot of members who decide for one reason or another that Australia is not the place for them often start to repost on PIO about their return to their home country. Sometimes this can give the impression that the site is full of members who are not happy and returning home for what ever reason.


The great majority of PIO members who arrive in Australia stay in Australia, I suppose you could think of them as the silent majority :wink:

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I totally agree. I havent been on here for long and I am wondering if we are making a big mistake moving due to all the negative stuff being posted. :confused:


But the way I tried to view it is, that this website should only be used for factual information (costs, housing, set up, schools etc) and try to ignore individual experiances due to emotions. Only they know the truth about the situation they are in.


I think if you move to Oz hoping its going to be the land of milk and honey and all your dreams will come true, then you are setting yourself up for dissapointment. It is still part of the real world where &^%$ happens and you still have to go to work on Monday morning. But in saying that, we cant stand being in the UK for much longer and our reason are all specific to us and might seem picky and silly to others.

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I actually quite like looking at the negative threads myself. I have this mentality of thinking that if I know all the bad stuff, then it won't be unexpected when I come across it! Positive or negative - everyone has their own subjective response to Australia and I'm happy to read them all.

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Most of the negative stuff seems to be driven by money/people feeling the pinch tbh. A few who it isn't working out for, job-wise. Times aren't that easy here, either; but they're a lot better than at home


Great attitude with not expecting all your dreams to come true; but OTOH don't get too full of hate or despondency about the UK. I see a lot of people fall into the trap of convincing themselves they're "desperate" to leave and if you allow desperation to drive you, you'll make bad decisions. Do things for positive reasons rather than negative ones

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Most of the negative stuff seems to be driven by money/people feeling the pinch tbh. A few who it isn't working out for, job-wise. Times aren't that easy here, either; but they're a lot better than at home


Great attitude with not expecting all your dreams to come true; but OTOH don't get too full of hate or despondency about the UK. I see a lot of people fall into the trap of convincing themselves they're "desperate" to leave and if you allow desperation to drive you, you'll make bad decisions


I agree :biggrin:


An interesting thing I heard the other day was that a decision is only bad IF you dont learn anything from it - I quiet like that

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I think about 80% of migrants stay, and like previous posters have said, once people settle they move from the site as they are settled.


Of course, those then returning come here for guidance also.


YOu have to have your own experience, I know so many people who have come here and said they know instantly they were meant to be here. Others just dont settle.


Its a wonderful place you just have to decide for yourself.

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Hi candy Girl.



The vast majority of members who move to Australia and settle here stop posting on PIO. It has served it purpose and they no longer feed the need to keep posting on here, with a few sad exceptions like me.


A lot of members who decide for one reason or another that Australia is not the place for them often start to repost on PIO about their return to their home country. Sometimes this can give the impression that the site is full of members who are not happy and returning home for what ever reason.


The great majority of PIO members who arrive in Australia stay in Australia, I suppose you could think of them as the silent majority :wink:


You are right.

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We are defo going and are committed to making it happen. That I know for sure. We have lost too much time already faffing about shall we, shan't we.


We know we are in for a rough ride. We moved to Spain 7 years ago with only basic Spanish and managed then and have built up a good life and business. We lived in Sydney 12 years ago on a WHV. My OH has never gotten Oz out of his system. Even now he still uses Aussie slang when he talks in everyday life. It just took me a bit longer to realise that Australia is a special place for us.

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I have to say everyone keeps telling me " oz is just as bad as UK" "they are in a big recession too" blah blah. I get totally fed up with the negative comments about me moving over (hoping this May) bearing in mind they have never even been to oz!


Im going and thats that. I will deffo be the one smiling over the next few years when the UK has finally sunk beyond repair.


Bloody good on ya to anyone who is giving it a go!


Rant complete lol x

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Just know what you REALLY want from life, research, be informed, listen to your heart, mind and soul, follow your dreams.....throw away all the fear, ignore the negativity and negative people....


We are all different and what applies to them might not apply to you. If your inner self tells you one thing...put your fear aside, then go for it!!!




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I think most posters have a balanced view of life in Australia, there's just the odd few who seem hell bent on knocking every aspect, the same can be said for the few who knock the UK at every opportunity.

I don't see what's wrong with folk pointing out the negatives of either place as long as it's done in a constructive manner with the aim of providing useful information. After all if everyone only said how great it was here (and there are loads of great things about it) then people would have totally unrealistic expectations and be ill prepared.


Candygirl, if you really want to come to Australia, then come, don't let anyone put you off, you only get one life, you do what you feel is best for you. I see you have already lived out here so you would have first hand experience of what it's like, and you liked it enough to make you want to come back here, so I say go for it.


When I first came over here loads of people said to me "but what if you don't like it?" My reply was that I could simply go back, it's not as though they make you stay here against your will!


I'm heading back to the UK after 20 years here, but I'm not an Aus hater, (I like red wine and white wine so why can't I love Australia and the UK, it doesn't have to be one or the other)

I do get concerned though when I see people say they really hate the UK and can't wait to get away, as I wonder if they really want to come here, or just to get away from the UK, especially if they have never set foot in Australia.

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