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Migration "Skill's" confirmation


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hi all


new to the site - great information and a real eye opener...like all of you...we have a dream...


today it feels like it's been somewhat shattered with the possible realisation that my/our skills are not required in OZ..(via call with an agent)


I've spent many hours since looking at this - and my current role could be classed as any of the following:


systems analyst - 261112

ict project manager - 135112

system administration - 262113


Ive looked at the ANZSCO list for a systems analyst and these tasks I do day to day in my current role - but my job title is not systems analyst (does this matter?).


261112 is on SOL Schedule 1.

135112 is not on SOL Schedule 1 or 2

262113 is on SOL Schedule 2


I felt that in my conversation with the agent that I probably gave the impression I was more of a 135112 - hence the negative response...i also felt I was being interviewed! (all in good nature - but this is probably an issue faced by many a migrant) - I can easily prove and substantiate I've carried out the tasks on all 3 roles over the last 24 months.


I do have over 15 years IT experience.


What's my next move!



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Hi Caz,

I do yes - I have a HND in Computer Studies and over 15 years relevant work experience working in various IT roles - i suppose the sticking point maybe the Terms used in my CV for the roles - as they could be mis-leading. Each employer would substantiate all tasks that I have completed (is it a disadvantage to have a broad IT experience? - I would hope hope this helps!).


Maybe I need to re-evaluate my CV that's being assessed and start again?

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I don't know anything about IT sorry but I would imagine if you have a general degree and can rejig your wording of job titles and descriptions that may work......... somebody else will answer with all of the proper info you need or just try a different agent and see how you go


Good luck with the mire that is trying to get to Oz! If you think your head is wrecked now wait till you get to the paperwork!!!!

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I have been a telephone engineer, telecoms analyst, technical support specialist and field engineer but what mattered for me to be assessed by TRA as a Telecommunications Technician was what I have done and currently do.

I simply changed my CV to show the correct Oz term for my job and all was fine.

As long as you can prove the skills for the job title on the SOL and get assessed as such you'll be fine.

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I have been a telephone engineer, telecoms analyst, technical support specialist and field engineer but what mattered for me to be assessed by TRA as a Telecommunications Technician was what I have done and currently do.

I simply changed my CV to show the correct Oz term for my job and all was fine.

As long as you can prove the skills for the job title on the SOL and get assessed as such you'll be fine.


Thanks Chardy - Im happy to do this - as I have all the necessary skills and backup from all the employers to say I did that aswell. Did you have the same issue when you started your journey or did you get advice to do this? From your timeline - it looks like it was quick to do the Skills assessment?

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It doesn't matter what your job title is - it's the duties you perform which matter. I wrote my own technical reference detailing the kind of work I've done, example projects, technical skills, etc., and got my manager to print it on headed paper, check and sign it. That made sure that I had all the information which was relevant to ACS description of a systems admin. If you can fit yourself into any of those categories, look at what ACS require and work from there. If you're looking for state sponsorship, take account of which states sponsor which occupations - only NT and NSW are sponsoring systems admins atm. If you're aiming for independent, you should go for systems analyst, it's on schedule 1 of the SOL.






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Thanks - this forum is excellent - gone from being "down in the dump" to "optimistic"


the Anzsco detail for a Systems Analyst:


  • working with users to formulate and document business requirements [DOING]
  • identifying, investigating, and analysing business processes, procedures and work practices [DOING]
  • identifying and evaluating inefficiencies and recommending optimal business practices, and system functionality and behaviour [DOING]
  • using project management methodologies, principles and techniques to develop project plans and to cost, resource and manage projects [DOING]
  • taking responsibility for deploying functional solutions, such as creating, adopting and implementing system test plans, which ensure acceptable quality and integrity of the system [DOING]
  • creating user and training documentation, and conducting formal training classes [DOING]
  • developing functional specifications for use by system developers [NOT DOING]
  • using data and process modelling techniques to create clear system specifications for the design and development of system software [NOT DOING]
  • acting as a central reference and information source, providing guidance and assistance in the system project decision making process [DOING]

So think I can re-model my CV accordingly. But want this to be correct. Its amazing how a CV re-write can change things so drastically...My CV would say Technical Project Manager - but that's only a part of the role (and roles) I have done in my career.


It also as vinny1275 says - give's me more freedom to go for the independant...



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thanks - as it's all new - thats next on my research list..how to do the ACS Skills assessment!


one thought.....if I get a positive response from the ACS as a Systems Analyst - does this in any way affect my ability to work in some of the other area's I mentioned earlier - eg. Tech PM, PM, Systems Change Analyst etc when and if we eventually get to OZ?


Also by the timeline on some signatures - the ACS is about 4-8 weeks is this correct? I turn 40 in June - so need to get moving!

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The skills assessment isn't too bad, and once you've got your visa, you can work as anything you like once you get to Oz. To prepare for your skills assessment, get copies of any educational certificates (include any vendor certification, etc. you might have as well). Write technical references for your jobs, and get them printed on headed paper and signed by your employers (get a few copies - one for ACS, one for state sponsorship in case you need it, and one for DIAC). The more information you give them at the beginning, the better. Mine took less than 4 weeks I think. One tip - use DHL or someone to send documents, don't rely on the Royal Mail international signed for service - you can't track it any further than "Airside in Australia".


Have you figured out your points yet? If not, go to the DIAC website and look for the points table - if you're under the 65 point pass mark, you can get up to 20 extra points by getting superior English in the IELTS test. If you need to do this, get it booked in - apparently some testing centres don't have any availability till May! You might need to be prepared to travel to give yourself time to get tested and get the results...

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thanks Vinny..lots of planning ahead then. This is why I wanted to engage a Migration Agent to help with the process.

I have good working relationship's with all the companies Ive worked for - so this wont be an issue - will start work on this pronto! (presume up to 10 years?)

Yep - at moment - have 75 points (as long as my HND qualifies for 10 points)..Ive also taken the liberty of giving myself 20 for the IELTS.


Will start booking!


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Your title at your present job does not matter, your job responsibilities does. I got positively assesed by ACS as Systems Analyst, I did not have to modify anything as I was working as Systems Analyst. Regarding working in any area, you are getting a PR, you are free to do anything which is legal to make your living. It is a skilled Visa but does not mean that you have to work only as Systems Analyst.

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Your title at your present job does not matter, your job responsibilities does. I got positively assesed by ACS as Systems Analyst, I did not have to modify anything as I was working as Systems Analyst. Regarding working in any area, you are getting a PR, you are free to do anything which is legal to make your living. It is a skilled Visa but does not mean that you have to work only as Systems Analyst.


hi all - path2aus thanks for the info - all looking a lot better today - so motivated today to tweak my CV. I notices that you have gone for the 176 - does this mean that the Systems Analyst is new to the SOL1 list?

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hi all - path2aus thanks for the info - all looking a lot better today - so motivated today to tweak my CV. I notices that you have gone for the 176 - does this mean that the Systems Analyst is new to the SOL1 list?


Nope, it has always been there on SOL 1. I wanted to go to Adelaide and also 176 is way faster than 175.

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Nope, it has always been there on SOL 1. I wanted to go to Adelaide and also 176 is way faster than 175.


I didn't realise that...I presumed a 175 would be quicker. Your timeline would suggest a quick turnaround - started last July and you were granted visa start of Feb?


we want Brisbane - so would need to look to see if Queensland want to sponsor me for the 176?

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yup thats right. 176 is definitely quicker that 175 but again it depends on what you want. Some people want the freedom of 175. Getting 176 means that you need to spend at least 2 years in your sponsoring state.


Sorry the SA for ACS will be this weekends reading - but if i have this right:


So you did:


Skills Assessment online - 19/10 (is this a test or just information on you?)

Skills Assessment Docs received - 02/11 (what does that mean?) - do they send out a form to you?

Skills Assessment approved (for Southern Australia) - 18/11


you then logged your visa 30/11 ?


this is a quicker turnaround than I imagined!

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Hi, Kimorjack

We are in the process of completing the skills assessment for the systems analyst role.

We're having to go down the 175 route as we want Sydney, Brisbane or Melbourne, but they don't want us.

The 176 route only opens northern territory for systems analysts.

Good luck


thanks for the update! i'm just finding that information as we speak/type!


are you using a migration agent?


We also want Brisbane/Gold Coast - so 175 it is...10-12 months they reckon - which would suit us at the moment...wouldn't want to move to a location for 2 years and then move again - that wouldn't be fair on my son...having to move school twice..

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Sorry the SA for ACS will be this weekends reading - but if i have this right:


So you did:


Skills Assessment online - 19/10 (is this a test or just information on you?)

Skills Assessment Docs received - 02/11 (what does that mean?) - do they send out a form to you?

Skills Assessment approved (for Southern Australia) - 18/11


you then logged your visa 30/11 ?


this is a quicker turnaround than I imagined!


Sorry SA means "South Australia" and not Skills assessment. I went through state sponsorship route as Systems Analyst was there on South Australia occupation list then. The ACS skills assessment is not an interview, just you submit all the evidence regarding employement and qualifications and they make their decisions based on that. It took me 15 days to get a positive assesment. Best of luck with the ACS application as that along with IELTS are the most difficult phases of Australian PR.

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thanks path2aus - really usefull information. Our circumstances would mean we are better off going for the 175. But still have a deadline of June (before I hit 40) - so ACS and IELTS full steam ahead! I presume you didnt use a Migration agent? When do you go!?

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Hey, we're not using an agent. Initially we spoke to one but there information wasn't right. They recommended 176 route, saying we were on the list. We might change our minds if things get complicated...

We're hoping to get in for July 1st too. IELTS 31st March, so fingers crossed.

The longer lead time for a visa would be good for us, still need to sell the house and do some serious saving!

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Hey, we're not using an agent. Initially we spoke to one but there information wasn't right. They recommended 176 route, saying we were on the list. We might change our minds if things get complicated...

We're hoping to get in for July 1st too. IELTS 31st March, so fingers crossed.

The longer lead time for a visa would be good for us, still need to sell the house and do some serious saving!


....sounds exactly the same "spot" as us...I think ICT skills are so difficult to pin down. (not making excuses for agents...) - but they have to be 100% sure of our skills...but only we know what we are capable of doing..my CV wouldnt show Systems Analyst in all my roles - but all the skills/tasks of a Systems Analyst I do daily...so Im confident of the ACS...the additional timeline is also excellent for us - for the same reason...house and saving. Good luck!

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