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Shell shocked but excited!


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Hi - hubbie came home from work and announced he'd like to move out of the UK! :chatterbox:


It wasnt a huge shock as hes always wanted to go to Canada (he was there alot in the army) but he doesnt feel thats the right thing to do so its off to Oz we (hopefully) go!!!


Reading this forum has given me alot of info in the last 3 hours which is great and I've ordered book off Amazon as a starting point!


Just one big question though... on average how long did it take/does it take to make the move? We'd have to sell our house to make the move so I'm guessing thats the biggest part or waiting?? Visas confuse me so that'll take a bit of reading up on!



Thanks for listening!


Hannah x

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Wecome to PIO Hannah, you'll soon be hooked ... I hope you're hubby knows what he's done as you'll be stuck on the computer researching lol.


We got our visa over 5 years ago, so my waiting times aren't really relevant for you now .. but there will be people who come along and answer your question. It's Australia Day today - a public holiday so people may not be on until later this evening/tomorrow down under

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It very much depends what sort of visa you end up going for - have a look at the DIAC (Dept Immigration and Citizenship) website for information - there's a useful visa wizard that can tell you what you're eligible for.

Best of all this info is direct from the Aus government so you know there's no ulterior motives (agents will try and get you to go via them so they get the money - some are more honest, but some are really pushy)


I can't tell you time-lines for general visas, 'cos I'm an Aussie and hubby came over on a partner visa.


Good luck :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Louise74

Hi Hannah


I had same thing, hubby got job offer in April last year and we came over July, so three months to get everything sorted!! We couldnt sell house in that time so have ended up renting but at reduce amount!! Work sorted out visa so glad we didnt have to cope with that at same time! Had to sort out 3 young kids and flights and removals bit stressful but well worth it!!


Good luck!!

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Guest Rebecca78

Hi Hannah and welcome!! Take a look at my timeline below that may give you something of an idea. OH is a Physics Teacher so that's how we got State Sponsorship and our 176 visa. We sold our house last August then came in September.


Anything I can help you with just give me a shout and a massive good luck to you :wink:

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Hi - hubbie came home from work and announced he'd like to move out of the UK! :chatterbox:



Nice - mine sent me a text message at work and told me to start a visa application because I was younger and has skills on the list.


I'm a bit shell-shocked and over-whelmed to be honest, but we have talked about it since and he has categorically made his mind up that the quality of live will be better and he is tired of the benefit culture in England, so we are going somewhere else whatever happens. Australia is currently the target if I can get us a job or visa!


This forum has a lot of info though doesn't it?!

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Guest haunted1234

hubby sent his CV to a british company last year....they emailed him asking him to do a skype interview in October.....3 skype interviews later they offered him a job in Cairns!! Visa took 13 days! they organised flights, container etc...we landed on 16th December....very whirlwind, so not enough time to have a 'wobble'....2 months in, we love it so far!

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