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Oh I don't know what to do!!!


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I am growing increasingly worried about moving back to Scotland due to the weak job market and the rising level of unemployment. :embarrassed: I have a flight booked for March but I am really considering putting it back 6 months just to allow me to save a bit more money and to see if things improve any in Scotland. I do want to move back but I am going to be on my own so need to have a bit security!


Should I or I am worrying needlessly? :eek:


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Office Manager!
Mmmm Sorry to say but any vacancies for Office manager are going to draw tonnes of applications.So realistically if you have a job in OZ it would probably better to hang onto it until the economic situation in the UK gets better, which may be quite a while considering that the media is insistent on creating a double dip recession (??? I thought that already happened???) Anyway I suppose money is not everything and it really comes down to whether you can be happy (happier then in Oz at least) if you are going to be short of cash, personally I wouldn't wait for better circumstances otherwise you will land up waiting for ever!
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Guest Guest16631

........it's making that leap of faith........even if life here hasn't been that good.......it's not an unknown quantity.............best thing IMO is to get as many surities in Scotland as you can........somewhere to stay even if it's just a friends spare room.......a job of sorts even if it's not exactly what you want or do...........if you really feel Scotland is where you want to be........go for it.........but although money doesn't guarantee happiness...........it sure helps !...........good luck in whatever you decide......tink x

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Guest Guest31881

6 months or 12 months will probably not make that much difference in the job stakes. Where are you going to be happier, in Scotland looking for work or in Australia were you are miserable and unhappy. In Scotland you will hopefully have the support of friends and family.


Do what you feel will make you happy and keep you sane

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I am growing increasingly worried about moving back to Scotland due to the weak job market and the rising level of unemployment. :embarrassed: I have a flight booked for March but I am really considering putting it back 6 months just to allow me to save a bit more money and to see if things improve any in Scotland. I do want to move back but I am going to be on my own so need to have a bit security!


Should I or I am worrying needlessly? :eek:



surely u would have considered all this before u booked the flights last week :huh:

mrs keily

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Guest Guest 47403

If your ok with your current job Emma stay put and try to weather the current storm the UK is having but you'll be looking at possibly a bit longer than 6 months, the outlook is pretty bleak at the moment.


However if you really have fell out with Oz and it's making you depressed get yourself back ASAP, better to be skint and happy.

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Guest guest30085
I am growing increasingly worried about moving back to Scotland due to the weak job market and the rising level of unemployment. :embarrassed: I have a flight booked for March but I am really considering putting it back 6 months just to allow me to save a bit more money and to see if things improve any in Scotland. I do want to move back but I am going to be on my own so need to have a bit security!


Should I or I am worrying needlessly? :eek:



Emma :hug:


Nothing is ever straight forward in life, and it is a massive move you are considering. It may be 'home' but the logistics and emotions surrounding such a big move are bound to make you feel unsettled. And you are already feeling unsettled as it is. For some, even moving to the next town is a huge disruption.


Sit down hun, and make a list of all the things you find are missing whilst you are in Oz and then weigh that up by what you think will make things easier by returning. With Mum and Dad being over there, will it be easier for you in Scotland without them? Will just being home make you feel more 'settled' even though the job prospects may not be there.


And regardless of what decision you do make, remember you have to do what is best for your welfare, state of mind or whatever else it is termed as. Even if you change your mind another 10 times - you are allowed! :hug:

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Hey emma! i dont see things becoming any better within 6 months so if your really unhappy in oz then think about coming back to bonny scotland :hug: at least you'll have the support of your family and friends. You might not find your ideal job straightaway but hopefully eventually. try companies like Manpower, they're a agency and send out office assistants etc and might be able to find you some manager work.

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you took the huge decision to come to oz from your home, nothing will ever be a bigger decision than that, going home to what you know will be easier, and whos to say you wont get a job, its the same here, you hear of lots of jobs but it doesnt mean one will drop in your lap, same as scotland.


what if you get offered a job within 2 weeks?

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I'd just take the risk, as legoman says - so many people go to oz without a job and usually manage so if scotlands where you want to be then just do the same. You'll find something eventually it just might not be your ideal job but you'll have all your family and friends to help you get on with things. Wont be easy at first but everything should click into place

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You sound like you're getting cold feet. Was it the same when you came to Australia? but you coped, right? Sure, there's nothing to guarantee work to anyone regardless of where they live, so why is Scotland any different? You could get offered something within a week but you'll never know. The benefit it is that you have work at the moment and you could consider delaying 6-12 months before returning home but what is to say that a) prospects might get worse, and b) in 12 months time you may delay for another 12 months? Then you could be here for another 2 years.


It's hard but go with your gut feeling. If you return to Scotland will you have family and friend support?


Basically if you don't go will you ever?

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You sound like you're getting cold feet. Was it the same when you came to Australia? but you coped, right? Sure, there's nothing to guarantee work to anyone regardless of where they live, so why is Scotland any different? You could get offered something within a week but you'll never know. The benefit it is that you have work at the moment and you could consider delaying 6-12 months before returning home but what is to say that a) prospects might get worse, and b) in 12 months time you may delay for another 12 months? Then you could be here for another 2 years.


It's hard but go with your gut feeling. If you return to Scotland will you have family and friend support?


Not cold feet. I just don't want to cut my nose off despite my face if you like! I have a very well paid job here and I do like it, it's not that I am really unhappy. I have just been through a bit since I got here ( who hasn't!) and my feeling was to put it behind me and get on with my life I should go back to Scotland. I don't want to go back to Scotland though and be stuck with no, job, no money just because I was feeling emotional and vulnerable! I will go back eventually I am just questioning whither now is maybe not the right time? But as someone else said I have made a decision and I should just stick with and get on with it.......see confused!:wacko:






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hey emma, i did a search for you and there seems to be quite a lot of office manager jobs in edinburgh and surrounds, there will be a lot applying for them but im sure you will be lucky.


Just have a good think about it, best of luck x


Stacey you are a so kind...thanks for doing that and thanks for all your words of encouragement! I am just going to have a couple of weeks thinking about things.


Thanks again luvie


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Stacey you are a so kind...thanks for doing that and thanks for all your words of encouragement! I am just going to have a couple of weeks thinking about things.


Thanks again luvie




No problem!! i can send you a copy of the websites if you like, of the top of my head one if them was called indeed.com and the other reed.com, also try manpower although thats agency work then just try all the normal website like the direct gov one, gumtree. hopefully you will find something! you never know, you could come over and find work no problem! sending lots of luck to you :wubclub:

your missing out on lots of horrible weather lol i feel like im going through a ice age although apprently edinburgh isnt so bad

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