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The Wait Is Over........


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At long last we have got our visas, well they got to be stamped in our passports, but we are so relieved. It has taken a very long 16 months but now we can't wait to go.


:chatterbox:We are leaving the UK and need holiday accomodation in Perth, prefer NOR with 3 beds and a pool from 3rd November for atleast a month.:notworthy:


We are so excited, our stuff is on it's way, we have never been but are looking forward to our new adventure.



Gary and Donna:)

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Guest Curlysoo

YIIIIIPPPPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!! to you both!!! and best wishes on the next stage!


I dont know what the weather is doing today where you are ...but here in Chelmsford it is cold and raining hard! ( I put peeing down ...but then thought better and changed it! .... :err:)


Before anyone jumps down my throat ... I KNOW it rains in Oz as well ..... but that is Ozzie rain! .... :cute: and THAT my OH tells me is very different!

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Guest alfixie

Congratulations enjoy the celebrations, let us know how you get on there its where we are heading and have never been there before be great to have some feedback.


All the best,



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Guest 8788jt

A massive congratulations to you. It must have been very stressful with your meds getting lost.


Good luck with the next bit- Joanne X

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Guest Scarletfever

Well done both of you...Golden ticket huh? Not that I'm at all jealous of course, but I hope it rains when you get there!!!!:biglaugh:


Enjoy the next part of the rest of your lives.:smile:

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Guest jogrant3232


congratulations_blue_rainbow.gifGreat news and wish i was coming with you. Just a quick question. From your time line are your police checks still valid?

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Guest Working to fish

Well done gazza

you must be over the moon

Wishing you all the best in your new life down under.


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Donna.......have a large brandy on usstremybrandybottle_sml.jpg

Gary.....Anything goesth_beer.jpg





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Guest joksand

Super news - many Congrats!!


We're off to Perth too, but we've got a bit of a wait - we're off 2nd January


Good luck to you



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At long last we have got our visas, well they got to be stamped in our passports, but we are so relieved. It has taken a very long 16 months but now we can't wait to go. ..We are leaving the UK and need holiday accommodation in Perth, prefer NOR with 3 beds and a pool from 3rd November for at least a month....We are so excited, our stuff is on it's way, we have never been but are looking forward to our new adventure....Gary and Donna




All the best to you all in your new life, :jimlad:

Keep us updated on your progress - ta!



xx :smile:

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Hi all


Thanks very much for all the kind wishes:wubclub:. We are starting to come back to reality, realising we are leaving on the 29th and got so many things to sort. But we are soooo looking forward now.


The rollercoaster feels like it has long gone, we have been reborn, lol:Randy-git:.


Just not looking forward to some of the goodbyes.........:no:


Keep you posted


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