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Canberra - What are your options?

Guest JulianP

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What are my options if I get to Canberra on a 176 Visa and get a job in Melbourne. Would moving to Melbourne be "legal"? Do I have to re apply for another visa or would I need to apply for a 457 visa instead? Any comments/opinions would be appreciated!



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Yip, thats what I was thinking. But just wanted to know if I then needed another visa to work in Melbourne as the 176 would obviously be sponsored by ACT.

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I wish it was that simple as my trade is not on VIC's SMP. And its not that I want to work in VIC, this is me looking at the possibility of seeing employment outside of ACT if it becomes difficult finding work there. Thats all, now thats Simple'z!!

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I wish it was that simple as my trade is not on VIC's SMP. And its not that I want to work in VIC, this is me looking at the possibility of seeing employment outside of ACT if it becomes difficult finding work there. Thats all, now thats Simple'z!!



You dont need another visa as far as i know,its a controversial subject tbh,but there yer go,no other visa

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Once you get your visa, it simply states you have a 176 sponsored visa. It does not have any limitations on it where you can or have to work.


As Pablo said, its a moral obligation, not a legal one. That said, the visa was granted as you confirmed to ACT that you would live there for 2 years. I don't think ACT government have ever taken legal action against anyone who hasn't fulfilled this obligation but who knows in the future

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I appreciate all the comments and obviously I would like to honour my agreement with ACT. The realist in me was trying to look for options if, lets say, work is hard to find, accom is to expensive and most importantly if the wife doesn't like ACT. I just wanted to know what my options were. Another question, do I need to inform anyone if I do decide to leave ACT before the 2 years are up???

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I appreciate all the comments and obviously I would like to honour my agreement with ACT. The realist in me was trying to look for options if, lets say, work is hard to find, accom is to expensive and most importantly if the wife doesn't like ACT. I just wanted to know what my options were. Another question, do I need to inform anyone if I do decide to leave ACT before the 2 years are up???



The ACT sponsor you based on your skills therefore they expect you to commit to 2 years living in the ACT. This is however a moral obligation and when you get you 176 visa stamped in your passport like we did it has no conditions attached to it. If you cant find work in the ACT I would say to go to them and let them know - you have to show proof that you have looked for work. However when the ACT sponsor you they would like you to stick to your obligations but your circumstances might change. I know for us everything that we plan has turned out the complete opposite to what we expected and some of the "advertising" of the ACT is slightly incorrect in our case. I would say if you get sponsored by the ACT then try your best to live here first and if things dont work out you can always move on. Circumstances do change for everyone and if it really doesnt suit you you can always go to them and give them your reasons for things not working out - afterall it doesnt have to be a prison sentence either !

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Hi Suzanne, how are you and the family enjoying Canberra. I take it by now you must be all settled in already and even have an ozzie accent!! :)

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Hi dferri2000,


I feel like I have to make it clear that my question is purely "what if". My wife and I have set our minds on Canberra already, and in my head I'm living there already if you get what I'm saying. All I'm doing is looking for a back up plan if (and thats a big if) things don't go according to plan in ACT. Everything I've read on here and speaking to faily in OZ, I think my wife and I would love Canberra, but I just need a back up plan as well.


Good to hear you are loving it there, how did you go about getting accom or are you still in short term rental????

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Hi dferri2000,


I feel like I have to make it clear that my question is purely "what if". My wife and I have set our minds on Canberra already, and in my head I'm living there already if you get what I'm saying. All I'm doing is looking for a back up plan if (and thats a big if) things don't go according to plan in ACT. Everything I've read on here and speaking to faily in OZ, I think my wife and I would love Canberra, but I just need a back up plan as well.


Good to hear you are loving it there, how did you go about getting accom or are you still in short term rental????


My OH has struggled to get work here so I can see where you are coming from - we have also discussed the 'what if' - ultimately as others have advised it is a moral not legal obligation and personally we are trying to give it a go.


We moved into our 12 month rental this weekend, make sure you pull together an application 'pack' any past references, estate agent testimonials if you sell a house before coming out here, pay slips, a bit of back ground on yourselves - it all helps. EVERYTHING out here property wise is on allhomes.com.au


Good luck! Feel free to pm me if you need more info.


Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk

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Hi Suzanne, how are you and the family enjoying Canberra. I take it by now you must be all settled in already and even have an ozzie accent!! :)



Hi Julian - we are settling in - its now 4 months that we are in Canberra. I dont know about the ozzie accent but the daughter is definitely picking it up :) - I get what you are saying about the what ifs and we also had the discussion - as dferri said it is a moral obligation and like them we are going to give Canberra a go and try to stick to the moral obligation as much as we can. It is very easy to get around and I guess when you get here you will know if it feels right for you and your wife.



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Hi Suzanne,


My wife and I are gonna give ACT an almighty go, but if it doesn't work out then....... So we finally got ALL our paperwork together, got my english test results back on Friday past and all good to go. Just have to wait a little longer for the money to be in the bank for another couple of months then we will apply. Have you heard, not that its of any interest to you any more, the ACT SMP List will be update in December??

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Hi Suzanne,


My wife and I are gonna give ACT an almighty go, but if it doesn't work out then....... So we finally got ALL our paperwork together, got my english test results back on Friday past and all good to go. Just have to wait a little longer for the money to be in the bank for another couple of months then we will apply. Have you heard, not that its of any interest to you any more, the ACT SMP List will be update in December??



Hi Julian


Of course give it a go... a some wise person said to me once nothing has to be forever and nothing is forever :biggrin:. I know that the ACT update their sponsorship list all of the time - thats a bridge we had to cross when we were applying. Apparently the system is changing next year and it will be based on an Expression of Interest basis. I think more like the NZ system. Good luck with getting all of your funds together etc. It can be hard, tough and stressful but it is definitely worth it in the end



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