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Dump agent and use money elsewhere?

Caz Brady

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Hi we have been using an agent so far to get my OH AQF III but have been wondering how tricky is it to apply for state sponsorship and 176 by yourself? I'm clever enough I suppose and everyone here seems to be very helpful!

I would like to hear opinions because I could use the extra money for bringing our dogs money is tight enough don't want to spend money on something I could do myself and then not have money to bring them!

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Guest The Pom Queen

If you have a straight forward case then you should be fine to do it yourself. Personally I would stress too much that I had got everything right so for peace of mind we used an agent

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Guest Pixie10

We did it all ourselves- time consuming -all the research and doc gathering (suppose you will have to gather docs anyway though) but defo worth it- saved a forune to spend in Oz instead:biggrin: and any queries were answered from people on here who had been and done it before us! No way would I want to pay an agent to fill in 2 forms!! Sure you will be fine alone- whats your situation?

Married? whos main app? what job? etc

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We did it all ourselves- time consuming -all the research and doc gathering (suppose you will have to gather docs anyway though) but defo worth it- saved a forune to spend in Oz instead:biggrin: and any queries were answered from people on here who had been and done it before us! No way would I want to pay an agent to fill in 2 forms!! Sure you will be fine alone- whats your situation?

Married? whos main app? what job? etc



Getting married in December (have plenty of proof of relationship anyway, bank a/c mortgage, photos), have 2 children my OH is main app tiler just got his AQF, and 2 dogs.

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Guest Pixie10

Oo congratulations!

I personally would say sounds straight forward why dont you have alook at the eligility for visa (if havent already) and if you know you have/can get all the docs/references needed etc go it alone? I would say start asking for references etc asap and gather payslips etc now so you will be all ready once SS done.


Once you have CO they will ask if they need more evidence they wont just turn you down!


As for state sponsorship- which state? Loadsa people on here to help you out with what to put on form (I can give you a copy if you want?) so that wont be a problem- everyone helps each other- sounds like you will be fine doing it alone (and a lot richer lol)


goodluck whichever way you go x

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Oo congratulations!

I personally would say sounds straight forward why dont you have alook at the eligility for visa (if havent already) and if you know you have/can get all the docs/references needed etc go it alone? I would say start asking for references etc asap and gather payslips etc now so you will be all ready once SS done.


Once you have CO they will ask if they need more evidence they wont just turn you down!


As for state sponsorship- which state? Loadsa people on here to help you out with what to put on form (I can give you a copy if you want?) so that wont be a problem- everyone helps each other- sounds like you will be fine doing it alone (and a lot richer lol)


goodluck whichever way you go x


Was just looking at stuff today, which was when I thought I can do this myself! Then got a bit scared:twitcy:. Plannin on WA sponsorship references won't be a problem but payslips will be tricky - OH is self employed and I don't get payslips! Are the forms the same? Can't be very different i suppose! A copy would be great!

Thanks for your help!

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Hi we have been using an agent so far to get my OH AQF III but have been wondering how tricky is it to apply for state sponsorship and 176 by yourself? I'm clever enough I suppose and everyone here seems to be very helpful!

I would like to hear opinions because I could use the extra money for bringing our dogs money is tight enough don't want to spend money on something I could do myself and then not have money to bring them!


Hi Caz,

We dumped our agent before I even finished the skills assessment process!

My case was quite complicated due to past events within my personal life and the agent we selected to be honest didnt seem bothered or give any reassurence to my plight! I have done all the footwork and form filling and have got through the lot quite quickly and given we only started the process in Jan of this year we have met all requirements and had medicals on Monday of this week and have sent off for Police checks last Friday. The Police checks shouldn't be a problem and the Doctor seemed happy with our health so we are now quite optomistic and with doing it all ourselves it will be a definate celebration if we get the visa which will be alot sweeter given we managed to get through it ourselves and with the useful help of all the brilliant people that use this site that can give you light at the end of the tunnel when you start to feel there is no way you can get to the place you want to be the most.

Pat on the back to me and my wife for what we have accomplished whatever the outcome and a pat on the back to all the members of this site who are truely magnificent peole to turn to when you need advice or just lifting up to boost you through it.

If your confident then go for it and save some cash!!!!


Gary & Sue

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Guest Dottielott

Hi there


I was awarded my 176 visa within 9 months of starting the application and getting my skills assessed, all done by myself. it was dead easy once all the documentation was collated. Everything is done online now so you don't even have to put anything in the post (although I think i did when i had to get my skills assessed). I never even thought of using a migration agent. But I do think my circumstances were straight forward so that perhaps made it easier.


I however would recommend you have a go on your own first or you could even ring a migration agent as i believe some do give a limited amount of their time free (say 15mins). I suppose this is to get you interested in using their services.


Anyway good luck with it all.

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