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The age old question....spiders!!!!

Guest GT05

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My husband and I and our two kids may have the opportunity to move to Oz thru my husbands job. We are all very excited about this, however, as time wears on and I read more threads on the dreaded subject of spiders I am becoming increasingly nervous!!!


Any help or advice would be soooo greatly appreciated, if this comes off we would be looking to move to the Sydney area as that's where he would be based. We have looked at various areas but know we would need to rent initially until we could decide on an area we liked best. Can I ask all you lovely people to help me.....I've gathered enough to suss that to try and avoid the spiders as best I can is to stay away from rural/bush areas which is fine but is there anyone that can help with urban areas where they (huntsmans and white tails especially) are less frequent???


I am soo sorry for the length of this thread but now starting to have sleepless nights more through fear of reading that you have to shake the shoes even in the house, spiders crawling in hair and on your face whilst sleeping!!!! On top of that do you really have to check your beds everynight for white tails and also all your clothes etc??


Someone said that the spiders can be under your toilet seats as well...I know a lot of this is people also trying to scare the beejeezus out of me (and it's working) but my fear is for my two children and ME...aaarrgh! Mainly because I reckon I'd never sleep at night and even if I do what if I need to get up during the night in the dark :chatterbox:.


Thanks again folks, like i said I know they are there and also know they are not specifically hiding in corners waiting on me but am considering hypnotherapy to try and cope with them as don;t want those horrible things stopping us from being in such a wonderful place :eek:


Any help mucho appreciated :wubclub:

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I am soo sorry for the length of this thread but now starting to have sleepless nights more through fear of reading that ... spiders crawling in hair and on your face whilst sleeping!!!!


You are aware that this happens in the UK, aren't you? OK, so they aren't venomous in the UK, but they still are there (and if you're scared of spiders, its not whether or not they are dangerous that scares you, or at least, it isn't me lol).


I'm scared of spiders, and got bitten by a white tail in NZ. It did sting a bit and throbbed for a while, but honestly wasn't as bad as when I got stung on the foot by a wasp. The white tails are pretty small anyway, not so tiny you can't see them, and they keep out of the way really (long story how I got bitten, but it pretty much was my own fault).


The checking things isn't a massive hassle, you just get used to doing a cursory check, its just part of life, the spiders under toilet seat thing is rural long drop type toilets, not the one in your bathroom.


Best thing to do in the run up to going is try and get used to spiders here - as someone who was SO scared of spiders I know how crazy this sounds, but my husband has stopped removing them from the house (which is made a bit easier as we have two kittens who like to play with and kill spiders, but don't eat them). When a kitten has finished playing with one I try and get close to it, I even touched one once (how brave am I?! lol). Its got to the point now, I really really don't mind the little ones (and I am meaning little), whereas before I would scream, burst into tears and be a right old jessie. I've been really scared my whole life, and if I knew how relatively easy it would be to get braver with them I would have tried this years ago. I don't think I'll ever be happy around them, and don't think I could hold one ever, but at least I wouldn't be frozen to the spot for 16 hours (so happened once) because there is a spider in the room anymore.


From what my friends have said, we see far far more spiders in this country than they do in Oz, we get LOADS here in the Midlands, all the time, so I can believe that tbh.

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Guest angelafm



I lived in Sydney for 4 year, im back in the UK and waiting for my partner and son to get their visas approved. When i lived there i seen one huntsman spider, it came in the patio door during a heavy rainstorm! I honestly can say that i hardly seen any other spiders in all that time...well nothing that seemed scary...when i first arrived i checked under the toilet seat evey time i went, that lasted about a month however when i travelled anywhere more remote i started again...even in the more remote areas i still never had any encounters with spiders.


Dont let the spiders put you off moving your family over there, its a wonderful country and a great place to raise a family.

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Im with you on the dreading the spiders sometimes it makes me doubt my decision to move there which is ridicolous..hehe!


However I was there on a WHV 2004-05 and have been back on 2 other occasions for a total of 1 1 1/2 months. I have been everywhere in Australia and in that time I have only ever seen 1 huntsman that was in a childcare centre staff room and it was up on the wall. I lived in some dodgy hostels during my year and camped in swags in the outback. I saw quite a few red backs in the outback on picnic tables etc. Sydney siders say that the funnel webs are the worst and that they are know to northern sydney among other places however if you ask someone if they have ever seen one in their life the answer is usually no. I have not seen white backs/tails. I have seen quite a lot of golden orbs in the woods which are quite big but more legs than body.


I scream when I see spiders and demand that it gets taken away when im at home...hehe! However in my year in Aus I did get used to them and just let them be. The only spider I really saw in a building was the huntsman. Maybe I was lucky, but I dont think there is a lot to worry about. :)

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I'm just applying now. However, I house-sat for a friend, lived a month in Sydney city and never had an issue. He had a high-rise apartment and never saw anything when in the city. I even went to Hyde Park and North Head and never saw a spider out of the ordinary. Of course I wasn't looking, but I would have noticed a Huntsman.


I only found out that spiders were an "issue" in Australia after I started looking into migration. Basically, if you stay in the city, I think monster spider sightings would be fairly rare. If you want to live around nature..., well, that's part of nature.

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Hi everyone,


Thanks so much for your posts......they've been really helpful!


I know it's something I would need to adjust to....reckon it's something i'll need to work on he he!


For some reason being stung by a wasp is easier for me, probably cos they're no where near as ugly as spiders, it's just the thought of them crawling over me....urgghh give me the shivers hee hee!


Your posts have defo put a smile on my face...I too have been stuck in a room for hours all because of a spider above the door frame :wink:.


Mucho appreciated guys....thanks loads all opinions welcome :wubclub:.


Will keep you all posted on how we get on and if it becomes a reality within the next few months.


thanks loads:wubclub:

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Hi everyone,


Thanks so much for your posts......they've been really helpful!


I know it's something I would need to adjust to....reckon it's something i'll need to work on he he!


For some reason being stung by a wasp is easier for me, probably cos they're no where near as ugly as spiders, it's just the thought of them crawling over me....urgghh give me the shivers hee hee!


Your posts have defo put a smile on my face...I too have been stuck in a room for hours all because of a spider above the door frame :wink:.


Mucho appreciated guys....thanks loads all opinions welcome :wubclub:.


Will keep you all posted on how we get on and if it becomes a reality within the next few months.


thanks loads:wubclub:


Just been reading the post, made me giggle a few times! I am exactly the same when it comes to spiders!

Was also considering hypnotherapy, find the posts from members very helpful.

Were in the process of migrating to Perth, hopefully early 2012



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Hi everyone......thanks again...if it helps I found a website, albeit here in the uk, but if it happens I'm defo multi buying these in...hee hee!! See below:





Worth a try ha ha ha, also looked up hypnotists, seriously thinking bout them, apparently first they show you loads of pics of spiders to get you use to them....just about had an accident when I looked at one of the sample pics hee hee....long way to go me thinks :wink:.


Thanks sooo much for all yur advice, hopefully after some major therapy and being forced to look at countless pictures I should hopefully be fine....and once my bulk order of plugs with adapters arrive I'll be laughing :laugh:.


Will keep you all posted as to how the proposed job prospect comes along...speak soon.


Cheery :wubclub:

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I found myself in the habit of shaking out clothes and shoes before putting them on so easily, it really isn't so bad, and it's quite funny too when you shake out a lizard or something! I think if you're adventurous, you will love it!

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Hi everyone......thanks again...if it helps I found a website, albeit here in the uk, but if it happens I'm defo multi buying these in...hee hee!! See below:





Worth a try ha ha ha, also looked up hypnotists, seriously thinking bout them, apparently first they show you loads of pics of spiders to get you use to them....just about had an accident when I looked at one of the sample pics hee hee....long way to go me thinks :wink:.


Thanks sooo much for all yur advice, hopefully after some major therapy and being forced to look at countless pictures I should hopefully be fine....and once my bulk order of plugs with adapters arrive I'll be laughing :laugh:.


Will keep you all posted as to how the proposed job prospect comes along...speak soon.


Cheery :wubclub:

Thanks for finding the spider repeller, I think I'll be definately buying 2. Id rather meet a croc than a huntman at the minute lol

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The Huntsman looks fearsome but I THINK?? it's harmless. I know that one of my Aussie friends scoffed when I showed one to him on my wall. 'Leave it alone, it won't hurt you.'


I remember sitting in my car at Neilsen Park earlier in the year, listening to the radio, waiting for the rain to stop (so I could go for a swim - sounds daft) and, out of the corner of my eye, there was a MONSTER on the bottom of the glass where it meets the door.


I think I just flicked it out with a baseball cap, did not kill it but I was terriified it was still in the car. (Having one fall into your lap from the sunshade is, I hope, one of those urban myths?)


My brother always waves a stick around in front of his face in his driveway at night and then does this crazy dance waving his arms about if he touches a web - which sticks like Super Glue.)


Funnel Webs ARE dangerous but I've never seen one.

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Try visiting Taronga Zoo as soon as you get down there. We did on our last trip and went to see Spider Man (yes, that's what he's called) do his thing. Stopped any fears I had. Did you know spiders are responsible for eating 99.9% of all insects in the world? Imagine how bad it would be without them! Start from that point and find out why they are our friends, and of course, more scared of us than we are of them. Then enjoy life the way it should be. Hope to be going to the Northern Beaches of Sydney on a permanent basis myself soon. Don't think you'll find many reports of spiders south of Dee Why / Narraweena anyway. Oh and Orb spiders in the trees? Harmless. :) Hope this helps.

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The Huntsman looks fearsome but I THINK?? it's harmless. I know that one of my Aussie friends scoffed when I showed one to him on my wall. 'Leave it alone, it won't hurt you.'


I remember sitting in my car at Neilsen Park earlier in the year, listening to the radio, waiting for the rain to stop (so I could go for a swim - sounds daft) and, out of the corner of my eye, there was a MONSTER on the bottom of the glass where it meets the door.


I think I just flicked it out with a baseball cap, did not kill it but I was terriified it was still in the car. (Having one fall into your lap from the sunshade is, I hope, one of those urban myths?)


My brother always waves a stick around in front of his face in his driveway at night and then does this crazy dance waving his arms about if he touches a web - which sticks like Super Glue.)


Funnel Webs ARE dangerous but I've never seen one.


And Funnels can't jump, climb slippery surfaces, or survive out in the sun for more than 10 minutes!

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As someone who lives in rural australia, i can tell you that spiders are a horrid reality of my summer. Last summer, I had constant visits from white tails, and a garage (which is joined by a door to the kitchen) infested with red backs. Other visitors included several huntsman living under my dishwasher, and mouse spiders outside. Several large beasts came down through our air con and paraded themselves at night on the ceiling. Its amazing what you get used to though, and only the redbacks really bothered me because I had a toddler. But, if you are really worried, get your house sprayed. its only about 150 bucks and the poison lasts for 6 months. Ha! I got them. Never seen any in cities, but if you leave in rural areas, precautions with spiders and snakes coming into your back yard are possibilities. Im glad to be moving next year- the bush aint for me!

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I was watching a programme, couple of years ago, about this bloke who removed snakes from homes. I think he was in Port Macquarie.


I can't remember what happened exactly, but he lost his hold on the snake and it disappeared up his trouser leg.


Talk about calm and laconic, if that is the right word, just asked the lady to help as he gently removed his trousers.

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I was watching a programme, couple of years ago, about this bloke who removed snakes from homes. I think he was in Port Macquarie.



We were watching this programme last night on Aussie wildlife, and the guy was saying there are these snake people, but nothing similar for spiders - massive gap in the market, especially to service expats maybe?

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Guest stormgal
As someone who lives in rural australia, i can tell you that spiders are a horrid reality of my summer. Last summer, I had constant visits from white tails, and a garage (which is joined by a door to the kitchen) infested with red backs. Other visitors included several huntsman living under my dishwasher, and mouse spiders outside. Several large beasts came down through our air con and paraded themselves at night on the ceiling. Its amazing what you get used to though, and only the redbacks really bothered me because I had a toddler. But, if you are really worried, get your house sprayed. its only about 150 bucks and the poison lasts for 6 months. Ha! I got them. Never seen any in cities, but if you leave in rural areas, precautions with spiders and snakes coming into your back yard are possibilities. Im glad to be moving next year- the bush aint for me!


ahhhh!! that would freak me out! Does anyone here know what a mouse spider even looks like, it's really gross!! Google it! How can anyone live like that? I would not be able to sleep at night. Where I'm coming from, I rarely see spiders bigger than the size of a pencil tip! :unsure:

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Guest stormgal
Must not wind people up about the cow-eating jumping spider


Must not.....


*** sits on hands and tries to resist teasing people ***



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Must not wind people up about the cow-eating jumping spider


Must not.....




Yeah, you do have look out for those b*ggers if you are going bush and/or the East Coast I hear?


Almost as bad as those bleeding drop bears (although admittedly they aren't as scarey as the spiders...imho...they just do more damage). :cute:

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As someone who lives in rural australia, i can tell you that spiders are a horrid reality of my summer. Last summer, I had constant visits from white tails, and a garage (which is joined by a door to the kitchen) infested with red backs. Other visitors included several huntsman living under my dishwasher, and mouse spiders outside. Several large beasts came down through our air con and paraded themselves at night on the ceiling. Its amazing what you get used to though, and only the redbacks really bothered me because I had a toddler. But, if you are really worried, get your house sprayed. its only about 150 bucks and the poison lasts for 6 months. Ha! I got them. Never seen any in cities, but if you leave in rural areas, precautions with spiders and snakes coming into your back yard are possibilities. Im glad to be moving next year- the bush aint for me!


Hi....omg no wonder your moving....just how rural are you and where about?? I wouldn't have lasted a day there.........I am most definately in awe :wink:.

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he he....there are definately quite a few stories out there to scare the beejesus our of me......thx to everyone for all your posts :wubclub:

After reading the many many posts on spiders have made quite a few definate decisions.......


1. living in a busy urban area

2. only living in a new build (once i sell a kidney :wink:).

3. going to vacum pack all my clothes and will just iron as I take out ..hee hee!

4. all shoes going in sealable boxes!

5. going to see if I can invest in one of those bio-hazard suits to sleep in ha ha ha!


After reading all these tho reckon town living for me....defo couldn't do rural as I'd never sleep, I can live with spiders outside...they don't bother me as much it's the nosy little buggars who want to come inside...they're the ones that I would be struggling with :err:.


However, will all the repellars you can buy and this house spraying thing everyones talking about think that would keep them outside as long as done regularly....I hope :eek:.


Thanks again folks....luvvin this forum and this web-site!


Cheers, will keep you all posted :hug:

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