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Some Help Needed!


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Hi!! Been absent for a while, to be honest been quite poorly!! Arrived here on a 457, I didnt take out medicare straight away because I felt I wasn't entitled and also because I apparently had good health care cover as a consequense of the 457.


Turns out that after arriving here and enjoying a few fab months with the new life something was knawing away inside and making me feel progressively more ill, it was slow and to be honest i just thought i was having a melt down but after seeing a few specialists there is a problem and I need a major operation after which im going to feel so so much better.


NOW lies the problem, Im a brit on a 457 and the insurance companies just cant decide what im bloomin covered for. Medicare says no way hose yet private insurance says no too!! Apparently its a public/private spat and im just caught up in the middle through my ignorance, i have said no at the docs to the 'do you have medicare?' so as a consequence ive been referred privately, ive just paid all the bills as they've cropped up because thats what I thought you had to do......now im facing surgery costing apparently 10's of 1000's of dollars so I joined medicare but they said a flat NO! My health insurance says it covers it but the guy I spoke to was a bit upset that I seem to get all costs paid and as such had a better policy than him and said that was actually illegal and said thay would pay the medicare difference but medicare say they wont give me a brass farthing.....



Im confused and Im ill and Im looking at trying to find a way to fund $50k of surgery so that I can feel healthy enough to fight the fight and find out who should actually pay it, as a brit im also struggling to understand how this means a reciprocal health care arrangement for emergencies and wondering if aussies face this kind of dileima in UK hospitals under the arrangements when they need emergency treatment???


Any help appreciated and apologies in advance if I sound jaded, im not im just desperate....

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Crikey, I don't really know the answer, I think if you have Medicare and you are entitled to it, you have to go to a public hospital, not private, the 457 covers you under Medicare, but you should have private insurance to cover you to get a 457. I honestly don't know the answer.


As for the guy you spoke to or anyone else that says this, remind them, that if they come to the UK, they are covered on the NHS, and drugs etc are cheaper


Hope you get it sorted soon

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  • 3 weeks later...

right! Not had the surgery yet but feeling so much better ( iron infusion!! Better than any illicit drug out there!!), got my head round it all too! Medicare for 457 visa holders is impatriate and for emergencies, it's great but my advice, don't rely on it for health cover. Get the best health cover you can afford, mine is an impatriate insurance policy, it covers 100% of all costs NOT covered by Medicare and there lies the dilemma!! What does Medicare cover for impatriates???


It's soo confusing, we have mega cover through the company policy but this does not exempt us from the Medicare tax! BEWARE!



Im being treated and I've got amazing doctors, but understand, you pay here for your healthcare, it's not FREE, I'm not complaining, I've been seen by amazing doctors who have basically transformed my future wellbeing and questioned my life long medication (warfarin and not for much longer!)


Gist of my post, all emigres's or any 457's, no matter what advice you get, don't rely on your Medicare reciprocal arrangements, it's great for emergencies but bottom line, like most aussies, you need to and should take out additional health care cover.


My mistake was being naive but luckilyI did have impatriate cover, however, with hindsight, I would also haven gotten a good Aussie healthcare covert back it up if I'd would have known, but then I didn't have a crystal ball and so I just look back with regret.

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Guest jmahood

Jessie, really sorry for your dilemma, as a UK citizen can you fly back to the UK for surgery and return to Australia to recover?

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