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ANMAC Skills Assessment


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We need to send on an urgent basis as part of the skills assessment a professional reference. At the time we included this within the submitted documentation. Unfortunately it was not adequate as they require the framework of this reference to be very specific. The dilema is that thet peron we need to write the reference is not available short term and we cannot get through to ANMAC to see if some kind of certified affidavit would do the job?


Can anyone help with this question?



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Guest robnnic

I got told that it just needs to be someone in a senior role and as long as you send the original document in it should be fine. I just got a sister to do mine as i didn't want the manager knowing our intentions due to the whole regrading etc in the uk.


BTW, what structure do they require...i'm worried know...i haven't sent mine off yet.



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i got my ward manager to write mine for me and specifically asked her to include some description of tasks i perform at work as well as including that i work with mental health, elderly and occasionally paeds patients, as nurse training in oz is slightly different. they cover those areas in a lot more depth than we do. Touch wood i havent been told theres a problem with it and they have contacted to ask for a more detailed transcrpt so you would hope they would have mentioned it then. My reference was 1 and a half pages long and went into a lot of depth about my role on the unit, projects i was involved in, work with students and junior staff etc. I guess just get a reference which is as thorough and descriptive as you can get - tailored to whichever anszco code you're applying for i.e. mine is critical care so made sure it discussed management of traches, ventilation etc.

hope that helps!

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