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Tax File Number - apply from UK?


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I fly out to Australia a week Saturday. I have just looked online to apply for a TFN, but is says you must be in Australia to do so.


How do people get around this? Do you just wait until you're in the country, apply on-line and hope it's a very quick process? Obviously you can't get paid without TFN.


I'll be staying in short term accommodation for 2-3 weeks, then hope to secure 6 month rental somewhere else. Do people open a PO Box or register using the short term rental address? Seems a pain to have to change the address after only a few weeks!





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You dont have to change your address for Tax File Number purposes. The TFN just stays with you for life a bit like the National Health Insurance Number in the UK. Once you have received it you just keep hold of it. Obviously you need an address initially for them to send it to you but I think i received mine within 5 days of applying online over here. :jiggy:

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Guest The Pom Queen


I fly out to Australia a week Saturday. I have just looked online to apply for a TFN, but is says you must be in Australia to do so.


How do people get around this? Do you just wait until you're in the country, apply on-line and hope it's a very quick process? Obviously you can't get paid without TFN.


I'll be staying in short term accommodation for 2-3 weeks, then hope to secure 6 month rental somewhere else. Do people open a PO Box or register using the short term rental address? Seems a pain to have to change the address after only a few weeks!





You do get your pay still, they give you some grace to receive it but if you still refuse to give it to them they will tax you at a higher rate, don't forget to give it to your bank once you have it.

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I wasn't able to apply for mine until I was in the country, and even then, we arrived at the weekend and tried to apply online and the website wouldn't let me until the Monday morning - now maybe there was a glitch in the system when I was trying, but I thought that when you entered the country your passport and visa details were put into the system and then it knew you were elligible for a TFN. Anyway, it took 4 weeks for my TFN to arrive, and I was able to start work before then, you just get taxed at the higher lever... yes I nearly cried at having to pay $1800 in tax for a fortnight :( Hoping to get a good portion of that back at tax return time!

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Guest Billy

mine took just over 2 weeks to arrive. You can go to a local tax office though if you're desperate, take your I.D. and you'll get one on the spot. Book first though.




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest what the dickens

Ive seen serveral companies on the web that say they can sort out the TFN in the UK for a small fee?!?!?!

Is this true or would I just be throwing my cash away????

Does naybody know??



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The website says you have to be in Australia when you apply for it. But if you were feeling naughty you could do it while still in the UK (as long as you're sure of the address you'll have when they send it to you in the post). http://www.ato.gov.au/taxprofessionals/content.aspx?doc=/content/64067.htm


You can't do it from the UK no matter how naughty you feel. The system will request passport / visa details and if you are not in the country you will not be allowed to proceed.

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Guest alix1412

I've got a TFN from when I was on my working holiday in 2006. Can I still use that one again if/when I arrive does anyone know?

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Guest Guest31881
I've got a TFN from when I was on my working holiday in 2006. Can I still use that one again if/when I arrive does anyone know?


you keep the number for life, so yes you will still use the same TFN as you had last time you were in australia

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