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176 Visa


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Looking to lodge for 176 Visa before end of June-11.

When we get requests for police checks & medicals is this the point when all other aspects of the visa approval are deemed to be ok. Or are there still other areas other than the medical / police checks we can still fail on?


At what point do we start putting the house on the market etc.


Any help on this would be much appreciated.



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Looking to lodge for 176 Visa before end of June-11.

When we get requests for police checks & medicals is this the point when all other aspects of the visa approval are deemed to be ok. Or are there still other areas other than the medical / police checks we can still fail on?


At what point do we start putting the house on the market etc.


Any help on this would be much appreciated.



Based on recent experience, when you are requested to undergo PCC and Medicals everything is almost completed.


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"At what point do we start putting the house on the market"


This would relate to the length of a piece of twisted fibres and something we are currently mooting.


I guess get the agents in to value and ask them how long similar houses in your area are taking to sell. Also are you prepared to move out if you sell fast.


Sods law says if you put it up now it will sell straight away and leave you temp int the lurch and if you leave it it will take forever to sell :rolleyes:

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