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Any tips from gig lovers in Melbourne?


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We're due to be moving out to Melbourne early next year and I'm just interested in finding out some more about the live music scene - which I have heard is very good!


Being from Brighton in the UK we're pretty spoiled for choice with the number and variety of gigs that are on most nights of the week. One of the benefits I guess is the 'compact' nature of the city meaning there's a city's worth of venues etc within very easy reach - I presume this is less applicable to Melbourne given the size difference!


We spent some time there last year and fell in love with the place - it definitely has the same arty/fun feel of Brighton but on a much larger scale so I am sure there are plenty of opportunities for enjoyment before the OH starts hassling me for kids :err:


Are there any other gig lovers out there? If so, any tips or suggestions as to the best venues, festivals etc or even the best areas of Melbourne to look to move to which would give us the best access to music venues?


We're quite eclectic when it comes to music - anything ranging from indie to folk, to bluegrass through to more electronic stuff and even, dare I say it, the re-emergence of 80s style pop that seems to be hitting the UK :wacko:. Not sure how much of this stuff is current in Oz at the moment but half the fun will be finding out and discovering some new stuff - we love new music.


At this stage we're pretty flexible with our plans and we're looking to have a fun couple of years (at least) in Melbourne whilst still late 20s/early 30s so it would be great to get some insider knowledge from current residents to help us along the way :biggrin:


Thanks all and have a great weekend!

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There's a few big festivals each year in and around Melbourne. Falls festival is probably the closest thing to a Glastonbury style festival. Also Port Fairy folk festival and Apollo Bay Folk festival are two events that take over local coastal towns. Lots of stuff actually in Melbourne from pubs to stadiums.


A good place to begin to find out about the Australian music scene is to listen to Triple J (radio) and check out their web site. It's part of ABC (like the BBC but Australia)



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Guest Scotinaus

Hi there are definitely loads of gigs in Melbourne and the surrounding areas so you will be spoiled for choice! A lot of them are local artists you may not have heard of before so you will have loads to discover. The Corner Hotel is a good example, and there are a couple of great spots in St Kilda too, like The Espy.

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Guest qually

my suggestions would be:


The Hi-fi on Swanston Street.

The Corner Hotel in Richmond.

The Palace Theatre on Bourke St.

Prince Of Wales in St Kilda.

The Forum on Flinders St.


All of these have fairly well know bands and usually at good prices. The sound at the corner can be a bit dodgy at times. The Hi-Fi is excellent and i've seen some great UK bands there that would fill a place in the UK twice its size. The Palace is also a great place, seen some excellent gigs by madness and the specials there.

As regards festivals:


Big Day Out.

Falls Festival.

Meradith music festival

Golden Plaines

Oh and my own personal fav...The Guildford Banjo Jamboree....


there are also loads of local places with local bands etc but i tend to find fitzroy a good place to try, but then i live in the area and its a short stumble home

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Guest Starkey

There definitely is a lot of gigs going on but the shows are so much more expensive than they would be in the UK! Bought a ticket to see Friendly Fires at Billboard next month and it cost me $65 whereas the tickets for their upcoming UK tour are only £16.... not fair :( I've also paid $50 to see Cut Copy (who are from Melbourne) when I only paid £10 to see them in UK in a couple of months ago.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Gigs and festivals, like everything else in Australia are a rip off. Kylie tickets were going for over $250 and in the Uk...about 40 quid, and when Hybrid came to Melbourne, tickets were $65 when I saw then in Bristol for 10 quid.


I went to Meredith Festival last year and can say it was the worst one I've been to. The venue and facilities were excellent (no criticism there at all) but many of the bands couldn't even sing/play properly and most of them were 'soundalikes' of more famous bands. I won't be going there again. I hope you find something that you like here music wise because I've given up. There is more going on in Bristol than here.

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Hi there are definitely loads of gigs in Melbourne and the surrounding areas so you will be spoiled for choice! A lot of them are local artists you may not have heard of before so you will have loads to discover. The Corner Hotel is a good example, and there are a couple of great spots in St Kilda too, like The Espy.


My son Nathan G does a gig there sometimes, he is in UK at the moment with his music

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest joeyfinnz

Hi everyone, I am planning a working and holiday visa trip to Melbs soon. I am wondering if anyone has any good leads as to where I can find work in the Audio Visual industry. I am a sound mixer with experience in live sound, recording, video, lights and integration. Any advice would be a great help. Thanks




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