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HELP.... 457 problems.....!


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I am truly hoping someone can help me. Our potential employer submitted his paper based sponsorship and nomination application on 23rd march. After waiting ten full weeks on a sponsor/nomination approval number to submit our e457, I gave up and last week submitted a paper based application. At Q40 it ask for either a nomination approval number or a nomination permission request identifier number. As the employer has Insisted for ten weeks he has heard nothing from DIAC Melbourne I left the box empty ad had neither number! We e mailed the Dept querying any progress and the reply states we should have eiher of those two numbers, and also that it is up to the sponsor to chase the application, he did ring in five weeks ago but was told by DIAc he should hear in a couple of days. This is an extract of the e mail I received from Melbourne;

Question 40 on paper form 1066 requires:

If the application for approval as a standard business sponsor and nomination application have been lodged or approved, please indicate the Nomination Permission Request Identifier or the nomination approval number ..

So my prob now is I am starting to worry could DIAC Melbourne never have recieved the sponsors application? Is it standard to received even a conformation letter to acknowledge receipt of any paper application? Any advice would be much appreciated as our sponsors application is now in 11 long weeks, and he claims not to have had any comms from DIAC!

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This must be so annoying for you !!

Has your future employer contacted them to find out if it has been received ? I would contact them if I were you.


Good Luck x

We have contacted them by phone and email, initially they stated we needed employers ABN to chase the progress up, but after employer gave us his ABN we rang and they won't discuss HIS application with us- which I can understand

. When employer rang with ABN five weeks ago they apparently told him he should hear by a few days time. But he didn't exactly tell us that he has definite conformation of DIAC either receiving or processing it. I have e mailed him about the nomination approval or request number he should have and told him nicely he himself really needs to chase this up! I'm preg and have exactly 12 weeks left to fly within. If his app has went missing in mail we need to find an already approved business sponsor and quick!! To have any chance..

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I am truly hoping someone can help me. Our potential employer submitted his paper based sponsorship and nomination application on 23rd march. After waiting ten full weeks on a sponsor/nomination approval number to submit our e457, I gave up and last week submitted a paper based application. At Q40 it ask for either a nomination approval number or a nomination permission request identifier number. As the employer has Insisted for ten weeks he has heard nothing from DIAC Melbourne I left the box empty ad had neither number! We e mailed the Dept querying any progress and the reply states we should have eiher of those two numbers, and also that it is up to the sponsor to chase the application, he did ring in five weeks ago but was told by DIAc he should hear in a couple of days. This is an extract of the e mail I received from Melbourne;

Question 40 on paper form 1066 requires:

If the application for approval as a standard business sponsor and nomination application have been lodged or approved, please indicate the Nomination Permission Request Identifier or the nomination approval number ..

So my prob now is I am starting to worry could DIAC Melbourne never have recieved the sponsors application? Is it standard to received even a conformation letter to acknowledge receipt of any paper application? Any advice would be much appreciated as our sponsors application is now in 11 long weeks, and he claims not to have had any comms from DIAC!


You really need to insist on some sort of progress report and information from your sponsor as your visa application is reliant on the sponsorship and nomination applications.


Although processing times vary, the timeline above seems long.


Currently the 457 program is working quite well and I am personally seeing approvals within 4 weeks of lodgment or better.


You would expect them to at least have a reference number or ID for their applications.

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