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Seeing as i'm moving to oz soon, and am an avid gamer, thought i'd see if anyone else out there like to play?


This is not a thread abotu PS3 vs Xbox, but it can be used to reminisce about old machines and games, and just general chat about computer games in particular.


Im curious as to how xbox live compares uk vs aus. No doubt there will be a different firmware that will ahve to be downloaded, as my current one allows me access to sky etc, which will obviously not be relevenat down there.


Also, speaking of games, have just seen the trailer for Modern Warfare3... quite excited about it! i know its the same old stuff, but its great at what it does....


Anyways, feel free to add in your current thoughts/comments.

BTW: m,y xbox gamertag is sn0wcr45h, feel free to add me for a game of MW2

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Enjoy(ed) a bit of online gaming (Zombie maps on CoD), but unfortunately since moving to a more regional are of Oz, my ping times are now atrocious, so no more online gaming for now. Roll on the National Broadband Network, a fibre connection would go down a treat:yes:

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ps3 and 360 owner.

casual player, just ambling through LA Noire at the moment.


I must say I am quite looking forward to Duke Nukem next week. Thats going to be excellent.


Have to agree about the pings. The solution is to friend lots of Australian players and get used to playing with them :D

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ps3 and 360 owner.

casual player, just ambling through LA Noire at the moment.


I must say I am quite looking forward to Duke Nukem next week. Thats going to be excellent.


Have to agree about the pings. The solution is to friend lots of Australian players and get used to playing with them :D


Duke Nukem:yes:, THE most politically incorrect game ever :laugh:, aah, many a happy day playing Duke Nukem 3D over a LAN.

Boy, the 14 years has positively flown by waiting for the sequel !

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Are the ping times really that bad??

Am moving to perth and have been worrying about this.


Anyways, LA Noire and mass effect 2 have been taking up alot of time for me (as well as boxing up stuff for my move) Think i'm gonna have to aspend less time playing and more time boxing if i want to get everything away on time.

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Guest JK2510

The OH loves COD but the online gaming is really poor here in Perth. The quality of the game playing is 2 bars throughout and he is gutted that he has lost that side of gaming.

He brought LA noire for $78 which was a great price.

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Im a very active gamer too but more into pc games than console.


Mostly, I play racing games, but the simulation ones not arcade, like Live for speed, GTR series, rFactor, iRacing etc. Got all the racing setup with the G25 wheel etc.


I also play Americas army, Call of Duty and many others but mainly offline.


Having said that, I haven't played a single game in the last 5 months since we arrived in oz. But now it's the time to start again.



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Guest Dom89

Im moving to perth this september with family and always wondered what the connection would be like between me and my friends in england. I've always been a huge fan of gaming, especially shoot em ups and base building like starcraft/warcraft online play. But if anyone plays these types im always up for new gaming players to play with.

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Im moving to perth this september with family and always wondered what the connection would be like between me and my friends in england. I've always been a huge fan of gaming, especially shoot em ups and base building like starcraft/warcraft online play. But if anyone plays these types im always up for new gaming players to play with.


I live in Sydney and regularly game with my mate back in the UK via the 360.

There are caveats though.


I use it more as a means of communication than a pure gaming session. Generally what happens is we end up nattering and playing free-roam GTA4 or RDR and just ambling around blowing stuff up, whilst chatting.

(Or something turn based like Snooker/Poker/Billiards on XBLA!)


For that scenario its fine. However if you wanted to play something fast paced and frantic like COD, expect to suffer pretty bad. Even with the NBN (in however many years time) it still doesn't change the fact that the signal has 13,000 miles to travel.

PC gamers can probably alleviate this a little by selecting a dedicated server that is somewhere approximately in the middle, like Los Angeles.


Basically it depends what you play.

PC online > Console online for connectivity, but it still wont be the same.


Also make sure you sort out a decent internet provider (maybe do a thread search in PIO as a start) when you get here, and also get used to the concept of quota limits for downloads. They are getting better, but when I got here in 2007 the packages were dire. They were advertising 20GB download limit as a "MASSIVE" amount, and the charges for going over were indeed "MASSIVE".

I got used to my unlimited downloads in the UK and just assumed it was the norm. Australia is still behind the 8-ball when it comes to internet infrastructre.

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Sigh. I remember the 'good old days' of tape loading Spectrum games, or 'Gods' on the Amiga ('Into...the impossible....Into....the impossible - such a good tune). Ye gads I feel old.


I sort of hope we don't have as much time to WoW in Australia - hopefully we will be too busy down at the beach or something else lovely, plus it seems all of our realms are dead nowadays (or is everyone just level 85 now and never play any low level content/love level auction house stuff?).


Must say the last few years we haven't upgraded consoles, so apart from the Wii (still like a hula hooping session on the Wii Fit - I am a girl still after all :biglaugh: ), have managed to break free of the hold of PS etc which is just as well, when I think of all the hours I wasted whilst in my undergrad days on things like Jak and Dexter etc


Still miss The Wall though...happy days...

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Sigh. I remember the 'good old days' of tape loading Spectrum games, or 'Gods' on the Amiga ('Into...the impossible....Into....the impossible - such a good tune). Ye gads I feel old.

I can empathise there! I even downloaded the ZX spectrum app on my phone for some gaming nostalgia.


I sort of hope we don't have as much time to WoW in Australia - hopefully we will be too busy down at the beach or something else lovely.

I think its a bit of a misnomer that everyone in Australia is always down the beach or out and about being active. With the sun as harsh and brutal as it is, long stints at the beach are neither enjoyable nor advisable (skin cancer). Sometimes when the choice is either: put the sun screen on, put the hat on, go outside and start sweating in 40 degree heat with 90% humidity (if you are not heading to teh beach and have no means to cool off)....or stay in the air con and play a game, the latter option wins, hands down!


Of course you dont get sunbathing bikini clad girls in your loungeroom though :D

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Sometimes when the choice is either: put the sun screen on, put the hat on, go outside and start sweating in 40 degree heat with 90% humidity (if you are not heading to teh beach and have no means to cool off)....or stay in the air con and play a game, the latter option wins, hands down!


Of course you dont get sunbathing bikini clad girls in your loungeroom though :D


The joy of 'cold' SA will hopefully mean for most of the year though, we don't have the humidity (although in summer I have heard it can go a bit mental with heat waves of 46 degrees!) - so the beach will be better for us down there - and I'm not entirely sure the bikini clad girls are that much of a draw for me - I kinda prefer the male lifesavers (as long as the hubby isn't looking :biglaugh: )

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Guest Mimabean

Wow, just realised I'm going to have to complete, then sell a LOT of games before I head over as I'm pretty sure there won't be space in the backpack for a 360 and my trusty ps2.... I hope I run into plenty of couchsurfers and hostels with gaming rooms... Yes I know I'm dellusional, Just trying to convince myself it's not worth getting LA Noire! :)

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Wow, just realised I'm going to have to complete, then sell a LOT of games before I head over as I'm pretty sure there won't be space in the backpack for a 360 and my trusty ps2.... I hope I run into plenty of couchsurfers and hostels with gaming rooms... Yes I know I'm dellusional, Just trying to convince myself it's not worth getting LA Noire! :)


I'm trying to work out if we can fit out our campervan with some sort of system :P


Although, I'm guessing getting internet in the Red Centre, or pretty much anywhere outside of the main towns, will be a no-no, and I think the husband will put his foot down at Satellite link, so no WoW for me for a bit probably lol.

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Guest Dom89
I'm trying to work out if we can fit out our campervan with some sort of system :P


Although, I'm guessing getting internet in the Red Centre, or pretty much anywhere outside of the main towns, will be a no-no, and I think the husband will put his foot down at Satellite link, so no WoW for me for a bit probably lol.


Lol I used to play WoW. Was fun but its changed so much. I mainly play on ps3 now, still fun but thinking about getting an xbox :P

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Guest Mimabean
I'm trying to work out if we can fit out our campervan with some sort of system :P


Although, I'm guessing getting internet in the Red Centre, or pretty much anywhere outside of the main towns, will be a no-no, and I think the husband will put his foot down at Satellite link, so no WoW for me for a bit probably lol.


If you managed to pimp your camper with that kinda set up you would be a bloody legend!

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Guest Dom89
If you managed to pimp your camper with that kinda set up you would be a bloody legend!


Haha :P im not sure what we are doing when we move, still yet to decide :P when we sold what we have here and move over, hoping to get myself an xbox or so :P but yeah pimping out a camper with stuff like that would be immense :P

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Guest Mimabean
Haha :P im not sure what we are doing when we move, still yet to decide :P when we sold what we have here and move over, hoping to get myself an xbox or so :P but yeah pimping out a camper with stuff like that would be immense :P


A friend of a friend pimped his with a severly bassy soundsystem, drink optics and I think a tv in the back of driver seats, that was insane. When ya off, I'll prob be selling my xbox, if ya fancy taking it over with you :)

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Can anyone confirm what the PS 3 offers you away from games in Oz (excluding Blue-Ray). For instance here in the UK we have iPlayer, 4OD, Lovefilm and all the films from Sony themselves. Obviously iPlayer and what not is missing, but is there any alternatives and the same film selection in Australia? As you probably know your consoles become restricted by what contents they can offer you depending on your region and the licensing agreements Sony has in place.

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Can anyone confirm what the PS 3 offers you away from games in Oz (excluding Blue-Ray). For instance here in the UK we have iPlayer, 4OD, Lovefilm and all the films from Sony themselves. Obviously iPlayer and what not is missing, but is there any alternatives and the same film selection in Australia? As you probably know your consoles become restricted by what contents they can offer you depending on your region and the licensing agreements Sony has in place.

theres the video market place from Sony. (in teh playstation store I think)

Their new 'classic film' rental thingy, I cant recall the name. called MUBU or something

Music Videos

Music subscription service

ABC view - similar to iplayer

Chanel 7 player - again similar


The thing to watch out for in Aus download quotas applied by ISP's. When I first moved here I was genuinely shocked by how poor and limited the ISP offerings were (20GB per month!). There are some decent ish packages now though (500GB etc)

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Good to see this thread still going...


Sigh. I remember the 'good old days' of tape loading Spectrum games, or 'Gods' on the Amiga ('Into...the impossible....Into....the impossible - such a good tune). Ye gads I feel old.



Oh yeah.... had all the old systems, speccy 16k (with the rubber keys!), 48k, 128k+2 and 128k+3, vic 20, c64, and the amstrad. (chuckie egg, harrier attack etc... classic games! Also remember Robocop being on top of the speccy games list for like 2 years!!!)


Best thing was going to the library to get games for nothing, copying them to anothe tape, and giving the games back...


Moved onto amiga and still love rick dangerous. Classic game!

(Now that i think about it, kinda makes sense i would get into IT....)


The thing to watch out for in Aus download quotas applied by ISP's. When I first moved here I was genuinely shocked by how poor and limited the ISP offerings were (20GB per month!). There are some decent ish packages now though (500GB etc)


Is 500Gb a download limit, or a bandwith limit? isw there such a thing as unlimited tariffs in oz? need to know, as i use IT alot, have tunnels setup to servers in the UK, and will probably be watching most of my tv via eztv.it 500GB probably wouldn't be enough for me!


Can anyone confirm what the PS 3 offers you away from games in Oz (excluding Blue-Ray).


Ditto for the Xbox please. Will i still have skype, last.fm etc??


Just watched the E3 Microsoft conf on xbox. The trailer for Tomb raider looks really interesting. Never been a fan really before, but this looks like something i would buy and play...

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Guest Dom89
A friend of a friend pimped his with a severly bassy soundsystem, drink optics and I think a tv in the back of driver seats, that was insane. When ya off, I'll prob be selling my xbox, if ya fancy taking it over with you :)


nice :P this september hopefully :P just when everything gets sold really :)

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Good to see this thread still going...

Is 500Gb a download limit, or a bandwith limit? isw there such a thing as unlimited tariffs in oz?

Ditto for the Xbox please. Will i still have skype, last.fm etc??


Just watched the E3 Microsoft conf on xbox. The trailer for Tomb raider looks really interesting. Never been a fan really before, but this looks like something i would buy and play...

the quota is the download (and upload limit).


there are unlimited packages but they are fairly recent. Some advertise 'unlimited' but be careful and read the small print as they may simply throttle the speeds after a certain limit.

Check some of these: Internode, TPG, iiNet, AAPT for some examples.

Avoid Telstra. ethically they are shocking have held back Australian IT infrastructure for ages with a pseudo monopoly on the infrastructure. When I got here in 2007 my OH's folks were on a 200MB allowance. MB!!


In relation to Xbox Australia; its a little crap I'm afraid. Last FM doesnt work, Sky Player obviously wont either, the video market place is only a fairly recent thing and is a little limited.

They have Foxtel through the xbox, but i cant vouch for it as I havent tried it.


Agree about the new Tomb Raider. Looks great.

Also from E3: Uncharted 3, Skyrim and Rage caught my eye too.

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sorry forgot to add:

Microsoft will not change the location of any current XBL accounts. My account is still a UK one but i can not access any of the uk features like last fm.

Also, if you buy any recharge cards for XBL points or gold membership in australian shops, they will not work on the UK account as they are region protected. You can get around this buy grabbing points and membership online from places like http://www.maximuscards.com.


MS solution:create a new account.


Its a bit of a pain to be honest!

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