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457 Employment terms and Conditions

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Hi everyone,


Is it normal for a company to pay 25% of an hourly rate as a bonus and if the employee leaves within the two years then that 25% has to be paid back to the company?


I have heard that relocation, flights and visa costs being repaid but this 25% would far exceed such costs and in this case the relocation isn't being paid!


It would be great to hear from anyone who has this nature or similar clause in their contract of employment.



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I'm not an expert but I've not heard of this.


A company that my OH had a job offer have said that for the visa and other things they are paying out for costs them around $7000 and in the contract it says that if he leaves with 2yrs then he has to pay back the $7000 costs and if its between 2 and 4yrs then he has to pay back 50% of the $7000


I think the offer my OH had was around $47,000 a yr, Does the remaining 75% of your salary fall below the wage threshold ??


Your best off speaking to a solicitor.


http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/457-market-salary-rates.htm#c check out the notes here

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Guest MontyClaude

Be careful about the terms and conditions and make sure you have interpreted / understand them correctly. It sounds like this is going to be treated as a bonus rather than as a basic wage. Bonuses are ususally discretionary and can be revoked / reclaimed, basic salaries can't. The unions would have a heart attack at something like this.

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