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Personal Rant; Advive & comments appreciated

Guest Gothic Rose

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Guest Gothic Rose

Unsure which room is best for a rant ??? :confused:


Greetings one & All....


After Lemmings Excellent thread about Books Covers & Judgements I just want to have a Rant about a personal situation that's been bugging me, but cheifly it affects my Husband. He is a really great guy. Circumstances have meant that he is currently out of work. He lives in inner North Brisbane. Now he may not have a paid job but he is far from Lazy & has been working hard doing voluntary work, hoping to get a paid position, or to be in a place where he meets people, who can give him a heads up if they know of any jobs going.


He has worked long hours at a charity depot on the loading dock. Also helped with labouring & rebuilding during the Brisbane Floods & also helped with pyrotechnics at Firework & monster truck events which were to raise money for the flood victims, He's often been doing 15hr days all unpaid trying to prove himself & get taken on by an employer.


At the well known charity organisation he has proved popular with his co-workers & customers & has really made a difference in terms of their profits, I'm shocked at how much these charities throw away. He has been trying to stop so much being wasted & spotted several antiques the other guys wanted to trash & sent things through to the shop. One of the shop managers told him she'd taken $6000 dollars in one day with stuff he was organising & sending through to the shop.


My husband is intelligent, hard working & a very polite guy, he is also scrupulously honest & very highly principled. However There is one man on the managerial side of the company, who has taken against my husband. It can be only based on his appearance as he is a Goth like me. For work he dresses in casual clothing the same as anyone else. But He does have one complete sleeve of Tattoos another large Tattoo on the other arm they are artistic tattoos & not ugly, a neck Tattoo & Several ear piercings & a pierced eyebrow. He has short but spikey black hair. & Is slim.


Male Goths are often thought intimidating on initial appearance when not working he dresses Goth Smart good shirts & alternative suit jackets & Leather pants, ankle length leather coat in winter Goth boots etc. But for work it's just casual so I dont think he can appear any different to any bloke with tattoos its not unusual.


However new people start working for this charity & get employed & he kept getting past over. So he asked several times if he had a chance at employment & was encouraged to keep trying. This has continued for several months while he's been working hard to get other jobs & been trying to help me sort my Visa. He asked a couple of weeks ago is their any chance of being employed EVER, after the latest new guy started there & was not only employed but also given a $500 voucher to furnish his unit. That guy was in a really similar position to my husband but was given preferental treatment my husband has bought loads of stuff & always paid for it, no vouchers for him. This charity takes on people with all kinds of social, & mental health issues. My husband Has No issues that prevent him from working , has No drug or alcohol issues & no criminal record. But this particular manager is very prejudiced.


So speaking to an under manager my husband found out there was a rumour that he was Never going to get a paid Job because he was " too sick to work " he enquired what was supposed to be wrong with him & was told they'd found out he had advanced Kidney disease & was thus unemployable. He was baffled as how such a rumour came about. & went to clear things up with the manager who treats him badly. He told the guy that he had No kidney disease or issues that prevent him from working. & the manager said " oh I didn't realise you were wanting a job" so infuriating. So he asked my husband if he'd be a truckers off sider, & my husband said sure no problem he'd take any oppotunity & was also willing to go on any courses they'd send him on etc. so the guy said he'd bear him in mind.


Well on saturday, my husband went to work & everyone he normally gets on with were being a bit off with him, & he found out the latest rumour is that " a guy who works on a saturday (HIM) has been passing goods on to people without payment & hiding furniture so people can retrieve it without paying. That would be totally against his principles & he is outraged to be placed in a position where he is under suspicion & spoils his reputation. Just so this guy isn't forced to employ him. It's all been set up as an implication, no real evidence but just enough to cast doubt over his honesty & integrity. But I doubt he can get so much as a refrence after months of working his butt off for a charity that wont even give him a fair go.


So I've said just never go back, I'm All for making a stand but this is one we cant win. So this is another delay in my getting over to Australia. It would really make a huge difference if my husband could get full time paid work so anyone know of jobs in Brisbane let me know. Another issues in getting employed has been the fact he doesn't have a car, most jobs stipulate the need for your own transport.


We've been advised it would help our Visa application if we could spend more time together. We are trying to be responsible by putting the search for work at the forefront of our plans. We dont have money to fritter away on flights but if anyone knows of any real cheap deals on Brisbane to London etc also let me know please. It's tricky searching from this side as most searches are showing flights going the other way. It will be for a three month return trip from now onwards.....


Thanks your thoughts & advice appreciated :notworthy:

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Guest guest30085

Hi Rose :hug:


Im afraid if I start giving my opinion on the above treatment of your OH, we may be here all day :mad::wink:


Could you help him at all? Maybe start being pro-active in Job Searching etc - send his CV off online for him, fill out application forms, review his CV- emphasising his voluntary work and filling in any gaps? He sure sounds like he's got a big heart - and as much as I admire his volunteering - you two have to put yourselves as a priority in order to be together again. He could always still volunteer somewhere maybe one day a week when he gets work.


I can give you plenty of Job Search Engine links - they are a permanent feature on my laptop :biggrin: - if you want help - Im more than happy to help you search if you let us know what type of work? Will he do anything?

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Guest Gothic Rose

Thanks Adonna, :hug:


Good Advice ,I'm doing a lot of job searching for him most days & he had someone help organise his CV . so that bit is in hand to a certain extent & I also he agree he shouldn't volunteer as much. I think he just hates feeling lazy & tries to help where he can.


Transport is such an issue on Job requirements even something like removal firms where your driving there trucks etc require you to have a car. So that has been an issue.


He is also on the list for Customs officers they send him requests to reapply whenever they start recruiting but they have a lot of applications & are not hiring atm so we hope that may come around again soon. last time they said 1100 people applied & they interviewed 41. I think he'd be good at customs & i've seen many customs guys with Tattoos so fingers crossed on that one.


In the meantime its back to trawling the want ads.



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Guest guest30085

Im sure you will find that as one thing is sorted the rest should fall into place, its sounds like youve done the hard slog already, with the separation etc. Good luck with it all, Im sure he will be sorted soon :)

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Guest Gothic Rose
Hi Rose :hug:

if you let us know what type of work? Will he do anything?


Well he will try most things if someone will take him on. He is used to outdoors work mainly he has a lot of experience in gardening work, though he hasn't got the " tickets"


He was a jackaroo for over tens yrs looking after 10,500 head of cattle on a huge property , he lived alone in a tin shack on 120,000 acres but he says that's a single mans life & now he is married he wants to live in a more suitable way for us as a couple.


He can drive most things & is a bit of a jack of all trades. It's a shame it's so expensive to get all the " tickets" for training courses.


He would be interested in jobs with on the job training. But is basically openminded to oppotunities


We haven't seen each other for about 14 months now other than web cam, we are very close regardless of distance though.

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Guest guest30085
Well he will try most things if someone will take him on. He is used to outdoors work mainly he has a lot of experience in gardening work, though he hasn't got the " tickets"


He was a jackaroo for over tens yrs looking after 10,500 head of cattle on a huge property , he lived alone in a tin shack on 120,000 acres but he says that's a single mans life & now he is married he wants to live in a more suitable way for us as a couple.


He can drive most things & is a bit of a jack of all trades. It's a shame it's so expensive to get all the " tickets" for training courses.


He would be interested in jobs with on the job training. But is basically openminded to oppotunities


We haven't seen each other for about 14 months now other than web cam, we are very close regardless of distance though.


Maybe he could go for more regional work in the interim - it seems like hes got enough experience. Just to give you time to save up and then maybe look for somewhere more suitable? I dont know if that would work for a few months as the visa's are currently taking about six months to process.


You might find you like it :wink: - to me it sounds like heaven at least to experience for a few months to a year or so. Away from car alarms, house alarms and at least there wont be any double glazing salesmen :laugh:


Ask Mr Lemmings to help on how to sort you a website out, he responds very well to flattery :wink:, then you can sell online from wherever you are :hug:

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