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Tax Credits &%&**^!!


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We moved out to Queensland the beginning of March. I have written 2 letters and made a phone call informing them of the change of circumstances and yet Tax Credits are STILL paying me! Anyone else had this problem? I am now thinking of just shutting my bank account to stop them paying me. How ridiculous are they?

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Keep sending them letters and calling them, and keep copies.


They did this to me and I wrote and called them every month. At the end of the year, they said we have paid you too much - and we are not going to pay you any more. I proved that I had taken every possible action to limit my payments, and I said they would put me in hardship if they cut me off.


They wrote the money off! Yippee.


(Just make sure you keep the money safe somewhere in case they do ask for it back - and don't spend it!)

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Yep I wrote to them before we left and phoned to make sure they got the letter. They kept paying me for 5 months. For the first 2 months I phoned them and sent them more letters. After that I gave up as it is so expensive to phone them from Oz. They eventually stopped paying me in December but I haven't heard from them since. I have kept copies of the letters I sent and have the phone calls recorded on our bills for when they try to claim it back. They are completely useless!

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I phoned them to say I was leaving too but heard nothing else! will keep an eye on my account then.Noticed they have paid me once but only just got out here so not sure if payments came in back pay. Thanks for advice on keeping copies of letters etc though.

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Guest Deacons

All the tax credit payment that the taxation authority has paid you or still paying, you should put the money aside in a safe or something protected as they will ask you to return money at the end of payments.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest sleepysunday

Am I right in assuming because the tax credits are paid on the earnings of the previous year that they shouldn't ask you to pay anything back from the payments made up until you leave?


I just phoned to let them know we will be leaving at the end of September (as per the website) and they said there is nothing we can do until we have left. I asked about whether we would need to pay anything back and she said she simply can't answer.


What a totally useless system. It's not like I don't have enough to think about without having to remember to keep any payments to one side. :wacko:

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I rang to say we are leaving soon. They said thats fine will cancel it from that date. 2 weeks later get a letter saying wont cancel it because the 'change' in circumstances has not occurred yet please inform them of when it has. So will phone 2 days before we have left saying we have left and hope that works. Why do they make it so difficult!

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