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Should I send my registration application off yet?

Guest mmafighter

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Guest mmafighter

Hey guys/girls,


Been looking at the forum and found it very helpful for a few issues iv come accross whilst planning to work in Oz, so decided to join up!


I sent my CV off to a nursing recruitment company on tuesday and they got back to me today and said my skills and experiance are of a great intrest to them but i need to obtain my nursing registration over there first before we can go any further with my application.


I did do some research before sending my CV but stupidly didnt realise that part!


So i downloaded and printed off the application for overseas nurses (AGOS-04 form).


Now this is where i am upto, and here is my problem..


Me and my girlfriend have been together 3 years but dont live together although she practically lives in my mum and dads house with me and has for 2 years we have nothing to prove so. She doesnt have a profession and would rely on me (I think) to get in to Australia to work.


Would it be worth me sending this application form off yet and paying the application, registratation and assessment fee and not being sure whether my girlfriend would be able to come with me pending everything goes through ok?


The company say that they will put me in touch with a migration agent but thats once i have the registration so really stuck at the minute with no one to ask.


Any of you guys/girls experianced anything similar? Would appreciate any help, thanks!

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Guest guest36187

Welcome to PIO. Hope that you get some help.


I would suggest calling a couple of agents and getting some advice. Many good agents will give you a short consultation for free. George Lombard,Cheryl Bird, Alan Collett all post on here and may be able to help.

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Guest siamsusie

Welcome to Poms In Oz MMAfighter,


I do hope you enjoy our forum, ask away there is always someone to to give you advice.



Susie x

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Guest mmafighter

Thanks very much for that Joanne i'll definitley do that!


Cheers Susie, i have a million questions to ask just biding my time lol!

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Guest guest36187

No worries mmafighter! Ask all your questions. There is usually someone to help and if there isn't someone will normally give you a link to somewhere that will!!!!!

Good luck x

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I guess the first thing is that you need to look into wether your relationship will meet the criteria of defacto to enable your girlfriend to be on your application. Once I had a positive skills assessment I then applied for my registration, some people apply for their registration then do a modified skills assessment to get their visa. There are a number of agents that you yourself can approach - but in order to work you will have to do the registration at some point. If I were you, i'd first look at the visa options.

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have you tried emailing hospitals seeking employment directly with them? They will (or should) help you with the visa process if they are sponsoring you to go over, meaning you may not need to pay for an agent, or seek employment though an agency?

Also, which visa do you intend to go for? Im not too sure about Permanent Residency, or any other visas for that matter, but I have been offered a 457 and my partner can come with me and do whatever he wants when we get there, provided the hospital continue to employ me.

With regard to proving your relationship, I have read about people producing photographs, and old plane tickets to show how long they have been together. Might be worth contacting the immigration office in London (the link is somewhere on www.immi.gov.au) about this?

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