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Bit of advise..


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OK here goes


Im an Australian citizen who moved back to the UK 11 years, I hold UK and Australian passports and have now married my partner (been together 10 years) and have 2 children together.


My question is:


Do I register the children as Australian Citizens and get my wife to apply for a partner visa




Apply for the partner visa for the wife and put the kids on her application as dependants?


Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


Cheers Ben :biggrin:

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Hi Riggsy - there is a bit of hassle either way.


If you register them as Aussie's they will need Aussie passports - as you can't get a Visa to enter Australia if you are an Aussie citizen - passport is the only way. (I don't know how they know - but they do) You have to go to Australia house in person to get the passports - (but you don't need to take the kids). The photos for Aussie passports are a pain - I always get a professional to take them.


Even with all this hassle and expense - it's probably easier and cheaper than getting them on your wife's visa.


Another possibilty would be to enter them on temp tourist Visa's, and then get citizenship for them when you get there. That way you wouldn't have to get passports. (It is expensive having two passports for the kids as they only last 5 years) But you might get some jobsworth who questions why your wife is migrating and your kids are tourists.


Life would be much easier if the govt just said - ten years married/defacto to an Aussie, you can prove it? Fair enough - you've got citizenship. (My wife thinks she should get a medal as well)

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