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Email from Diac re 176 visa


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I got an email today bout my visa application for 176 family sponsored visa. We applied for it about 1 month ago and the email I got this morning was to say that a case officer will be assigned to us in 3 months from the date of the email and we should get our meds and police checks done now. This seems very quick. Im pregnant now so cant get meds done yet and Im starting to panic. Will I still be left waiting ages after this or does this seem quick to others. I was thinking visa would take bout 3 years???? HELP.. thanks!

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Its a bit scary now tho... Im wondering if this is just a standard email they send to people and the waiting time will still be the same... or is it unusual for them to be asking for meds and police checks already... said it will speed it all up for when CO is assigned within 3 months.

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Guest myboysjam

hi there i also got that email im also a carpenter. i have had my application lodged for about 9 months now so hopefully this is the a good sign and hopefully wont have to wait to long

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Guest jackfrew

We lodged on 4/2/11 and got a case officer on 24/2/11. Meds done on 5/3/11 and police checks sent away on 2/3/11. So it has been quick. The hospital we went to said they were asked by DIAC to open on Saturday's to help with the demand. We went to a seminer on 12/2/11 and WA and VIC migration officals were at it. They said they are trying to get as many trades in as possible before the July changes. So this is great news for a lot of us.


Good luck with it all.


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Guest Taylor72
Its a bit scary now tho... Im wondering if this is just a standard email they send to people and the waiting time will still be the same... or is it unusual for them to be asking for meds and police checks already... said it will speed it all up for when CO is assigned within 3 months.



I would say this is pretty normal if the trade is in demand, so you had better get cracking and sort out those meds :wink: You will need to check about what happens re xray cos your pregnant.

Im a nurse so skill in demand. We had the same email in the middle of November 2010 had our meds done week before xmas and got our visa grant on the 28th Jan 2011. So it was really quick.

Take care

Annette x

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You will need to check about what happens re xray cos your pregnant.



I would stongly urge that you check this out ASAP as I suspect the xray cannot be completed and therefore the entire application would be put on hold awaiting the birth.


However this is only anecdotal, from threads on this forum, so would certainly need confirmation, I mention it as a warning and advise you contact the DIAC asap.


- 4lan.

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So you think by me not having my meds when CO is appointed to my case it will shove me to back of the q? Im really starting to panic now. I have mailed the places here in Ireland that do the meds to see what the say regarding me being pregnant. Cant see them allowing me to do it till after baby is here. Oh lordy!

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PS. Remember also the need to validate (enter Australia) within 12 months of medicals and police clearance certificates (whichever is earlier), and the need for a visa for baby if born outside Australia.


If baby is born in Australia when you have permanent residency visas baby will become an Australian citizen at birth.

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My present recommendation is to progress matters as much as you can, while the pathway is available to you.


Stranger things have happened in recent years than skilled visa pathways that existed are removed without notice.


As already noted, discuss the chest X-ray with the radiologist.


Best regards.

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Guest gmpjr241

tfarrell - we are in the exact same situation. Other half is pregnant and we have the same email from DIAC. Looks like we are going to have to wait until the baby is born before we do the meds as no where will actually xray whilst pregnant (even though DIAC are fine with this). Shame the timeframes werent clearer att he outset so we could have planned better. We also should be a Prioroty 2 but for some reason being processed as a Priority 3, if they'd been processing us correctly we would have had a case officer by now and completed the xrays before the pregnancy... we're very early days so another 9 months added to the process! Its never easy, but at least they are progressing.... Agree thats its best to explain when we get the case officer; Im still intersted to hear if they ever grant a visa with the other half not having done the xray, i.e. then do it in oz?

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Its good to know someone else in the same boat. We are deffo gonna wait till CO is assigned and then do meds when I have the baby. We are in no mad rush to get the visa and we were quite happy to wait a couple of years. Will see how it goes. I cant see them granting visa unless all meds are done including xray but you never know. They seem to be getting things moving now so its all positive I think! Congrats on the pregnancy.. hopefully the 9 months fly by :-)) Ive just two months left and it cant come quick enough!!!

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To give my recommendation some context, we had a client who applied for a general skilled visa a few years ago, under the old 136 Skilled Independent subclass.


The request to attend medicals was issued by the case officer at the ASPC. The lady in the application was then expecting a child, so they asked for the application to be placed in abeyance.


Subsequently skilled visas were substantially overhauled into what we see now: 175s and 176s, etc. Skilled visas were also re-prioritised as to the order of processing. The applicants found themselves in a much lower processing group, and were (as I recall) eventually subject to the cap and cease provisions affecting the old GSM applications that had not been finalised - they withdrew their visa application.


I don't mean to be alarmist, but when you defer medicals you open up the risk that processing changes might arise and adversely impact on your visa application.


Best regards.

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Thanks for the advice Alan but Im still going to hold off and do medicals when the baby arrives :-) Im due in June so will have meds booked for end of June. When CO is assigned I will explain it to them... it will prob all happen around the same time anyway!

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Guest gmpjr241

Thanks for your reply Alan; we would be prepared to undertaking the medicals after the first trimester of the pregnancy however when I approached the DIAC approved health centre in Manchester they actually wont do the X-Ray on my partner. Hence we have no choice but to wait for the baby to be born and to defer the medicals. If you are aware of somewhere that does still do the X-rays so we could proceed I would be grateful for your knowledge?

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Guest KookyK

Hey. Don't worry. I did my meds X-ray when 22 weeks pregnant. They reduce the radiation levels as far as they can (almost half that of my husbands xray) and you wear a really thick lead vest over your belly. They aim the radiation at your chest ( notnyour womb). There is not much research (obviously) into what damage an X-ray does but the UK NHS advises that it is not thought to pose a risk to the unborn baby. Good luck

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Guest gmpjr241

Thanks KookyK - this is the first time Ive heard of someone actually doing an X-Ray. We have friends that are doctors and they say it should be fine as well. However my issue is Manchester said they wouldnt do it - due to the centre's policy. Can I ask where did you get your medicals done please?

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