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Phew! Got there in the end


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Hi guys, just wanted to let you know that we got our permanent residency today!! Yay! After 3 years of living here on a 457 visa we are officially residents. It's been a pretty wild ride, we came on a complete gamble that everything would work out, very little money and nothing but suitcases and a job for one of us. We have slept on floors, and lived from hand to mouth for a good six months until we managed bit by bit to scrape out a life here. Took hubby 3 months to find a job and brissy is SO expensive those early days make me cringe when I think about it! But hard work (and I mean hard 7 days a week work!) and perseverance have brought us our dream of a new life. Was it worth it? Hell yeah! But our type of migration is not for the faint hearted! But we now find ourselves comfortable, still renting but much better than would have been possible in the uk. Planning a trip back in December to see all our wonderful people that we had to leave to get to this position. Life seems to be a big compromise sometimes. Is there anyone else out there who did this kind of thing on a shoestring budget with no house to sell?? I would love to hear your stories too. Finally a big thankyou to PIO for answering so many questions I had and saving me the hours of research on top of the hours I had already put in, you guys are wonderful. We are now proud Aussie Brits and will put in for citizenship in a year to make it official. Australia has given us a chance and we will be forever grateful to her for it.

A family of happy bunnies right now!!:v_SPIN:

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Guest AnubisUK

Brilliant post! Well done on everything coming together you guys deserve it after all that!! :clown-biggrin:

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Hi guys, just wanted to let you know that we got our permanent residency today!! Yay! After 3 years of living here on a 457 visa we are officially residents. It's been a pretty wild ride, we came on a complete gamble that everything would work out, very little money and nothing but suitcases and a job for one of us. We have slept on floors, and lived from hand to mouth for a good six months until we managed bit by bit to scrape out a life here. Took hubby 3 months to find a job and brissy is SO expensive those early days make me cringe when I think about it! But hard work (and I mean hard 7 days a week work!) and perseverance have brought us our dream of a new life. Was it worth it? Hell yeah! But our type of migration is not for the faint hearted! But we now find ourselves comfortable, still renting but much better than would have been possible in the uk. Planning a trip back in December to see all our wonderful people that we had to leave to get to this position. Life seems to be a big compromise sometimes. Is there anyone else out there who did this kind of thing on a shoestring budget with no house to sell?? I would love to hear your stories too. Finally a big thankyou to PIO for answering so many questions I had and saving me the hours of research on top of the hours I had already put in, you guys are wonderful. We are now proud Aussie Brits and will put in for citizenship in a year to make it official. Australia has given us a chance and we will be forever grateful to her for it.

A family of happy bunnies right now!!:v_SPIN:



Yeah we did the same over a year ago now came with 700 pounds in our pocket. No house to sell. Always waiting for money before we came did'nt even book our flights till a week before, cutting it fine or what. Wondering are we aren't we going. Was owed 6,000 by a company not sure if we were gonna get it. OH's parents were chaising it up for us. So like you's living on a tight budget. Had to share a burger at the airport lol. Funny now but not then.

Had to leave our dog behind with a friend till we could afford to bring him. Got him 6 months later:D

Same as my boxes, which we will be getting in the next couple of weeks:D taken a while but got there.

Ression hit us hard in the uk so no savings or owt:(

Came to Oz with the promise of a job for OH who was a cabinet fitter.

Thanks to Cal n Gary we bought a car off them and is still running. Cheap and cheefull:D

Hubby went for the interview. They guy said yes you got the job:D Then the night before he was due to start, the guy didn't want him:OI. But he had a freind who had a rental. But it was 2 months rent free as long as we cleaned the place, painted it and eventually put a kitchen in. So not really rent free:OI

So we had no option but to take it.

Well I nearly died:( It was full of bugs (fobia) There had been a termite infection but was dealt with. Dusty and smelly. Crusty bugs attached to all curtains, dead roaches:I

I was in tears cleaning this place. There was bright blue and orange walls and skirting everywhere which we painted. Was a long hard slog:/

My kitchen was a table top with a hole cut out for the sink. Rotten cupboards and a gas cooker that was crap.

The guy who we rent from, turned out to be a retired gutter man. He told hubby to do it and he wouldn't look back. And his freind who owned the business cabinet fitting company asked OH to go and work for him for a while and he cos he was good at what he did, he didn't want him to leave then. Good he could prove himself.

But anyways OH is terrified of heights, but he turned trades and works for himself again. Doing guttering and sanding of houses and we havn't looked back since.

Our landlord helped us out big time.

We are still in the same place. Funny set up as Landlord lives on back side and us on the front. But we are looking to rent a bigger place now.

Our lifes couldn't be better.

Still getting on our feet.


And here we are living the dream:D

So yeah things can work out for the best:D


Well done to you too. Hard and scarey when you don't have anything.

But we proved it can be done.

Wish you all the best.

Cheers Brig x:wubclub::wubclub:

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These posts show that if you want it bad enough it can be done. An inspirational couple of posts for a lot of people in the UK who must be wondering if it's worth it now with the interest rates, house prices, exchange rates all working against them. I've seen a few posts where people say they don't like the term "living the dream" and others saying there's no such thing.


I have to disagree and say it is possible. Like Briggy above we still have to pinch ourselves sometimes and we've been here 19 years.

I was out paddling this morning before work and one of the guys I paddle with (Aussie, from Perth) just said "how lucky are we" as we were having a swim after the paddle. Can't argue with that.


All the best to Briggy and Bryam99. Congratulations.

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