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There's no place like home.... or is there!?

Joob joobs

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Hi there. I've been lurking for a few weeks now and thought I'd jump in and introduce myself...


This sounds really sad but my dream has always been to move to Aus since I was about 11 years old.


I visited for 3 months back in 2003 and loved every minute of it... when I returned to the UK at times I regretted going because then I knew what I was missing...


However, despite checking the lists, my job never seemed to appear in the wanted skills lists. So I thought time was getting on, I'm not as young as I used to be and it didn't look like there was any way I was going to manage to get over there. I decided to just get on with my life as it didn't look like it was ever going to happen.


However, at the start of the year there was an advert in my work looking for applications for the Australian part of the company, doing the same job. I applied, thinking I'd hear nothing furhter. I've since had a telephone interview, they have spoken to my boss for references and the contact from Aus will be over in the UK shortly to meet with me! :jiggy:


It has all happened so fast! There are no guarantees that I'll get it but I'm starting to get scared! It's been my dream for so long and it's only just hitting home that it may be a possibility. Help!!


Anyway, that's my story so far. Just wanted to introduce myself to the forum and say thanks for all the info I've gathered off this site so far. It's very much appreciated. :biggrin:

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Guest cricketbackinengland

Just shows you should be careful what you wish for. You might get it:-)


Sounds good. Probably best to wait till you read all the fine print and speak to the rep. Good luck with it all. You do sound excited.

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Guest siamsusie
I had my interview today and he's offered me a position in (probably) Brisbane or (possibly) Melbourne!! *does the happy dance*


Congratulations, I sense your excitement... I hope Australia is everything you want it to be.




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