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children from previous relationships


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My question is this. Am applying for residency under my partner via skilled application. We are taking my child with us. We need to get a letter from the father giving permission for us to take the child out of the country which I am hoping he will sign. Does anyone know how the letter needs to be drafted? and or if it needs to be signed by a third party ie. solicitor or would both parental signatures be enough?


thank you.

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I have a copy of the type of letter that needs to be written, if you want to write it out and send it to him he needs to sign it in front of solicitor and take his photo ID with him.


The letter is written out as if it was him writing so fill it in for him as if you are him do you understand that :wacko: confusing (pretend you are him) , if you want a copy pm me your email and I will email it to you.


My ex partner had no hesitation in signing so hopefully yours wont



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Guest motlyman


Can i just say that i had one of these signed by my ex. for consent to take my daughter out of the country.

Unfortunatly they can be rovoked as mine was at the last minute so in my opinion not worth the paper their written on.

The only way to be sure is to get a court order which unfortunatly takes time and also money.



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Why are they revoked, mine is currently being proccessed with case officer, do you mean ex partner can revoke it.





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Guest Brendan/Mandy

Hi RVN I had to get my ex to sign a Stat Dec to say the kids could go to OZ ect.. My agent typed out a quick letter to save my other half doing it (as some exs' could take their time in doing it) I dropped the letter to the solicitor who certified all our docs through our emigration process, phoned ex & asked if he would mind popping in to solicitors with ID & sign. Thank god no problem he went there next day!! I got solicitor to certify the letter (keep a copy) & sent it staight to agent to forward on for visas.


Good Luck Mandy

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Well if all goes to plan the childs father is emigrating too but at a later date. The plan would be to re draft the letter that Wardy sent me, re word it according to our situation, get the ex to take to solictor to type up on headed paper, along with photo Id and hopefully the solicitor would sign to verify it. Do you think that would be suffice?:nah:

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